Ballet Warm-up

Remember to keep proper posture through the warm-up. Likewise, engage all muscles, including legs, arms, abs, and glutes. If you do not control your movements this warm-up is worthless.


Ø     Turnout exercises

o       Lie on stomach, press bottoms of feet together. Keep pelvis flat. Feel the stretch in the hips. This is where proper turnout comes from.

o       Lie on your back. Place legs straight in front of you and slowly rotate from the hips to a turned out position. Notice the turnout comes from the hips and not the knees.

Ø     Plies

o       Begin in first position (arms in preparatory position for all demi plies) perform 4 demi plies followed by 1 grand plie.

o       Tendu to second position. Repeat with 4 demi followed by 1 grand.

o       Repeat through 3rd, 4th, & 5th positions using tendu to move from one to another.


**Each exercise that follows must be repeated on both right and left sides**

Ø     Tendu (toes never leave the floor, arms may stay in preparatory position)

o       Begin in 1st position. Tendu to the front (devant). Return to 1st position. Repeat 5 times.

o       Repeat to the side (a la seconde).

o       Repeat to the back (derriere).

Ø     Degage (Building on the tendu, the leg and foot extend off the floor)

o       Begin in 1st position. Degage to the front (devant). Return to 1st position. Repeat 5 times.

o       Repeat to the side (a la seconde).

o       Repeat to the back (derriere).

Ø     Rond de Jambe

o       Begin in 1st position. Tendu to the front (dot #1) Rond de Jambe touching dot #2 and ending at dot #3. Brush through 1st position and finish extending through to tendu. Remember to rotate from the hip. Hips should stay square to the front. Repeat 5 times.

o       Reverse. Repeat 5 times.

Ø     Grand Battement

o       Perform to the front and to the side. Repeat 10 times each direction.

o       Movement should be quick up (the kick) and slow down (placed back into 1st)

o       “Brush through the floor and throw the leg into the air. Then slowly place it back to the ground.”

Ø     Sauté jumps

o       Perform 3 sets of 10 sauté jumps beginning and landing in first position. Repeat in 2nd position.

o       Concentrate on extending legs, articulating the feet and performing a complete pointed toe.