Pioneer Little Europe Communities
by H. Michael Barrett

  1. On Building a Pioneer Little Europe
    1. Pioneer Little Europe's Vocabulary
  2. Pioneer Little Europe's Open Community Dynamics
  3. Pioneer Little Europe's Veterans Legion Perspective
    1. Pioneer Little Europe's Vocabulary for Veterans
  4. Cultural Revival in a Pioneer Little Europe
    1. The Gathered Culture
    2. Technology and the next Highest Form
    3. Pioneer Little Europe's Business Community
  5. The Roots of Pioneer Little Europe
  6. Frequently Asked Questions

On Building a Pioneer Little Europe
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Too many white Americans are uninformed about why their political position erodes toward disaster, but it is due to a variety of ethnic problems, both racial and cultural. And while it has been the custom for most to abandon the cities, removing their financial resources from the places their pioneer ancestors built because organized newcomers scapegoat them for every social malady, some of us prefer to circle our own wagons, so to speak, facing it right where we are. 

Primarily what that means for now, as every great task requires a conducive environment to work in where interference is reduced, is to establish a cluster of networking businesses; cultural, fraternal, and legal volunteer organizations inspired by our basic goals. 

For it's in these places, in Pioneer/Little Europes where the old nationalities can align and evolve into a cultural revival for all white Americans, that a new faith and ethical resistance can take root. In modern America "white" people commonly endure by taking a defeated posture whenever ethnic cultural matters are discussed; but for a number of us it's an imposed mask and we're going to throw it aside as soon as our vanguard implements this solution to our collapsing society. 

Great social changes continue to come, and everyone has some opinion about what we are in for, but the unexpected transforms into opportunities for those who are best prepared to grasp them. Mainstream Americans won't assert their natural rights until they are at least conscious of being a distinct people. Some suggest that others dominate the US government, often cutting our people off from the traditional leadership relied upon, but new leaders can arise from elsewhere. 

Electing a few polished political representatives is not going to be enough, however, we need environments which naturally transform disinterested members of the public into countless trained political leaders, those who are motivated to defend the interests of our communities by whatever means are necessary; for a totally transformed society is going to have to replace what is obsolete. 

The old order obstructs genuine self-determination for non-whites as well, and even succeeds in redirecting the hatred spawned from their disappointments onto our people, so let us look for opportunities to put a wrench into that strategy. Continuing a diplomatic tradition which contributed to the founding and development of this country, let us once again negotiate for non-white allies. 

Visualize a more technically advanced ethnic consciousness than was sufficient to sustain the old little Europes, a synthesis of technology and cultural integrity planted like seeds in every town of North America, and you have identified where our footing would not be defeated. There was a time when the nation was dotted with businesses having local character, then came chain stores, but our Little Europes must combine the friendliness of the former with the economic potential of the latter. This is what's done in Canadian culture, and we need a lot more of it to revitalize America. 

It is still early, but those of you with the proper skills must establish a cultural facility for a Little Europe to influence your town. Begin with a web page explaining the need for a cultural center (which will become more elaborate as the resources are available) and call on others in your community to assist in building up one particular area in the town or city where you live. 

The hippies built political communities in the sixties, the homosexuals built them in the 70s, and non-European American gangs have had them since the 80s; so there is no reason we can't have a place to assert our own political and individual interests. In small towns a few shops and a meeting space would be enough to begin, but activists in large cities must be determined to establish so much in close proximity that eventually the whole world will realize they are there. 

This will occasionally require drawing on the help of supporters who usually pay dues and let others carry the burden, but now we need to engage them to assist us directly from the places where they are already ideally positioned. Those in the real estate business can advise our people where to best concentrate their expenditures for rent, business investments, and cultural centers. 

Those who are involved in employment can look for people with the idealistic commitment new enterprises require. Those involved in law can represent the new community that also sustains them. Auto mechanics and other tradespeople can teach skills to the teenagers of parents who have come to trust only them. And security can be provided by those with reputations for fairness. 

The leaders who emerge from such communities will be more relevant and versatile than the existing leaders who are merely personal success stories, educate the uninvolved, don't prepare successors, lose elections even in areas of strong regional support, and are viewed as alien, racist, or fascist because they have an incomplete grasp of American's national political culture. 

When choosing your local geographical footing, take into consideration any resources which can contribute to the longevity of your plans; for example, there may be other ethnic cultural organizations to draw people near your organization, be it a book shop, souvenir manufacturing business, movie theater, fraternal organization. 

Consider also relocating a few outside activists. The stages are roughly this: Web page, casual socializing, formal meetings in rented space, and then property ownership. Cultural oriented businesses and fraternal organizations in close proximity become the new Little Europe. Your key activists can eventually organize in the most promising nearby areas; places best suited to support the functions of the main Little Europe. 

Keep in mind that our European American youth need the skills you offer, for a very rough future could eventually be in their hands. Include the retired and elderly, for a materialistic society is too ignorant to place proper value on them. Our elders need to be allowed back into their traditional position of respect, whatever their level of obvious usefulness, for our youth will benefit by them. 

One of the symptoms of those who suffer from too much big city living is their addiction to dissective criticism, an attitude which replaces normal civility. We sense it's there when criticisms routinely arrive unaccompanied by a helpful alternative, or when a barrage of criticisms is packaged as "good humored" insult. 

It's a spiritually poisonous attitude we associate with our opponents, those who delight in offending us, so our people should turn away and drive away as much of that as possible. Let it be replaced by the more frequent positive reinforcement we encounter outside the city, or anywhere we meet people with self-respect and a respect for others. 

And look for opportunities to engage the contributions of women on a wide front that's free of any domestic definition; for they are more commonly being denied their inclination to be within that definition. 

And throughout our journey let us appreciate that man invented the telescope to see distant stars, but a woman taught us how to calculate the distance. And when we read something inspiring about those who won their freedom in the past, especially European peoples, let us use it to raise the ethnic consciousness of our people here in America. 

Or when watching some entertainment like Riverdance, listen a little more carefully than other people do, for the inspiration in such rhythms is more powerful than a locomotive, and its time has come! 

Pioneer Little Europe's Vocabulary
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Pioneer Little Europe: A generic term for any local community where whites live in close proximity to businesses which offer cultural facilities and services consciously supporting their political revival. Often this is shortened to simply "Little Europes," when the speaker has already clarified that these are to be more highly evolved and determined Euro-American communities than seen in the past. 

In the first stage, a "consul's organization" may advance and represent many independent community interests. Use of terms like Little Europe will facilitate teaching others about community building and sharing ideas, but it will probably be superseded publicly by existing district names as happened to ethnic and lifestyle communities elsewhere. 

Little Europe Consul: A person who lives outside the geographical area of any established Little Europe (Little Europe in San Francisco is only a consulate), or outside where one would thrive for now, but who still represents the white community's interests there. 

Cultural Legionism: A long neglected responsibility of the veterans legion perspective, it refers to promoting and safeguarding the community interests of all Americans of European descent. 

Little Europe Politics: A full range of contrasting but pro-White ideological perspectives, from the many mainstream to the uncompromising militants, whose political representatives are regularly invited in to explain to our residents and business community exactly how they are advancing our interests, goals, and well being. Until that moment comes, "white leaders" inside and outside the system will not have to take their supporters seriously and account for much anything. 

Race: A value which "White" political parties have not been able to advance since the dispossession of the American variant of European culture, but it would rapidly progress in its highest evolved form (race AND culture) if promoted by a cultural revival from Little Europe. 

A New Race: White Americans of mixed European roots will not become a conscious and self determining variant of Western Civilization until they build Little Europes. 

Culture: The tools our people use to survive; this includes everything from tools in the real world, cyberspace, and the cultural clothing which must accompany race. 

Government: The people of Little Europe will initially support a contrast of contesting political parties, including mainstream parties,as whites already do. In the long run, however, it's possible that one particular political group may succeed in unifying the community by demonstrating it best represents all white interests. 

Boycott: A political pressure tactic guaranteed to fail when advanced by whites who advocate cultureless racism, but boycotting will have a sting on the first day that a real community such as Little Europe decides to employ it. 

The Ecosystems: In the 19th and 20th centuries a tremendous amount of damage was done to the world's ecosystem, including the extinction of many species, and many scientists have questioned whether there's enough to allow survival of the remaining species. A runaway self-centeredness was responsible for this state of affairs - especially from many Whites, and it reached its peak by the 1970s when a few Whites even began seriously considering the possibility of eliminating other races (and fellow Whites). In reality, however, the natural world - including the racial portion of it - was never intended to be the sole possession of any one creature or race. 

Community Organizing: The old white communities were easily displaced by our competitors through "community organizing," but the principles of this kind of activism are easily learned, based on observing the success of our competitors, and of a higher spiritual caliber than the usual addiction to pure dissective criticism. 

Nazism: Originally a propaganda word referring to German National Socialism, the builders of Little Europe must be prepared to endure hearing it being applied to themselves as well by opponents. Another charge you should be expected to hear is that "the Nazis are finally mainstreaming their act, much as Hugh Hefner took pornography out of the closet and into the local grocery store." In due time, however, the surrounding community will come to accept that most whites living in Little Europe will not be advancing Nazism, even in their most militant mindset, but rather the original principles of American Legionism. 

Racial Materialists: This refers to those who attempt to advance their race without the cultural values it created to survive. As they lack an authentic sense of community or restraint, they oppose the entire human ecosystem and arouse distrust among others like themselves who suspect that they too may become disposable. 

Human Ecosystem: The entire human race, which in varying degrees has natural tendencies for both inclusion and exclusion, opportunity and obstruction, and serves as a checks and balance system to any one individual, race, culture, or political movement. One of the most remarkable military victories in history, for example, was achieved by Hernan Cortez's use of the human ecosystem. Although he had brought along only about 400 Spanish soldiers with him when he landed in Mexico in 1519, he toppled the Aztec empire with the many allies he was able to win over during his legendary march inland. 

Historical Revisionism: All revisionist materials about WW2 will be welcome in Little Europe, along with a respectful attitude toward our United States armed forces and veteran's legions traditions. 

Political Revisionism: Ideological forms which are hostile to Little Europe's 100% American traditions; be they anti-white, Marxist, or Nazi cults. As Little Europe will be an open community, these ideas will come in, but they will be subject to protest. 

Building Society: A local group formed by a self appointed "consul" for the express purpose of eventually establishing a Little Europe or consul community. As with the future community (Little Europe), it must be open to contrasting white perspectives and not confused with a political party to be robbed of members and resources. Eventually the consul must be subject to a formal elective process, and the building society can evolve into maintaining and expanding the community. 

Dissective Criticism: This tool is of value when applied to opponents, or in assisting other members of the community out of their mistakes, but when it is used for egotistical reasons it becomes the chief cause of disunity. This last variation is usually unmasked when those addicted to it offer little positive reinforcement or reveal that they didn't study the proposal close enough to offer a valid correction. 

Pioneer Little Europe's Open Community Dynamics
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A Little Europe is a generic term for any local community where Whites live in close proximity to businesses which offer cultural facilities and services consciously supporting their political revival. 

Fonts of Revival: For centuries the United Kingdom and Ireland have been America's main connections to the nations of Europe and the world, which has a lot to do with language. And now thanks to the line of communication existing between the British National Party and the American Friends of the British National Party, our Little Europes have successful examples for establishing healthy relationships among Whites and going about the process of securing a worthwhile future for them. 

The BNP also advocates ethnic self determination for both Irish cultures, and leads all other parties in demanding Ireland for the Irish race, so Irish Americans are especially enthusiastic about their example - having themselves made vast contributions to the White nationalist cause here in the United States. 

Social Space: Observe birds on a street wire and you'll soon notice that they nearly always give each other social space; in fact, one of the indications of birds clashing is when space is rudely ignored. Human beings assert varying social spaces for themselves as well; personally and as ethnic groups (as in race and culture). 

Other races can't generally walk unmolested in Black neighborhoods, and residents of Chinese neighborhoods don't sell property to outsiders, but none of the organizers responsible for establishing those and many other expanding areas even attracts the attention of civil rights law enforcers. It will also be possible for us to establish Little Europes without illegality (as law-abiding as the present White community) . 

Renters Blitzkrieg: This peculiar sounding term was coined in the 1970s, and refers to a so called civil rights technique that was used - ironically - to overthrow a popular Irish working claass neighborhood in San Francisco. And probably few residents in most neighborhoods even realize it exists. 

It's a kind of moving sit-in that goes unnoticed for months, but the people stay permanently. Of course, little was said about the families who fled this massive wave of homosexual renters, but the tactic was not made illegal due to the impossibility of controlling where people choose to move. 

It has often been observed that our own movement has a disproportionate number of men, and a growing number of women, without the benefit of deep roots. They would be just as inclined to go where opportunities and adventure abound. And there are always new relationships, money, and opportunity wherever those with similar values move en masse; because many locals will prefer to go elsewhere. 

White merchants with self-hating attitudes will follow settled customers in flight, but they will drop prices and sell their shops to the strongest among the conscious-Whites before departing. 

At first glance most of the newcomers will look quite powerless, especially to those with long term career commitments or investments, but those who have little to lose are also the risk takers. A peculiar thing about all the community building projects which caused White flight is that they too began with an "invasion" of the poorest and most mobile (That's what that slogan on the Statue of Liberty once meant to Whites). 

Before giving the signal for your own land rush to begin, however, have advance scouts examine the cheapest clusters of rentable housing in your area, because the first wave of Whites isn't going to be choosey. This is very much like bringing relatives from the old country, so the less expensive it is for everyone the better. If you have middle class qualms about this, and that's understandable, try to get pass it. 

Think about how poor and rough the Chinese men were when they came without wives during the gold rush era, but now their families have almost half of San Francisco as their Little China. It wasn't an accident, their fraternal societies have done it that way for centuries, and you mustn't hesitate to release the highly coiled social power of Whites ready to go (Moving and rebuilding allows races to recover from difficulty). 

For decades liberals have been conditioning Whites, who are captured audiences of liberals in the old White communities, that they have no moral right to ethnic space. And our opponents go even further in removing the cultural infrastructure within our communities (race consciousness). But the subtle genocide will be halted for those who stand with us, building Little Europe(s) and promoting a cultural revival to erect strong supports - similar to the way timbers are lodged thhroughout a mine. 

Time Factor: Occasionally Whites who want to live in a race conscious community still say: "Wouldn't this take too long?," as they either realize we are running out of time, or would rather curl up where it is safe and avoid debating their ideas to the world. But alternative communities are often known to establish themselves quickly. 

In 1965, for example, someone showed me the Haight Ashbury. He was quite attuned and receptive to all the changes. At the time little seemed out of the ordinary, though there were cafes where singers and poets advocated drug use, and a few shops sold drug oriented paraphernalia. But in just three years hippies controlled those streets. 

Contrary to a popular misconception, community building is actually one of the fastest ways for any group of people to experience the exhilaration of seeing some of their values implemented, as each day's victories lift the spirit and accelerate the critical mass of those who long felt as if they were "waiting for Godot." 

Any political community is like a giant magnifying glass, because the energy is focused and acts as a catalyst on the old neighborhood. And it's like a two-for-one offer at the supermarket, because domino-like effects also radiate into faraway neighborhoods that your resources couldn't reach. 

Advance Scouts/Reception: Choose confident and engaging people for these related tasks, as they will provide the most lasting impressions to those who pour in. Imagine yourself in a bewildered newcomers shoes: Wouldn't you return home if there was a lack of warmth and support in this unfamiliar urban wasteland (An undeveloped Little Europe), or if the journey resulted in being exploited by people you trusted? 

In the beginning our new arrivals should gain an immediate social tie with us. And they are going to have that same nervous excitement that their ancestors had on their faces, as they headed west in a covered wagon carrying what little they could. In the case of the Mormon exodus to Utah, a great number of them simply walked all the way, pushing along their few belonging in a handcart (like a wheel barrow). 

That wasn't a suggestion, just a graphic example of the length people will go to just to live in a society where they are not constantly disrespected for their beliefs, exploited, harassed, threatened, or murdered. And if any ask: "Aren't you making promises?" Tell them the truth, we can't promise anything; in fact, they definitely shouldn't come unless it makes sense to them as well. 

And if they say: "Is this part of some secret plot?" Again be straightforward, telling them that building an open community requires explaining the dynamics publicly. How open each individual will be after they arrive will depend on personal preference, but past examples suggest we'll be closer to each other. 

Welcome Wagon: As your receptionists greet the first wave, they should try to sort out who came mostly for personal freedom and who came mostly to build the community. After the latter type becomes acclimated to the area they can help enlarge the welcome wagon activities for entire White families to follow. 

Let there be no prejudice about the idealistic single members in your welcome wagon, as they and the families coming will have a natural rapport for each other. And even single people who come mostly out of personal motives fit in somewhere, reassuring similar types in the old community that will take a wait and see attitude. 

Advertising: When advertising for settlers to come to your territory, be sure to let them know about all the resources available to those who can stand on their own two feet, because you won't be able to support them. 

Describe the area's employment opportunities, properties for sale and rent, parking, public transportation, schools, libraries, museums, and especially any services already available from Little Europe's business community. 

Past examples of community building reveal that the flood of newcomers will establish themselves around the shops, services, and organizations who were the quickest to say "We welcome your business." 

Repeating/Reviving: The residents of Little Europe will sometimes be seen repeating things to their friends in the barbershop, at the local bar, or at the veterans legion post, but it's often not accidental or because they're unimaginative. 

They have the patience to repeat building principles for the benefit of the doubting Thomases, or those who didn't possess enough community spirit to listen the first time. 

Some listeners need a lot more time to carefully fit all the unfamiliar pieces together in their minds, and others will seem incapable of believing until it's built. Community organizing is like that, a kind of game where you can expect different speeds and responses from listeners. 

Stereotype: The many different types of people who will comprise Little Europe will be its best protection from any opponent's stereotype. The hippies of San Francisco's Haight Ashbury were not routed because of the hard drug dealers, the homosexuals of that city's Castro district were not routed because of the occasional incidents of public sex, and Little Europe’s families will not be routed because of a few extremists who haven't what most people are buying. 

Some extremists will even be emotionally moved by Little Europe’s cultural revival, converting to the values of a higher spiritual caliber which empower supporters instead of exploiting them. 

Friendly Image: Despite all that will be covered about security needs in Little Europe, and the emphasis is mostly for doubters, our community needs to avoid a paramilitary image. 

For example, the president of the United States is the commander and chief of the armed forces, but he is sustained in office by those who do not generally view him as militaristic. This is also true of the people in Little Europe, who must avoid creating an eccentric security image exceeding the obsolete White community's standard for an acceptable response. 

In some cases it will even be better to accept some damage to ourselves, though not to the extreme Gandhi went to in India. This will stir the moral conscience of friendly outsiders who, even after enjoying our cultural functions, may still not comprehend what we endure. 

Social Tension: This naturally occurs when any new culture comes into a neighborhood and begins to displace the habits of those already there. 

After WW2 it happened in every city where Blacks moved into White neighborhoods; in the 1960s when the drug culture came to the Haight Ashbury; in the 1970s when homosexuals moved into a quiet Irish neighborhood called the Castro; and in the 1980s when Central Americans and another wave of Chinese arrived. 

Resistance: Some of our future neighbors, as anywhere else, are not going to extend the hand of friendship to "our sort," but the countless political communities recently established in the United States can attest to the fact that eventually most resistance eventually evaporates. 

Do you know how General Patton handled opposition during WW2? He often bypassed large numbers of the entrenched, assumed control over their nerve centers (local government) and supply lines (shops), and then allowed time for demoralization to set in. 

That is also the way to build a warm, inviting, and peaceful community despite anyone with outdated prejudices about White newcomers (In peace time Patton also advocated something similar to our community organizing). 

Patience: You have probably already heard that patience is a virtue, but in the case of building a new community it is especially true. Before any resident of Little Europe despairs of an unruly neighbor and foolishly resorts to expressions of returning hatred, let them consider this: 

Some times in the unconscious "White" community alongside Little Europe we're going to encounter people who will be slow to give up sociopathic attitudes, as they are unused to living near a vital community, but if we are patient eventually we'll win many over. 

And remember that the most stubborn personality types, if you succeed in winning them over, will be even harder for those lacking patience and forgiveness to turn around. 

Self Defense: We will not interfere with strangers who observe the constitutionally guaranteed rights of Little Europe’s residents and accommodate their need to social space, but if any among us is in potential danger due to anti-White racists or White self haters - and the police can't be reached in time - we'll exercise our legal right to self ddefense. This means a response that does not exceed the level of the threat. 

Mediation: When Little Europe’s residents see tension occurring they should avoid a reactionary response to it: This may seem callous at first, but sort out whether it is in the interest of the community to endure or eliminate the offending issue. 

If the tension risks traumatizing children or causing real injury there's good reason to resolve it, but if it means soothing those who have a habit of harassing our people's publicly expressed love of race, growing numbers, or lack of interest in kosher politics, it may be better to let the issue go unresolved until they move away. 

Community Expansion: The people moving into Little Europe will find this creative tension working in their favor, because accidentally unhappy neighbors raise the probability of apartments, houses, and shops becoming available at lower prices. 

Hopefully an artificially high level of tension won't be generated because of extremists causing it, and I mean that sincerely, because that would be illegal and risk being counterproductive to the family image we want to project. And be assured, constant paranoia from the media ensures that enough folks won't remain next door to "racists" and "fascists." 

Extremists: The typical extremist is an advocate of genocide against opponents, and while it is true that this often happened as Whites struggled across North America, it was a regrettable and unconscious effect. 

Hopefully the political fortunes of extremists will decline, becoming especially irrelevant to Little Europe's residents, as Whites peacefully assert their right to the same amount of social exclusion accorded to conscious and organized residents of non-white and liberal communities. 

Although we will not be able to stop anyone from entering our open community, we can hope that for the sake of our family strengthening atmosphere that militants will have enough sense not to provoke problems for Little Europe. 

And the faster we build large, powerful communities, the faster our opponents will be inclined to peacefully negotiate beyond their present stingy and condescending definition of what's fair. 

Forgiveness: We will be strengthened by a diverse community of Whites without distinction to religion or paganism; in fact, we can learn something from them all. 

The concept of forgiveness, for example, can be traced to both sources, and it is in the interest of our community (ies) to forgive any neighbor who offers a sincere apology after offending us. Most will come to appreciate that we weren't the horned berserkers our opponents had been allowed to describe unchallenged for years. 

Pioneer Little Europe's Veterans Legion Perspective
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Effective political communities tend to resemble basic life forms; in other words, the great bulk of the creature is rather uncomplicated but provides the power needed for the smaller but more conscious part to get anywhere. Little Europe's base of supporters will include contrasting types: Some will be too idealistic, some too uncommitted, and some too militant. There will also be many who are less than perfect spiritually or physically, but all will thrive on the empowerment they sense as the roaring engine of their people's elite. 

Little Europe's political organizations need to reach veterans as well, as they are an especially important category, so the best example to emulate is the British National Party's Association of British Ex-Servicemen (ABEX). The ABEX has a campaign to advance the rights of veterans and maintain local war memorials. And they have been invited right into the British Legion Club, where they open up discussions on Zionism and revisionist history. 

In the United States, however, racialist organizations have been too isolated from most Whites to reach veterans effectively, and they have long tended to be bogged down by cultism, which is an inability to refocus from the ideologies of past racialist ideologies or update their strategies. As many realize by this juncture, the first obstruction is easily corrected by moving the political battle over to our own higher ground (Little Europe), and the second of these minor adjustments is ideological: 

Assimilated White people are those who are adapted to the circumstances unique to this nation's character; they do not clash with our nativist military traditions and possess a sense for discerning when they have heard them defined correctly. 

Like our brothers, sisters, and many unknown cousins in Europe, we proudly trace our particular branch of Western civilization to, among other places, ancient Greece and Rome. Even a glance at the buildings housing our government reveals that those influences are expressed in our art and architecture. 

If you examine the road of history spanning the past two thousand years you will also recognize the dominant position which Rome maintained. In comparison no other Western culture held such physical space with longevity. 

And it was not bestowed on them by some generous quirk of nature. No, it was necessary that the Romans discover a more sophisticated method of survival, something more determined than any force that threatened to plunder their inheritance, and their legions marched. 

Those earlier legions were successful for a very long time, as they were involved in a process of conquering and recruiting that expanded their boundaries, but eventually they surrendered their ethnic integrity and collapsed from within. A similar insight also explains why today's White soldiers, who continue their service as veteran legionaries, are part of a gathering social crisis. 

Following the American Civil War - or War Between the States, as Southern nationalists describe it - America’s veterans could join such organizations as the Grand Army of the Republic or the United Soldiers of the Confederacy, and following the war with Spain they could join the Spanish American War veterans organization. 

And although the forming and reforming of many organizations has generally served veterans well, it should also be noted that whenever they came into being after conflicts between White nations or states they also brought the veterans fraternal tradition one more step toward splintering, dysfunction, and obsolescence. 

Today in America most White people only accept the American Legion, Forty & Eight, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars as the militant aspect within our national culture. The combined influences of those organizations is our native counterpart to any European nation’s veteran tradition, but to explain the hidden crisis growing within our own let's examine the splintering process. 

The American Legion, for example, was founded in 1919 in Paris at the conclusion of World War 1, by men and women aware of their European heritage, interests and identity as Americans, and eventually it became the most powerful ex-serviceman's organizations. 

This particular legion has thousands of long established posts that serve nearly every town in America. And its meeting halls often provide the most high profile forum for civilians who organize cultural gatherings opened by expressions of their own patriotism. 

Throughout the 1920s and 1930s gangsters, communists, and anarchists often terrorized towns where they knew police power was inadequate, but they were regularly routed by this people's militia which often came out - if the danger was great enough to justiffy it - wielding an improvised yet effective defense. 

Yet the greatest challenge to the Legion's role emerged from within, and the Whites building Little Europes should acquire a basic grasp of the causes before they begin. 

The first major crisis arrived just before World War 2, when the sympathy of many veterans for this or that European nation because of their roots or political outlook caused them to break with the parent organizations and form alternative legions (unsuccessfully). 

At first there was no substantial controversy, and it was possible for the American Legion's own National Vice Commander William Edward Eastman Jr., to extend honorary membership in 1931 to one Benito Mussolini. 

Congressman Hamilton Fish, responsible for writing the Legion's preamble at its founding, often addressed antiwar rallies with the German American Bund, Father Charles Coughlin, and the Christian Mobilizers. And the opponents of these leaders and organizations sometimes succeeded in convincing the public that even such mainstream opponents of war were Nazis. 

American First included three prominent retired generals (Hugh Johnson, Thomas S. Hammond, and Robert E. Wood), loyal Americans who represented a tradition that our people still prefer to fascism. And Senator Bennett Champ Clark of Missouri and Congressman James E. Zandt of Pennsylvania, as legionnaires, assisted Colonel Charles Lindbergh's campaign for preventing U.S. entry into war. 

They all believed quite rationally that peaceful relations between our European peoples (and the nation was mostly white at that time) was an honorable goal. And even when William Dudley Pelley founded an alternative, and perhaps more radical legion, he still carefully named it the Silvershirt Legion of America. Among Pulley's earliest organizers was Gerald L. K. Smith, former right-hand man to Louisiana Governor Huey Long. 

Prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the isolationists peace movement sponsored by these and many other respected personalities and organizations successfully held the majority of American citizens back from entering the European conflict, as it was essentially a civil war among Whites. 

The controversy was centered in Washington, DC where both sides were well entrenched and fighting it out - politically - tooth and nail. On February 8, 1940, the Hon. J. Thorkelson, a Norwegian-American representing the state of Montana, stood up near his desk in the House of Representatives to address the American people. 

Mr. Thorkelson:" Mr. Speaker, in order that we many understand that warfare in England is not unanimous I shall quote from the December 1939 issue of Action (The prewar publication from the organization lead by Mosley and other British war veterans). This is generally known, but in no sense does information of this sort appear in our own papers." 

And Mr. Thorkelson went on to read a few thousand words regarding the Second World War into the Congressional Record. The Record is a compilation of the issues discussed each day by the US Government, a publication made available to every interested person. 

Although the future looked bright for the peace movement, President Roosevelt - who had promised that "no American boy will ever fight Europe's wars" - was determined to draw Americans into opposing the Axis (German, Italy, Japan, and other countries). And by 1941, Edward E. Spafford, a highly respected former National Commander, was arrested on charges of having conspired with Nazi agents. 

Recognizing that many people were rightly unsympathetic about Japan's atrocities in China, if even openly racist about Japanese, that nation’s oil supply lifeline was soon cut off. And just as General William Mitchell had warned as early as 1925, during his trial for criticizing the traitorous neglect of aviation, the Japanese delivered a surprise daylight attack from the air upon Pearl Harbor. 

Overnight American public opinion turned against any legionnaires still in support of an axis counterpart; so few continued into the uproar as William Pelley's Silvershirts did. Most were as perceptive as Charles Lindbergh and abandoned the campaign immediately, accepting the position of 'My country right or wrong. ' 

Some unassimilated Americans, however, just couldn't see any important difference between a foreign and domestic veterans legion traditions, and being too far apart from other whites ideologically they were rounded up after Pearl Harbor. In a few cases the authorities did succeed in arresting those who might have obstructed the war effort, but most were innocently swept up in an event similar to the McCarthyism of the next era; a politically biased climate that fed on the public's paranoia about alien militants. 

Lindbergh actually preferred the Legion tradition, and wasn't enamored by those who organized alternatives such as Pelley and Mosley, but Marxist critics and some not so perceptive cultists still promote the error that Lindbergh and his legion supporters were Nazis. And they fail to grasp that those millions of supporters in the mainstream were certainly not Nazis or Fascists either. 

Extremists attempt to blur any distinction between those who lead European fascist parties and our own legionaries, but it's in the interest of our Little Europes to 1) highlight the controversy 2) support the millions of Whites still willing to argue that there is a difference 3) remain faithful to the legion tradition 4) translate any postwar ideas from Europe with that perspective. 

The second major crisis for America's legion tradition occurred in 1959. And this was to be almost the deathblow to the Legion and other victor-veterans groups as organizations vital enough to prevent America's gradual drift to chaos. 

Blacks in North America had acquired only a partial awareness of political self-determination because they advanced, not alongside as with blacks in South Africa, but up into the very fabric of white society. 

Bolstered by opportunist political and legal support from Washington, DC, those who demanded a subverted definition of American Legionism, that is minus any concern for ethnic cultural integrity, declared the whites-only restriction illegal. This was now forbidden, and those who advocated it were relegated to the political hinterland. 

Pandemonium spread to Legion posts across the country as thousands of racially loyal dissenters attempted to oppose the coup d'etat by throwing their support to one of the Legion's founding factions, The Forty and Eight (Their proper name is actually La Societe des Quarante Hommes at Huit Chevaux). The next assault came in court, and soon this especially authoritative organization for White veterans lost even the right to use the official emblem. 

America’s veterans legions, as they functioned prior to the political and cultural dispossession of the White community, contributed to a White nativist identity which cleaved separate foreign nationalist traditions. 

Their meeting halls became the places where veterans of English and Irish origin could join fairly with the French, Germans, Italians, Russians, and all the rest of our people; however, when those posts were captured by those who advocated no special loyalty to the cultural institutions of Whites (and no respect for the living space they need to be in), the inherited method for gathering veterans of separate nationalist politics often went unappreciated. 

Pioneer Little Europe's Vocabulary for Veterans Go to Top of Page ------------ Go to Bottom of Page 

Just as the Little Europe concept does not reduce the political parties within it, but rather opens up their options for working with others inside and outside the system, so also will Little Europe’s veterans legion posts increase the political clout of White veterans. 

For those who prefer a modern argument, our opponents have already begun placing mainstream and alternative organizations for veterans within the geographical influence of their political communities. 

And for those who prefer a traditional argument: Gathering our own veterans organizations into Little Europes is comparable to how veterans posts served White American towns before non-whites compromised their local integrity and began to dispossess them. 

Legionnaires: This refers to the many kinds of White veterans today, and their unfruitful variety is symptomatic of the old White community's condition. There are veterans with formal memberships inside the present system's organizations, and there are alienated and even exotic alternative legions outside. Some define themselves as southern nationalists, national socialists, militias, Christian Identity, etc., (and there are even dysfunctional White veterans affiliated with Marxist revolutionary parties). 

Catalyst: In the obsolete White community, where the social dynamics no longer function in our favor, the veterans legion institutions are dispossessed. But as Little Europes serve as the refuge of our race, and the European seed of American character (as it was in its earliest colonial form), they allow us to reclaim any institution that our people created and still support. 

Credibility: America’s veteran legion tradition - inside or outside the system - is the only acceptable "militant" tradition in the eyes of most Whites today, and it offers the greatest potential for eventually recovering and influencing White veterans regardless of their former experiences, disappointments, regional or foreign nationalist rituals. No other institution offers that much potential. 

Alternative Veteran Legion: It would be inadvisable for any of Little Europe’s political parties to create self-styled militias or private armies (The public will accept civilian stewards at political meetings). To reserve community supported "militant" authority for a future crisis requires no more than building up our veterans posts (as other political communities have already done). But if we are ever obstructed from gaining them, especially since others already possess them, most White people would soon legitimize an alternative. 

Transition Period: During the process of assembling our community our residents will have access to no more than the same limited rights of defense that they already possess. Often this has meant that our freedom of free speech is curtailed as soon as our opponents become too challenging for the authorities, or we risked being considered part of the problem for defending ourselves from the physical assaults of opponents determined to silence us. 

As our community grows, however, these rights will recover like Atlantis rising. But it's a process that takes time, so the incidents that highlight our trammeled rights may attract the ‘permanently militant.’ An open community often has such nonconformists, those who were conditioned by years in the sociopathic environment outside, and they will cause controversies if they respond in ways unsupported by Little Europe's residents. 

Despite that, the building society should not organize defense alternatives to override the police or clash with other Whites, as our goal is to eventually build communities strong enough to redress the deficiencies of public safety through the political process, courts, and the institutions returning to health within Little Europe. 

Translated Legionaries: This refers to veterans of various White nativist traditions, inside and outside the system, who are willing to vocalize their respect for the veterans legion tradition as a common ideological ground - and then allow themselves to be "translated" into Little Europe’s own veteran's post(s). Due to the trend in community organizing, groups such as the American Legion now permit alternative legion posts rather than risk losses by defection. 

Untranslated Legionaries: This defines those who reject the opportunity of having themselves "translated" and remain outside the Little Europe posts, or those who participate in such posts but still prefer not to be influenced or changed by veterans from other ideological traditions. As the Little Europes and their institutions are created as open places for Whites to resolve their lack of ideological uniformity, there will be many untranslated veterans. 

Translation Ceremony: This refers to any semi-private ceremony conducted for a White legionnaire who has asked to be affiliated with a Little Europe post and is formally accepted by its commander, though it may for a time not be employed within the posts so as to maintain uniformity with a national organization. 

Cultural Legionnaires: This term refers to veterans or civilians who: recognize the social authority of America’s veterans legion perspective, comprehend how each town's veterans hall assisted local government in maintaining the cultural integrity of White America, recognize that Liberalism and Marxism abandoned or suppressed that function, reclaim that authority, or who participate in any other aspect of Little Europe’s cultural revival either consciously or unconsciously 

White Vanguard: For too long this referred to White patriots separate from the social authority of our nation’s veterans legion perspective. And the lack of rapport the White community had with such persons was often symptomatic of that "vanguard" lacking military experience or their ignoring the preference most mainstream Whites have for leaders who do. 

The Little Europe definition of an authentic White Vanguard is much broader than in the old White community, as it includes our conscious military veterans, builders, peacemakers, and many more who will even take risks to help other Whites. It especially applies to those who possess political, military, or social authority inside or outside Little Europe - once they are verified as sincere and active political crossovers by approved pro-White organizations. 

Cult Spin: Ironically, when cultists paint Charles Lindbergh or legionnaires as "Nazis," they assist the Marxists and Liberals who count on that spin (and is it not a lie?) to alienate Whites from their legion tradition. This is also why the leading Marxist textbooks are not focused on neutralizing cultists, but the real danger to their raceless and classless Utopia, those who possess the potential for engaging the influence of veterans within the White community. 

Claiming/Reclaiming: Is a consciousness raising tactic employed by Little Europe’s supporters as they expand the community's influence and credibility among the uncommitted. Pointing out where our values can be found within existing cultural phenomena encourages our friends, demoralizes opponents, and inspires us toward the next higher form in our cultural revival. Where Whites were routed they tended to desert their veterans tradition, abandoning a valued resource that assisted their political opponents. As White veterans and militants have never recovered by adopting an 'alternative legion tradition,' they must reclaim and guard jealously the original within Little Europe. 

Post Activities: While there certainly was a correlation between continental and Legionist traditions prior to WW2, the future of White America will be decided by the latter. And Little Europe’s veterans must use their posts to schedule BNP representatives, historical revisionists, and others with the solutions which can resolve the controversies that the Zionist media exacerbates to keep us divided, 

Those With Faith: Whites who believe that legionnaires with contrasting ideological traditions, meeting in institutions supported by the Little Europe community, will be empowered enough to begin resolving controversies among themselves about Zionist domination, anti-White violence, cultural distortion, nationalist disunity, WW2 historical revisionism, and will be capable of advising their political representatives about what the White veteran really wants. 

Cultural Revival: A Little Europe is primarily a vessel for public and private activities that raise the political consciousness of residents and visitors. These activities will be regularly conducted from privately owned shops, within political and fraternal organizations, and at street fairs and parks. Although most services and products won't carry any formal or overt political purpose, they will greatly prepare people for the few that will. 

Cultural Revival in a Pioneer Little Europe
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A Little Europe will become just another place for Whites to wait for their dispossession unless they also wage an aggressive campaign to demonstrate their cultural values. The basic model for this process is the British National Party's Red, White, and Blue gatherings, which have been successfully emulated by the American Friends of the BNP, but those occasional events are also worthy of becoming the standard for many permanent activities in an organized neighborhood. 

Cultural activities have long been neglected by those who simply wanted to return to power without changing their old habits. But as many others generally recognize that society is self-centered, materialistic, and often artistically sterile, the Little Europes need to become environments where our people can experience a personal transformation and thus renew their social authority and determination to win. 

Even many "leaders" have not experienced a complete enough social renewal of themselves, as it's easy to dismiss that as an adventure for the naïve when there's no community to invite them in. In the spiritually empty atmosphere that exists today, the opportunities for peacefully advancing are devalued, leaders can become exploiting and vulnerable, while supporters remain macho talkers or loose cannons. 

Too many White activists today will study only the militant side of our race's history, ignoring the rest even quicker than our opponents do, but Frederick Nietzsche once pointed out how the most important events anywhere in the world are usually away from all the noise of the mob. Whites may study the Irish revolution of 1916, for example, or the German revolution of 1933, but miss the creating of values that went on before in each of those very different social movements. 

The Gathered Culture
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A century and a half before the modern idea of Little Europes arose, Karl Marx bluntly declared, quite prematurely, that his enemy was Europe. And following World War Two, his chameleon like followers substituted other terms to portray any resurgence of our political interests in America as the reincarnation of a wartime enemy. 

Putrid hate-pamphlets generated by Marxists paint every anti-Communist activist with the same obsolete brush. And dedicating their writings fallaciously to the memory and living tradition of Thomas Jefferson, they continue to assail the chain of logic binding the authentic patriotic organizations that represent our people. 

The chain of logic does exist, and it has been in our people's possession long before they settled in America. To prevent it from breaking we must understand how it operates. This requires patriots to examine their origin within the context of their cultural heritage. 

Ancient Greece was the basic origin and initiated the permanent direction of the West's evolution. The "polis," from which our modern word "politics" is derived, was the Greek word for any one of their many city states, ethnic and cultural variations of Greek civilization that were self-governing. 

The inhabitants of these city-states inherited beliefs that connected and sustained every aspect of their daily lives. Concepts such as government, leadership and military tradition were interdependent in the Greek view. Their leaders were required to be a people's elite, responsible for accumulating, upgrading and dispensing the knowledge that enabled them to survive and prosper, both individually and collectively. 

The legends about Apollo and Dionysus are especially pertinent for our purposes. All Greek ideas were woven into an aesthetic unity, like a fine wire mesh. As civilization advanced to higher forms the Dionysian influence eradicated what was obsolete. We in America are now at a cultural stage that demands the implementation of new Apollonian forms, but without disparaging the heritage that brought us here. Yet the spirit of Dionysus continues to run amok in the world of the modern Greeks, ourselves. 

Greek methods of reasoning provided even the framework for the triumph of Christianity. In the Gospel of John we see this: "In the Beginning was the Word." It's the bold utilization of a pre-Christian organizing tactic, one that can even be traced to the legend of Thoth in civilizations ancient Egypt – and later to Hanukkah in Judaism. 

"In the beginning was the word" means that those who remain faithful to their civilization's traditions may gather as an irresistible force if they understand a few pillar-like concepts. An extraordinary momentum can be tapped in many languages, as they possess a hidden strength allowing them to gather a people together. 

The Greek concept of legion was the original of our more contemporary and superficial definition. To the Greeks it meant to gather every power available for social survival. In modern America this is represented locally by the veterans legion posts – which are the cultural and patriotic centers of the White American community. 

And just as the polarization of Athens and Sparta did not destroy Western civilization, the crisis within America’s own legion and gathering tradition does not have to destroy us. 

Technology and the next Highest Form
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As the twentieth century dawned it became increasingly evident that technology would develop into an extraordinary phenomenon, a new dimension altogether, capable of taking us on to our next stage of evolution or of destroying us culturally or physically. 

In the 1920s the Italian Futurist art movement founded by Filippo Marinetti represented efforts which avant garde thinkers around the globe were making to adjust to options as they emerged to contradict prevailing trends in a plodding Western civilization. 

The Futurists declared in revolutionary manifestos their worship of speed, adventure, experiment and change. The movement also carried the seeds of its own destruction, for going to its logical extreme it met resistance as it assailed museums, history, rural values and past artistic achievement. 

Many of these flamboyant personalities, aware of their failure to set pragmatic goals, sought other outlets for their talents. Mussolini's fascism desired to weld the nation together through great public works programs, and people such as Marinetti helped to bring the Futurist movement into its front ranks. 

Other national leaders, too, Roosevelt, Hitler, Stalin and Churchill, picked up the song of the technician and produced their own styles for mobilizing their peoples. Reaching the multitudes by radio, still in its embryonic stage of impressionability potential, they all took on a deity-like aura. 

The promises seems like miracles, but they were delivered in varying degrees according to national character, in the form of spectacular projects for constructing roads, automobiles, planes, airports, ships and docks. All this required a nation working in unison to bring these accomplishments into the lives of those who made them possible. 

This was a plough-sword situation though; because weapons too had improved and multiplied dramatically, any war declared could reach the worker's family at home. Increased national ability required greater resources, expansion led to collision and so on to WW 2. 

Those who ignore history are always repeating it. Today the cultural centers from Hollywood to Moscow play the role of the Futurists. In Hollywood it is more obvious. Miles of colored celluloid depict the virtues of speed, adventure, experiment, change and violence. 

The face of this neo-Futurism we are most familiar with is the narrow capitalist culture that dominates America and Western Europe; which provides so much technology that the social interaction among Whites decreases. 

They are also culturally displaced by tightly bound ethnic societies of immigrants, those drawn in by an economy willing to sacrifice even the values of White cultural integrity and territory for profits 

Although America is still an extension of Europe in a cultural sense, as a society in a more advanced state of displacement it is less European. America's role in Europe has two effects at least. The positive one is that we are increasing our contact with the Homeland, returning as the early explorers did with treasures from the New World. 

The other effect is negative, for bringing in even more technology to displace Europe’s social homogeneity, an even lower level of European consciousness is promoted that saps our heritage at the root. 

The growing impulses of European cultural involvement into the United States, and especially those into America, need to be synthesized with ethnic integrity. That is the higher form of society that can most effectively protect and advance our best interests. 

Synthesis: White political activism often isn't at maximum efficiency in cyberspace, as White militants are too often separated from real contact with other Whites, though the paranoid protests of opponents have convinced them otherwise. As few strangers would actually respond to an on line invitation from White militants who don't represent a conscious community in the real world, such activity has been largely a waste of time. 

Computer businesses and cafes in Little Europe, however, will provide our people with the opportunity to gather together in more normal environments where the ideas are exchanged while trust is established. Today's "movement" is largely adrift in cyberspace, another victim of technical displacement, so we need to become a community that's engaging the new technology for cohesiveness. 

Among the reasons most Whites have not resisted their political opponents are these: a) They do not recognize themselves as a real ethnic group with a declining culture b) They are not conscious of using ethnic territory just like others c) They are not conscious of how non-whites displace their values. Following basic needs, establishing identity is the primary goal of Little Europe(s). 

Gathering: Little Europe’s building society must not exclude organizations which publicly avoid the Jewish question, or even those who get carried away with it, as it need to gather up all our pro-White activists before a "movement" develops in the real world of Little Europe. Our opponents have already gathered up their out of focus allies, and we shouldn't have to apologize for that either. 

To balance out the risk that comes with such inclusiveness, however, the building society needs to encourage businesses and services that Jews would traditionally avoid. This means more of what's athletic, pragmatic, traditional and tidy, but less of what is abstract, exploitative, liberal, or eccentric. 

Jews also tend to be drawn to organizations that they perceive as militant and anti-Semitic (even to the point where some become too stimulated and actually attempt to promote them), and will occasionally expend their energies against some of the contending parties within Little Europe. Despite that, the building society should sidestep any issue that risks complicating its narrower function of gathering conscious White organizations, nor should it invite even the friendliest Jews to hold positions of leadership. 

This is very much like the establishment's policy of being non-communist rather than anti-communist, and it permits us to influence Whites willing to negotiate or adopt some of our views. And too much of White nationalism has been unfairly stereotyped by conflicts about Jews rather than by its many honorable efforts to peacefully address the political and cultural injustice of ethnic stratification (the supremacy of Jews and others in purely economic systems). 

As the obsolete White community continues to unravel because of its dynamics being subverted, various categories of White people are abandoned as useless or devalued by the system; women, children, the elderly, the homeless, and veterans, etc. As that happens we need to absorb all those who can expand Little Europe. This is very much like the tactic of a disgruntled employee who, having no other way of dealing with his overbearing supervisor, decides to intentionally absorb all his supervisor's tasks, until one day the boss realizes he no longer needs the failing supervisor. 

Family: Those who belong to political groups that emphasize what is militant rather than what's sociable often complain about how their families and friends shut them out of their lives. And it does not matter how educated such militants are either, as neglecting to connect with others through a cultural revival leaves them with the cart before the horse. Some of the misguided will even say: "Cultural revival? Lets save the celebrating until afterwards." 

And although Little Europe isn't intended to be the Sparta they would prefer, it will easily attract Whites without any interest in military pursuits, raise their consciousness about their true position, and prompt many to starting ameliorating the injustice of their position. Whether such family, friends, and strangers become "militant" or merely political in the process, certainly depends on how inclined their opponents will be to negotiate the grievances of a real community. 

Women: For too long the White racialist movement has not been very generously oriented to the needs, goals, problems, and aspirations of White women. Too often they have been dismissed as being too liberal by those who have no intention of taking a more experienced, patient, or manly assessment. Yes, a woman's more nurturing inclination can have an unhealthy effect when left abandoned and exposed to the world, but if there are men enough to build the political home she needs, a Little Europe, most women will refocus to where they nurture her own first. 

In fact, everyone's transition to a healthier footing will occur naturally in the Little Europes. Despite that, women shouldn't be stopped from using a hammer alongside men, because the obsolete community outside Little Europe will still be able to interfere with many of the natural inclinations and options of women. 

The special strengths of women, including the emergency roles they traditionally take on, as when they shouldered rifles while the West was being settled, must not be dismissed as abnormal either. As many women have a special talent for creating handmade goods, are their households leading purchaser of any cultural goods, and are skilled in the social networking necessary to hold a community together, they will surpass many men in their usefulness. 

Non-Veterans: Although many conscious Whites know that the goals of the veterans organizations in the old White communities are largely dispossessed, it is not as widely known that organizations such as the American Legion are consciously permitting posts to be established in political communities – with civilians allowed to attend their functions as a support group. Little Europe’s veterans, therefore, must utilize this opportunity to introduce as many civilians as possible to the activities at their posts. 

Ask most anyone and you are sure to be told that it's the good guys who usually have won. Women are especially attuned to that, despite the appeal of bad guys. But there haven't been enough conscious Whites ever convinced that they were the good guys. Too often it is mixed up with that doubt that emerges while representing an unpopular racialist group of the past. It is important, therefore, that our people develop ideologically to where they realize that they are the good guys and morally deserve to win. 

Artists: During the French Revolution there was a prominent painter by the name of Jacques-Louis David, who so advanced and recorded the cause of his own time that many people even today still recognize his work, if not his name. One of the techniques he was known to use was to provide a mirror for people to look into while admiring a revolutionary crowd in a painting that was mounted on the wall behind them. It provided a trompe-l’oeil effect that allowed viewers to see themselves within the revolutionary process. 

Today the pressures of technology are causing many painters to transfer their skills over to the advantages of computers, which dramatically accelerates the number of new ways available to bring the public into step with our vanguard. Many nonwhite immigrants, especially those from India, cooperate closely with their kinsmen and adapt well to computers. These are already routing any competitors who do not synthesis ethnic loyalty and technology. 

Poets: One of the peculiarities of great social upheavals is the way poets or songwriters are often found at the very forefront. This was the case when Milton served as Cromwell's personal secretary, among the leaders of the 1916 Irish Uprising, when Horst Wessel served National Socialism, and when De Annunzio served Fascism. 

In our own literary renaissance we need to welcome in the poet in a big way, despite the protests of those who think poetry is unmanly or not very political. Even a person who is unable to write poetry can assimilate it, or simply needs to understand how it moves others. Whether in the quiet of personal contemplation, or transformed into a patriotic song at the baseball park, Whites need more poetry. 

Teachers: In the old White community teachers were abandoned economically and culturally, so we'll want to make every effort to win them for Little Europe, whether it's in alternative schools or simply being there for them when they have difficulties in the old White community where the social dynamics oppose their interests 

Additionally, the old community tends to make extreme specialists of Whites, who often rely on nonwhite labor to complete tasks they could easily complete themselves if they were taught or saw any dignity in it. There are also many job sites where Whites don't pass on their job skills to other Whites because they lack any trust in them, but the Little Europe way is that we can all become teachers among those we trust. 

Causes: As with other Political communities, we will need ongoing campaigns to fight diseases, support our international counterparts, and to solicit bond money for those caught up in the wheels of "justice." And we must not forget the many who became prisoners after putting their faith into organizations that did not correctly grasp the idea of developing a community that was conscious, roused, and empowered enough to politically affect the judicial system when they would need it the most. 

This new development means a certain amount of friendly rivalry will continue to exist between various types of organizations, as their economic beliefs range from those with a more exploitative belief system to those with a charitable, idealistic, even socialistic orientation. Little Europe’s residents and supporters will be the final arbiters of which offers the most effective or appropriate remedy for various circumstances. And no doubt, new efforts at recombining or reaching a synthesis will accelerate in Little Europe. 

All our opponent's political communities, no matter who they represent, have organizations accepting establishment monies for their charities and community projects. Initially this will seem impossible to many White activists, then controversial because of the obvious risk of underfunded organizations being compromised, so Little Europe’s organizations need as much money as possible without any strings attached. 

Profile: Little Europe’s shops, services, and residents shouldn't always be so conveniently identified, for being partly submerged or overlapped with the unconscious White community will debilitate the moral of our opponents and provide an extremely important tactical advantage. 

Our opponents tend to imagine that we are in places where we are not, as they are afflicted with prejudices that cause them to suffer paranoia, so an awakening racial community will be especially subject to any of their uncoordinated and unproductive assaults. 

This will be especially true of the less sophisticated or uneducated, who will be compelled to clash even with Whites in the unconscious community who seem to represent us, be they merely fellow travelers or just Whites who are suspiciously tolerant of anyone. 

Those increased errors of judgment will also work in our favor; for whenever Whites are rudely jolted awake they will avail themselves of the kinds of resources to be concentrated in Little Europe. As increasing numbers of Whites become publicly supportive us, larger portions of our community can also be made visible. 

Stereotypes: Most conscious Whites have been in uncomfortable social situations when strangers, coworkers, and even family members have read into their statements some antisocial interpretation that was never intended. The liberal media is quite successful at conditioning such prejudices into the old White community, but a thriving Little Europe will allow them to see an opposite image, 

Claiming: Claiming is a propaganda tactic for controlling how we are represented among our opponents and among potential supporters in the old White community where the social dynamics are obsolete. Just as Blacks, Marxists, and even homosexuals gained control of the words used publicly to describe them, including those with a negative connotation, Little Europe’s residents need to regain control of how an unfashionable word such as Aryan is interpreted. A friendly environment like Little Europe can accomplish this easier than a militant environment, and there's simply no reason why we should have to accept the foreign, hateful, and negative definition that our opponents succeeded in attaching to our most useful words. 

Pioneer Little Europe's Business Community
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Economics: Until now the organizations which comprised the White Nationalist movement needed to be owned and operated almost exclusively by an entrepreneurial elite, with the cash flowing to the few who sold publications and then right back out to unfriendly suppliers. This has been occurring even though an economic third way had been their original goal, and ethnic stratification is the traditional weakness that emerges in both Capitalism and Marxism. 

Jews and other ethnic nationalities with a special talent for economics soon come to dominate those who trust the purely economic systems they thrive in. And although Capitalists and Marxists continue to seek a third way, as they have no respect for White self-determination, their idea of a third way can't safeguard the interests of Whites. 

In Little Europe the cash will flow more between businesses and residents, creating and sustaining the interests of its inhabitants. Also, many supporters of the phase one entrepreneurs, once they develop useful skills or services of their own, will be even more empowered to support their political representatives. 

Shops: The primary way to engage other Whites in the process of identifying with their people, race, and heritage, is to offer them products that they will value. What has gone on too much in the past is the public has been offered mostly only the products of the Irish, British, or Germans. As White Americans actually have a wider variety of mixed roots, that approach isn't enough, we'll need to adopt the practice of promoting all European and European-American (White) products in general. 

Merchandise: Look for opportunities to employ the claiming tactic: If you're selecting merchandise for your shop, choose products that reflect positive images about Whites: Display images of beautiful White women, the sports memorabilia of athletes who were openly in favor of the White community's interest, or anything associated with a famous White racialist will leave an indelible impression. 

Posters, books, and videos to educate people about who advanced racialism throughout history will also raise consciousness. It's not necessary that every one of their stories to be known either, as even the frequency of their image appearing in Little Europe will tip off many when it's not otherwise explained. And some people are more intrigued if they are left to figure out the complexities themselves. 

Posters: Among the primary tools of any political community's cultural revival is the poster. This particular tactic was brought to a high level of sophistication during the hippie era, with many of the posters which were given away free at dances still much sought after today. To advance our own values, posters may be utilized to announce our public meeting, reclaim all the familiar Whites heroes by simply inserting quotations which have long been suppressed, and we may also pass them out free at our cultural events. 

Tourism: Most Whites will want to know about the historical sites in your area which are an important part of their ethnic cultural heritage, no matter what their level of consciousness, so no matter where your Little Europe is organized be sure to research and publicize what you can about your local White history sites. The travelers from our opponent's political communities often spend all their money in the cities and towns that cater to their political, sexual, religious, or class identities, and we'll have the same opportunity to serve the travelers interested in our people 

Films: Our shops should carry every significant film from the past about Whites and their interests, but they should also be receptive to the independent film makers capable of reaching audiences with the stories of the more conscious Whites building Little Europe. 

There are still too many Whites who haven't encountered documentaries by historical revisionists, but now they can compare, buy, rent, or view the ones that interest them in an environment conducive to examining and debating even controversial ideas in absolute safety. 

Clothing: Many Whites already purchase clothing based on friendly themes about their ethnic culture, and the bolder choose themes of White Nationalist militancy, but now we also need artists to synthesize those two themes into the new European-American nationalism. White youth already have many styles that they claim as their own, and it wouldn't be a major task to produce Little Europe variations of their shirts, jackets, or dresses. 

Books There are many levels of propaganda available to us, as in the political communities of others, but our residents will only buy or sell what they think is of value. Changing conditions in the US indicate that there just isn't such a thing as a book too radical to be sold, although most Whites still prefer a blander approach to White militancy. And judging by the dynamics of other political communities, the radicalism of Little Europe’s residents will ebb and flow, so even the most radical books will be viewed as a normal and permanent part of the environment even when not the best option. 

Newspapers: The control of one ordinary local newspaper – in both hard copy and on-line versions - would do more to advance the goals of conscious Whites than even the slickest international magazine, as each paper would be a daily reminder that we're no longer going to be contained as we were. And even Whites who are not organized elsewhere will be inspired enough to support this publication by subscription and advertisements until we have a Little Europe newspaper for those areas as well. 

The Roots of Pioneer Little Europe
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The creator of the Pioneer Little Europe strategy for Americans is H. Michael Barrett, and he has had a long and eventful political career: Barrett's father had been a ground mechanic for the RAF, his mother was a nurse in Northern Ireland, and both survived repeated German bombings during WW2. Following the war, Barrett was born on one of the abandoned airdromes which dotted the Essex countryside in 1948, where his parents lived during the postwar housing shortage and rationing that continued. 

The airdrome was a collective organized by Anarchists by that time. And Barrett was born in the former map reading hut, which had once served to orient pilots prior to their flights, a campaign primarily devoted to strafing roads and railways in France. And Barrett recalls from his earliest memory the debris of war - abandoned vehicles, broken rifles, helmets and other training materiel there since D-Day - which lay strewn across the muddy farmer's fields bordered by blackberry bushes. 

Barrett's parents had a number of reasons for moving to the United States, and these included: the discrimination they experienced because of their Irish Protestant and Catholic roots; the Smog which killed thousands in nearby London in 1952; and the stagnant postwar economy which provided very few jobs. His father was so desperate that he quietly sold an inherited sword, which had once belonged to his own grand father, Admiral Shaw, just to secure passage for his new family on the Queen Mary. 

In 1954 Barrett's family arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area by the new Zephyr Train. They had only one relative in California, a priest who had presided over the funeral of an earlier relative, Peter B. Kyne (author of the John Wayne film the Three Godfathers). And for the first years Barrett was treated for his severe Asthma. In 1959 the entire family became citizens, and today the family's passport photos are in the Main Library's history room, part of the immigrant record of that city's oldest district. 

Throughout 1963 Barrett spent the school year attending Rockwell College in County Tipperary, Ireland. One of his teachers there was Father Joseph Nolan, who assisted his own nephew Maurice Manning on the book The Blueshirts, the first complete book on the history of Irish fascism. 

While at the college, which is where Eamon DeValera had taught math before the Irish Revolution, and where Sean Treacy and Dan Breen had regularly hid in an old castle on the grounds during the war with England, Barrett's science teacher determined on one occasion that his "American" student had found the first fossil ever dug up on the school's own grounds. It was a creature which had lived when Ireland was still covered by the sea. 

During his vacations Barrett stayed with his Galway relatives on the shore of the Loch Corrib, and occasionally bicycled to places like Ashford Castle in Tuam, where The Quiet man with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara had been filmed years earlier. And Barrett was in the crowd at Eyre Square when John F. Kennedy came and invited the assembled to knock on the door of the White House if they were ever in his own town. 

In 1965 Barrett joined the army just a few days after he was at the legal age to do so. The United States was building up its effort in Vietnam, and although 17-year olds were not permitted to go into combat zones, and Barrett was not required to go either, he soon began to experience an inner turmoil about his government being out of control. 

This prompted a series of nonviolent acts of resistance, which he expressed in two AWOLs (Absent without leave) and hitchhiked across the United States both east to west, then south to north. Six months later his last post was Fort Jay on Governor's Island in New York, where he was stationed when the Great Blackout struck. Soon after that he managed to receive a discharge that was under honorable conditions, and remaining patriotic used his veteran's eligibility to join the American Legion. 

In 1968 he immersed himself fully into pro-White politics and served as armed bodyguard to Robert Lloyd of the NSWPP throughout a northeast states tour of radio and television appearances. Lloyd had been Rockwell's favorite before becoming the number two person over the NSWPP, and during this particular tour Lloyd met with a Chicago leader, Frank Collin, and attempted to have him step down. 

Eventually Lloyd left the NSWPP with Dr. William Pierce, and Barrett served as both Pierce's first local street activist and Lloyd's corporate partner for a bookshop called Western Destiny. 

Pierce's secretary Earl continued for a time with internal chores for Pierce, but when Earl (after whom the controversial Turner Diaries were named) tired of being a volunteer, and Lloyd closed up his shop and dropped out of politics, Barrett turned to helping Earl co-found a mail order business called White Legion Books. And the first books sold were what Dr. Pierce was able to pay instead of wages. 

Eventually Barrett gave his portion of White Legion Books to Earl and returned to more active politics. He felt that Earl had contributed much more to the business than he had anyway, and Earl renamed the business Bibliophile Legion Books. 

And Barrett recalls an occasion when Earl assisted Otto Skorzany in finding a first edition of his own book. Earl went on to publish some rare histories about Germany's elite volunteers from many European nations, seems to have worked with Carto for a duration, but eventually didn't leave much of a trail on the web. 

By 1972 Barrett went to work as David Duke's national organizer in New Orleans, though Duke certainly had fewer supporters in those early years. During that time Barrett revived the phrase 'White Rights' for Duke's use, though a narrower version of it had been used earlier by Willis Carto. 

After a few months, following a demonstration Barrett had titled as "Against the Vietnam War and Communism," Duke, himself, and other supporters were thrown into Parish Prison and nearly killed in a large holding area (ref. Duke's autobiography), then later they were partnered to the same cell. Upon their release Barrett returned temporarily to work with Earl. 

On one occasion while working with Earl, Barrett took a desk clerk position at the Baron building in Washington, DC, which maintained a number of suites for the state department. And it was there that Barrett became the employee designated to sign in astronaut Michael Collins who, having just returned from commanding the first moon landing, was on his way to report to President Richard Nixon. And being a kind of restless political Johnny Appleseed, Barrett eventually returned to San Francisco. 

During the 1980s Barrett wrote for Sir Oswald Mosley's newsletter Action, and the intellectual journal Lodestar which was edited by Diana Mosley. And Mosley's secretary Jeffrey Hamm described Barrett as "the only person who ever managed to cross over this way from the other movement." 

And Barrett is the person who inherited the monogrammed ivory clothes brush which Oswald Mosley used throughout his adult life (OM had received it from his grandfather's estate, the relative who had posed for the original John Bull cartoon). 

After some of the Little Europe articles for Americans appeared in Mosley's Action, they were also discussed during Phil Donahue's national television show in the US on October 8, 1980. And Donahue personally read nearly the entire contents of an advertisement about them to Robert K. Brown, editor of Soldier of Fortune Magazine. 

The concepts were partly influenced by the ideas of Sir Oswald Mosley, and seemed a respectable enough "translation" for Americans when the editor of the IHR, Keith Stimely discovered them. Barrett convinced him that revisionism is unlikely to rehabilitate the roots of American National Socialism, but that an American ideology - independent of national socialism's wartime errors would greatly facilitate the public's acceptance of many revisionist findings about WW2. 

Already diagnosed with serious health problems, Stimely soon dropped his intention to complete an ambitious autobiography on Francis Parker Yockey - the fascist leader who died in San Francisco. Instead he focused his energy on an issue of the Journal of Historical Review which was noticeably generous to Yockey's old boss, that other advocate of Europeanism, Mosley (Winter 1984). 

Prior to his death, Stimely also published a Mosley-themed wall poster for his own classical music group, then donated his political correspondence with Barrett and others to the University of Oregon. There would be no ambiguity about his beliefs. 

Barrett then contributed articles to the American Friends of the British National Party (now defunct). His work included most of his Little Europe series, and observations about immigration flooding Ireland. There was also a bit of family history, as he detailed a WW2 incident when William Joyce - aka William Joyce - spoke about his Anglo- Irish granduncle (the original H. Barrett) over the radio. 

Barrett believes that eventually the militants and community builders of pro-White politics will come to understand one another remarkably well, and that is why he believes Euro-Knowledge in particular is one of the best web sites he's ever seen.

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Frequently Asked Questions
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"The open door of the old White community has allowed non-Whites and the anti-White types to chase our people to the suburbs for decades, so don't we need a compound in the hinterlands to preserve our people's racial and cultural integrity?"
Answer: Both are actually examples of obsolete societies, as the first does not possess the consciousness to deal with intruders, and the second attracts too many especially cultish supporters. Obsolete societies attract the interest of legal, political and even private opponents but don't have the ability stand up to them. The Pioneer Little Europe strategy is for those who are seeking an alternative: Our opponents are already using a third way, and we need to modernize as well. This strategy entails swamping commercial are as and residential neighborhoods with the most conscious supporters, forming concentrated power centers to rally friends and rout opponents. And we must do this before we lose the opportunity we have left. 


"That's fine and dandy, but wouldn't our opponents eventually get into these shops, schools, neighborhoods, and beds just as they did in the old White community? After all, there are thousands of "civil rights" laws restraining us now, no matter how morally justified we may feel about regaining a level of influence."
Answer:If a Pioneer Little Europe was the same thing as the old White community we would be routed again, but it is not the same thing. The modern political communities that our opponents established to serve their own political/cultural lifestyles succeed in repelling others from their living space by using their "culture" to displace intruders - or the innocents there before. They don’t violate the law when they do that either, as there isn’t a law against something as subtle as physically relocating. And this works whether it’s done unconsciously or consciously, whether the culture is Chinese, Black, or Gay, as long as the new culture is very high profile. 


"I'm uncomfortable with this, as you're saying that Whites need to adopt a strategy that a bunch of homosexuals used when they targeted and caused the collapse of the largest Irish community in San Francisco's Castro district, and the Chinese are still using that strategy to takeover that city's Italian section in North Beach."
Answer: I sense you are still using dissective criticism because of your lack of community. The Gays, Chinese, and Blacks also using water, gas, and electricity, but that does not mean we should turn our own off. 


"I also notice your occasional use of the word Gay. As we don't support their values, shouldn't we say "queer" or "faggot" as is done in many totally militant White organizations?
Answer: The totally militant White organizations have failed in their attempts to lead the old White communities and old Little Europes (where the social dynamics are obsolete), but they continue to flog the nearly dead horses. And as the most extreme groups do nothing about the geographical, political, and cultural erosion of Whites, nor properly accommodate women, they certainly can't resolve the Gay question. 

They are too distanced from our people’s reactions to trouble themselves with honorable remedies, so other political-cultural communities continue to encroach. This will eventually leave Little Europe’s representatives with the only popular authority available to negotiate a rational settlement with anyone they want. 


"I think most Chinese and Blacks displace our culture unconsciously, but that many Gays, Jews, and Marxists do it in a conscious way. Aren’t the people who consciously advocate or employ this strategy going to look a bit sinister as well?"
Answer: The conscious and calculated displacing of someone else's culture is indeed a sublimated form of aggression or war, but Whites cannot afford to ignore the one social science that's constantly employed because it successfully dispossesses them. 


"As a long time political veteran, I am telling you that the strategy of building Pioneer Little Europes and launching a cultural revival isn't going to be allowed by the government. Don't you realize that the rules are applied to Whites quite differently today?"
Answer: Examine the histories of our competitors and you’ll soon find many like yourself who believed it would be impossible to overcome the status quo. The Blacks were told slavery was their natural condition, and homosexuals were so intimidated that they hid in the old straight White community (It’s mostly a White controversy). 

Life moves on and societies evolve, so no one expects Blacks to return to slavery or homosexuals to rejoin mainstream society. Anything those groups got, rightly or wrongly, is due to their supporters having changed the attitudes and laws that contained them. We will break out as well, as I believe we have the vitality to try. 


"I agree with much of what you say, though many of my pro-White ideas are different from yours, so what should I do now?"
Answer: Gather up all the conscious Whites in your local area, rather than wait for a national crisis or miracle, then discuss the sources you have available for eventually building a Pioneer Little Europe in plain sight. 


"Don't you think it's dangerous for people like us to show our faces in the light of day unless we gather like a threatening gang?"
Answer: Whites lacking their culture commonly assume the posture of a threatening gang when meeting in the light of day, but a real community of Euro-Americans can promote their social values and be less fearful. That is because a larger number of people agree with enterprises involving pride, beauty, balance, and fair play. And a revival of our cultural values will continue to raise us up as we transform others. 


"When you take a basic concept like community and call it "Pioneer Little Europes," aren’t you stirring up needless dialogue? In fact, you yourself said that political communities tend to adopt the traditional local label for the neighborhood "just as the hippies only took over the original Haight-Ashbury" so why do the Little Europe people use this special terminology and deliberately provoke a response?"
Answer: New ways of thinking often require new words, and long neglected values sometimes require new words to revive or reconnect them. If our new words were chosen judiciously, they will help Whites to breakout of political habits that don’t lead to success, and at worse they were convenient to the writer. 

Many residents and organizations of our future open communities will offer their own unfamiliar terms and concepts, though we can suspect none is in possession of all the right ones. And an entire cultural revival can begin with a few unfamiliar words. 


"Are the activists of the Pioneer Little Europes strategy opposed to the existing representatives of our race's political and cultural interests?"
Answer: When Little Europe is offered to "conscious Whites" its activists can expect many to react as if their pet views are being aggressively challenged. These will debate as if their lives depended on it. As community is the key value missing from White society today, inside or outside of the movement, anyone who offers it possesses a strangeness that frightens. Out of this dialogue with strangers, however, will emerge brothers and sisters who discover a community of disparate views. Our community will only begin like that, for eventually outside pressures and cultural revivals from within will propel us toward a more formidable uniformity. 


"I'm used to pro-White activists constantly absorbing my money and time, but they rarely hold office in even the White stronghold areas or curtail the activities of our opponents and competitors. How do I know this isn't the same?"
Answer: Although I could certainly use the money, why don’t you keep it this time and open up a Euro-American business within an area targeted for development? As a resident of a political/cultural community, the politicians will eventually compete to represent your values, along with those of your family, business associates, and the many customers willing to relocate from all across the country to support you. 


"It sounds as if you're saying that this community would be respected, but I'm so used to losing ground politically and culturally that I no longer have much faith in the movement's leaders, especially any who would be enticed to come over from the old White community's corrupt way of doing things.
Then consider how a new community would create new leaders during a cultural revival. If you choose what you sell carefully, occasionally offering help to the many people weaker than yourself, you'll be leading by example. 


"I've been giving my time and money to other people's Utopian publications and merchandise for years, and some have even asked me to put myself at physical risk while they continue along safely and without delivering results. It's refreshing to be treated with respect, and to be thought of as a potential leader."
Answer: We White Americans are a race of leaders, although of varying strengths, and we have come much further than anyone by occasionally asking our leaders to account for themselves. 


"I view myself as pro-White, but what if I disagree with a lot of what you have said and have other ideas on what to do?"
Answer: We can still work together: The contrasting views that exist within any political-cultural community provide it with a natural protection against those who would attack it with negative stereotypes. 


"Every group out there claims to have the ultimate answers except the Little Europe supporters, aren't you people stopping short?"
Answer: Little Europe is not in competition with other organizations, as it is the community concept itself. We invite our people to come together and build a real community in the real world. Competing groups can continue to offer the solutions they have for years, and harness them to a cultural revival that enlists the contributions of others. 


"If I view myself as being part of an elite already, why on earth should I go among those who know a lot less?"
Answer: A true elite rises out of a people, is connected to the people, and has the courage to represent the people. If you stay where you are, letting others build this conscious community unassisted, letting others launch the cultural revival from those vessels unassisted, then your credibility as a leader will eventually evaporate. 


"The position of the White race has greatly deteriorated, so I describe myself as a militant, what about you?"
Answer:Little Europe's natural defense, if and when it is needed at all, is the veterans legion tradition brought into politics. Even so, that will have to remain more style than substance until White military veterans of various perspectives come together in Little Europes posts to sort out exactly what they want as a reorganized influence. 


"With all this talk about Little Europe, Euro-Americans, culture and all the rest of it, sometimes I get the feeling this isn't going to be a "race in their face" kind of movement. Is that true?"
Answer: To the contrary, to maintain living spaces for ourselves we must abandon the gentler race messages of our parents time. After the core of our community has been assembled, its central task will be giving racial values the highest visibility possible in a cultural revival. Our supporters merely need to be fearlessly truthful about race, not nasty about it. It will become a kind of street theater that won't endear us with many, and they will flee, making room for those who love our race. 


"To your knowledge is anyone actually building a Little Europe right now?"
Answer: Shortly before the American Friends of the British National Party closed down, they were collecting advertising money from a growing number of White business people in the Northern Virginia area. These openly advertised their shops and services in Heritage and Destiny magazine, which published a series of articles on building Little Europe. Now apparently no pro-White political organization has taken up the slack of this incredibly good opportunity for raising funds. This is all the more remarkable because it's free money, and no one even came forward to protest that Little Europe. 

I also noticed on Stormfront that a lot of excitement was generated by someone with private land in Texas. He was looking for White pioneers to move onto his property, but I suspect the first successful Little Europe won't have that kind of rigid control. It will be as free and independent as what our opponents usually establish. 


" If I’m ready to contribute my time, labor, or resources to building a Little Europe, should I contact you?
Answer: If you want to establish it in the San Francisco Bay Area, or you live here and have no other option, yes. Otherwise, look through our visitor's log book in case someone is already looking for help in your area, or check out the supporting links and contact them instead. 

If anyone has a prepared target area needing a flood of conscious White homesteaders, please state that in our visitor's book. Consider also publishing invitations and advertisements in the pro-White publications supporting this proposal. 

Those who require further clarification, or who prefer to keep their target location under wraps for now, should feel free to contact me. Please read everything on the web site first, as there aren't enough hours in the day to repeat it for the entertainment of the many without resources. 

Thanks for your interest,
H. Michael Barrett
San Francisco 

Friends may circulate this Little Europe guide on the Internet without cost, like seeds borne on the wind, if a credit to the author is always included.

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