<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/odatpotter/">
Odatpotter's Hideaway
Version 3.1
Along this path you will encounter all sorts of interesting things. I am just doing my part to add to this list.
With that in mind, let me give you an overview of what you will find here at the Hideaway. As you can see here on my index page there are a few links to click on. The one called "Hot Links" will take you to my page that is full of launching points. From there you can go to all sorts of recovery related sites, Internet Music sites, even a few links that are just plain bizarre.
Just below the GuestBook, which I would appreciate if you would sign is another launching point. What you will find there are some pages exclusive to the Hideaway. In here you will read personal stories of my journey alone this path. You might even find a game you want to play. One advantage to looking at these pages is that you never leave the Hideaway. If you should choose Hot Links and click something, you will be leaving The Hideaway and only need to arrow back should you wish to return.
One last thing, if you have anything you would like to see in the future, or even better; have a personal story you would like to post here, you can
email me.

Your Friend in Recovery
Alex "Odat" Potter
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Passing It On by ezdozit22
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Updated April 25, 2007
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