articles to read
the bank of the future

caring for the earth

challenges to the international order

deforestation benefits

e-business: big business or bermuda triangle?

institutions for development

international organizations in the globalized economy

managing knowledge workers

marry in haste, repent at leisure

ngos in the globalized economy

a note on floods in bangladesh

a note on land degradation

opportunities for private environmental investment

private financial organizations struggle to find green solutions

reading the future

seeing the forest and the trees

the standardization of life

where do we stand on bureaucratic performance?

a young person's guide to economic policy in the third world

a young person's guide to environmental economics

a young person's guide to the green revolution

a young person's guide to population growth
Too often, what passes for management of human resources has little to do with human resources and even less with management.
(Olivier Serrat, Marry in Haste, Repent at Leisure.)