Emperor Mage Quotes
"The world knows when those birds are ill. He can lose a battalion of soldiers in the Yamani Ils. & never flinch, but the gods help us if one of his precious birds is off its feed." -Carthaki Captain

"Someday I must read this scholar Everyone. He seems to have written so much-all of it wrong." -Daine

"There are always some who think they can do a ruler's job better." -Ozorne

"Don't you wish you could've seen them when they were alive?"
"Only if they were grass eaters. Even so, I should prefer to see them from the top of a very tall tree." -Daine & Zek, when they see the dinosaur bones

"Moonsword? That's very pretty."
"My ancestors were a sentimental lot." -Daine & Rikash

"I must remember to give Tortall a wide birth." -Rikash, after hearing Daine can shape-change

"You're not exactly what I expected, either."
"And what did you expect?"
"Someone who enjoyed being imperial more. What did you expect of me?"
"Someone who ate w/ her fingers." -Daine & Kaddar

"No woman has ever asked to join our armies."
"With you so open & welcoming of the idea, I'm not surprised."
"Women aren't up to the discipline of military life."
"You must tell Lady Alanna that sometime. I'd do it from a distance." -Kaddar & Daine

"I don't see why he soaks himself in all this. It's disgusting." -Iry the hyena, after smelling Ozorne's perfume

"We will defend our emperor to the death!"
"That's fair foolish. My friends are a bit hard to kill. They've been dead already." -Carthaki Soldier & Daine

"I'm not that different from these slaves. Perhaps all I know is fear. It seems that way, often enough."
"A petty reply (spits) That is what I think of it."
"Stormwings. Anything they do, they have to be disgusting first." -Kaddar, Barzha, & Daine

"I have magic! I have-Stormwing magic!"
"Of course you do, Sweetheart. Do you know how to use it? You'll get the hang of it in a few days or so. There's a reason KIng Jokhun didn't want to fight Barzha Razorwing on her terms." -Ozorne & Rikash

"I thought they'd killed you. I lost my temper."
"Magelet that is the greatest understatement I have heard in my life." -Daine & Numair after she trashes the palace