The Squashed ATFA
The Squashed ATFA

Chap. 1: Twins

Alanna: I wanna be a knight.
Thom: I wanna be a mage.
Alanna: Let’s switch places
Maude: This is the way it’s supposed to be.
Alanna: Look! A black city!

Chap. 2: The New Page

Duke Gareth: Hello. You will work and work until you are unable to move any part of your body.
Alanna: Charming.
Ralon: Hi. I’m an asshole
Gary & Raoul: Hi. We’re nice guys.
Jon: Hi. I’m the Prince

Chap. 3: Ralon

Ralon: I’m gonna take your ass down!
Alanna: Oh yeah? (is beaten up) George, will you teach me how to fight?
George: Ok.
Alanna: Hey Ralon, come over here & let me beat the shit outta ya!!! (beats up Ralon)
Ralon: (crying) You’re mean! (leaves palace)

Chap. 4: Death in the Palace

Alanna: Look! Random people are getting ill!
Roger: I was the one who caused all of this (evil laughter)
(people die. Jon becomes ill)
Alanna: Fuck! Jon’s ill! Hey, I have the Gift! Can I help him?
Everyone: Ok
Alanna: (saves Jon)

Chap. 5: The Second Year

Sklaw: You can’t use a sword for shit
Alanna: You’re mean! Hey Coram, will you teach me how to use a sword?
Coram: Ok
Roger: Hi. I’m evil
Alanna: I knew it!!!

Chap. 6 Womanhood

Alanna: George! I’m a girl!
George: That’s nice
Myles: Come look at my ruins
Alanna: Ok. Look! A cool sword!
Roger: The sword makes me nervous….

Chap. 7 The Black City

Roger: Don’t go to the Black City
Jon: Ok. Come on Alan let’s go
Ysandir: Die!!! (Alanna & Jon kill them)
Alanna: I’m a girl & Duke Roger is evil
Jon: That’s nice & no he is not!