Chap. 1-The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
Alanna: Splish Splash I was taking a bath...
Coram: Hillmen! Attack!
(They fight hillmen. Lightning breaks)
Alanna: Shit
(A bunch of Bazhir show up)
Halef Seif: You are now members of the tribe
Alanna& Coram: Cool

Chap. 2-The Bloody Hawk
Kara, Kourrem, Ishak: We're outcasts. Pity us
Alanna: Awwww
Akhnan ibn Nazzir: You are evil!!
Alanna: No I'm not!
(Ali Mukhtab shows up)
Ali Mukhtub: Hey everyone! I'm dying!

Chap. 3-Bazhir Shaman
Alanna: This crystal sword is freaky
Akhnan: You are still evil.
Alanna: Oh yeah? Die, asshole!!
(Kills ibn Nazzir)
Halef Seif: You are now the shaman
Alanna: WTF???

Chap. 4-Studies & Sorcery
Alanna: Will you 3 be my apprentices?
Kara, Kourrem, Ishak: Yes
Ishak: I'm a snot
Alanna: You will not give me any shit or I will hurt you
Ishak: Ok FINE

Chap. 5-Apprentices
Alanna: This is how you do this....& this.....& this....
Kara, Kourrem: Cool
Ishak: I'm being stupid & annoying. Watch me attempt to play w/ things I don't understand!! (dies)
Alanna: Oh well
Jon & Myles: SURPRISE!!

Chap. 6-Ceremonies
Myles: Can I adopt you?
Alanna: Ok
Jon: Hey sexy
(Kara & Kourrem undergo the rite of shamans)
Alanna: You are now shamans of the Bloody Hawk
Kara & Kourrem: Cool

Chap. 7-The Voice of the Tribes
Ali Mukhtab: Hey, I'm still dying here! Jon must become the Voice of the Tribe
Jon: What???
Alanna: Have some strength, Ali Mukhtab.
(Jon undergos the Rite of the Voice)
Jon: I'm the Voice now. Marry me, Alanna!
Alanna: No!!

Chap. 8-The King of the Thieves
Alanna: Jon's an asshole
George: But I'm not
Alanna: Hey sexy
Josiane: I'm an evil slut
Thom: Watch me mess w/ nature

Chap. 9-At the Sign of the Dancing Dove
Claw-I have a secret identity
George: Get outta my chair asshole
Claw: Ooh I'm so scared
George: Stop fucking stuff up, Thom
Thom: I've become an egotistical jerk and will do no such thing

Chap. 10-The Doomed Sorceress
Halef Seif: Go see my dying friend
Alanna & Coram: Ok
Priest: Burn her in the name of Vkandis*....oops wrong world. Well burn her anyway!!
(Alanna & Coram save the Sorceress)
Sorceress: Give this to Halef Seif(hands over envelope)
Alanna: Ok

*those who have read any of the Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey will understand this