Trickster's Choice Quotes
"I proclaim the shallowness of the world and of fashion. I scorn those who sway before each breeze of taste that dictates what is stylish in one's dress, or face, or hair. I scoff at the hollowness of life," -Aly, quoting the university students

"It's as if all the interesting men were born in your generation." -Aly, to George

"At our house, we usually share what gods are monkeying about w/ us today." -Aly

"I do not like interesting things. They tend to bite painfully." -Duchess Winnamine

"And which sort are you, to be the god's chosen?"
"I'm the confused sort." -Winnamine & Aly

"Get along w/ you! You'd think you'd never seen a god before."
"But they haven't "-Aly & Kyprioth

"They family is out of favor w/ a monarch whose grip on sanity is loose, they've been sent to live in country far from any serious kind of defenses....would you like me to add a flock of hurroks or a herd of robber centaurs? Spidrens, perhaps? Rival nobles looking to gain favor w/ King Oron?"
"No, thank you, the normal run of perils should be enough" -Kyprioth & Aly

Gently he (Nawat) stretched his head foward & pecked her (Aly) lightly on the bosom.

"Curiousity killed the cat."
"People always forget the rest of the saying. 'And satisfaction brought it back.'"-Fesgao & Aly

"It isn't just children who need heroes" -Sarai

"If I were you, little parrot, I'd rub dirt in my bright feathers and work harder to pass for a sparrow."
"The goats have taken care of that, don't you think? I'm sparrowing already. Chirp. Tweet." -Lokeij & Aly

"You will tell a fine story. You do well with such things."
"Thank you for the compliment"
"It is my first. I am glad my first compliment is a good one." -Nawat & Aly

"Do you like grubs or ants better?" -Nawat

"I will be here in case you change your mind about mating." -Nawat

"Cooked or raw, sausage is not the food of the gods. "-Kyprioth

"I'm just as true & honest as dirt. And I'm even more charming than dirt." -Aly

"What if I filled my mouth pouch and spilled it for you? Would you take food that way?"
"I would lose food that way." -Nawat & Aly

"Somebody who isn't so busy, or, or, busy...."
"You said busy twice."
"I'm very busy."-Aly & Nawat

"He's thinking. It will take him a while, since thinking isn't something that comes naturally to him." -Aly, referring to Bronau

"You have no idea how much that hurts me."-Kyprioth

"I would be terrified except, well, I'm not." -Kyprioth