Chap. 2-The Hawk & Smelly Stormwings

Setting: A campsite in the forest. Daine & Onua wake up to a horrible smell

Daine: What the hell is that?
Onua: Cabbage….no that was the last fic. It smells like…..CAFETERIA FOOD!!!!!!!!!
Daine: NOOO!!!!!
(Suddenly a bunch of strange birdlike creatures appear chasing what appears to be a hawk. They have human heads & bodies w/ plastic wings & feet)
Onua: Run away! Run away!
Daine: But I can shoot them.
Onua: Why bother?
Daine: They smell bad & they're chasing a hawk.
Onua: A hawk? Why didn't you say so? Let us destroy them w/ our Super Soakers!
(They pump up their Super Soakers & aim them at the Stormwings. Daine shoots down a ton)
Onua: Damn. You're so good.
Daine: Whatever.
Zhaneh Bitterclaws: Damn you suck!
Daine: Excuse me? I kick ass at archery!
Onua: You're supposed to be humble-remember?
Daine: Oh yeah.
Zhaneh Bitterclaws: Stupid mortals.
Daine: Hey! You're a mortal too!
Zhaneh: I am not!
Daine: But you can die!
Zhaneh: No I can't!
Daine: Why don't we find out? (shoots Zhaneh in the eyes. She screams loudly & flies away w/ the rest of the flock)
Onua: We need to find that hawk!
Daine: Why?
Onua: Because he's a very important person….I shouldn't have told you that!
Daine: I'll find him.

In a marsh

Daine: Here, hawky hawky hawky! Here hawky hawky hawky!
(Suddenly the hawk falls out of a tree & hits Daine on the head)
Daine: Oh here it is. Come on, let's go

Back at the Camp

Daine: Here he is.
Onua: Thank God! (Onua puts the hawk in a large bed inside a large children's dollhouse) There.
Daine: Where'd that dollhouse come from?
Onua: The author
Daine: Oh yeah
Onua: Take care of this haek.
Daine: Why?
Onua: Cause I said so!
Daine: How?
Onua: You know animals. Figure it out.
Daine: Ok
(Daine sticks some feathers in her hair & begins chanting strangely. The hawk looks sicker)
Onua: You're making it worse!
Daine: I am?
Onua: He's going to throw up on my Barbie Dream House!
Daine: Ok I'll stop.
Onua: We need to get help. (Onua casts a spell & summons Alanna to help) Dammit! She won't be here for another few days!
Daine: What'll we do???
Onua: Summon the author. Oh author!
(I appear)
Ziasfiremage: Yes?
Onua: We need the Lioness. Now.
Ziasfiremage: Fine. The characters in my last fic were much less demanding, although they did get difficult near the end. You guys just give me Writer's Block!
Onua: Well do a parody of POTS, then!
Ziasfiremage: Oh no, all of you need to be parodied as well. Don't worry-POTS will get its turn.
(I disappear. Alanna appears)
Alanna: I was taking a bath, but I couldn't resist the urge to make a cameo.
Daine: Hey! I'M the star of this fic!
Alanna: Where's the hawk?
Onua: In the dollhouse.
Alanna: Let's see….I think I can heal him.
Daine: Do you need me for anything?
Alanna: No. Not really
(She takes the hawk out of the dollhouse. Suddenly there is a huge flash of purple light. The hawk is gone & in its place is Michael Jackson)
Daine & Onua: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Alanna: Whoops wrong pedophile!* (Numair appears)
Numair: Hi guys!
Daine: He's naked! Ewwwwwwwww!


Daine learns of her powers & the badger visits!

A/N: I've been extremely busy lately w/ excessive schoolwork and the school play. And I had Writer's Block. I'll try to get the next chap up quicker but I can't make guarantees.

*No offense to Numair. I like him a lot