Behold the Main Alanna Page! From here you'll find links to other stuff about her, such as individual reviews of the books and just crap i felt like writing. Enjoy!

Alanna: The First Adventure

In the Hand of the Goddess

The Woman who Rides Like a Man

Lioness Rampant
Who is Alanna? You ask. Allow me to explain.

       Alanna is perhaps the most famous lady knight of the Realm of Tortall.
       She disguised herself as a boy for 8 years until she turned 18 and finally earned her shield. It was then that she revealed her true sex. Most of her close friends already knew, but the king, queen, and other members of the court were dumbfounded. They could not believe that a girl could become a knight. Some were amazed, some were angry, and others didn't have anything to say at all. As you'll see in the book reviews, Alanna proves she can do as good as or better than any man. She's the perfect example of grrrrl power=:-)
Alanna: the Lioness of Tortall
SOTL Character Listing
SOTL Covers