Copy and paste this information to your word program or to an email message and answer the questions, then send to me.

Submit the answers to the following Questions to my email or mail to me, both listed at the bottom of the page, and I will get it entered in. If your information changes just send it back in telling me the changes you would like made and I will change it. I will not put your address or phone number on the net unless you specify that you want it there. I will only put the city and state. Please send your address and phone number however so that it can be posted in the data base.

Year of Graduation (even if you didn't graduate from Ogallala but attended school there.):
Last Name:
Maiden Name:
First Name:
Spouse or Significant Other:
Email Address:
Web Page Address:
Yahoo ID:
Tell us what you are doing now?
Your Spouse?
Do you have any highlights of your high school years that you would like to share or reminisce on?

Please send your address and phone number, once again this will Not be posted on this page unless you say you would like it to be.

Mailing Address:
Phone Number:

Would You like your address and phone number posted to the web?
Address _____ Yes _____ No
Phone _____ Yes _____ No

E-Mail your information to me or by snail mail to:

Beth Fricke
P.O. Box 453
Oshkosh, NE 69154