[Megumi Sexy Ogata's Stalker]

All about me, Aya Tenoh.

Hello hello. Yes. I am a freak. I'm a girl, for any of those who are wondering. And I am    head over heals inlove with Ogata Megumi. She's the coolest and is a big insperation to me! I mean how can anyone not like her? I LOVE MEGUMI OGATA!

Name: Aya Tenoh (Angelica)

Sex: Female

Location: USA

Birthday: November 5, 1986

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: A

Favorite Color: Seagreen

Hobbies: Drawing, Violin, Cooking, Writing, Working on html,
Cleaning, breathing is fun too. *^-^*

Favorite Food: None

Least Favorite Food: Spagetti and sloppy Joes

Favorite Subject: Art

Lease Favorite Subject: Language

Weakness: People and Spelling

Dream: Become a famous Artist

Favorite Senshi: Sailor Uranus

Least Favorite Senshi: Sailor Pluto

Favorite Animal: Cats

Least Favorite Animal: Dogs

Favorite Singer: MEGUMI OGATA!!
Here is a the page all about me! Im not that interesting, but I am I live! So dont think Im  not! I AM! I will be famous in the future, you just watch! MWA HA HA HA AH! You think Im weird? You should meet my friends -_-; They can be scary at times. I love them all though! *poke poke poke!*
!The Mistress!!
My name is Angelica but everyone near me calls me Angel ^_^ I live in Arizona and I happen to like it very much! The perfect weather! I love Megumi Ogata so much! @_@ She is such a big inspiration on me and the coolest EVER! I give her two thumbs WAY up! She is so talented! I like all sorts of music! Japanese, Korean, German, Spaninsh...I'm such a freak! Yes, but people like me that way! Im taking japanese courses and loving it. I will meet Megumi Ogata! I also like English Music too ^.^ Avril Lavingne is so cool! So is Dido! And Britney Spears! Oh yay! I can go on forever, but I wont! Tatu! OH SO FRICKEN COOL! I knew them before they came out in America! Because I also have an ear for Russian Music! Mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew!