Notice she changed. God did not change. We will miss God
looking for Him to always come the same way to meet and 
worship with us. He is progressive, meaning not stale, but
ever on the move, and if we are to be a part of what He is 
doing then we had best keep up with what He is doing. What
you experienced on yesterday, may not be the experience
He has for you today or tomorrow.

There are very few people that I know who would not love to
have their spouse look at them with admiration, and be held 
captive by their tresses. Not because someone has worked a 
spell on them, or manipulated them to. But because they see in 
them what they truly are. This is not a gender biased passage. 
Men and women desire to be admired and captivated by each

Keep a PURE Heart, and your delights will STAY FRESH. With
all that David did wrong, the one thing God said of him that has
confounded most people. Is that he was a man after HIS own
heart. David, knew the key was to be quick to acknowledge sin 
and repent. Psalms 51, David beseeches God to create in him a 
clean heart, and renew a right spirit within. This is done daily, 
sometimes second by second, until the transformation moves 
you to another level in him. 

God has done everything that needs and will be done in 
relationship to mankind. It is up to us to apply the knowledge of
 what he has done to our lives.

Salvation is not worked out in laziness, but in progressively
seeking the Face of God, and not the hand of God. 
