(c)Bob Gass Ministries 2000

Who am I, anyway, to think that I could make a difference?

How many did it take to rescue the man on the Jericho road? One good samaritan.

How many did it take to confront Pharoah and lead the Exodus? One man Moses.

In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England. In 1776, one vote
gave America the English language instead of German. In 1868, one vote saved 
President Andrew Jackson from impeachment. In 1941, one vote gave Adolph Hitler 
control of the Nazi party!

Esther, a Jewish girl who was married to a pagan king, broke longstanding tradition,
marched into her husband's throne room, spoke her mind and rescued her nation
from a Holocaust. One woman - only one - saved the nation, because she was 
willing to get personally nvolved to the point of sacrifice. She said, "If I perish, I 
perish" (Esther 4:16).

Before you say, "Somebodfy else should be doing this instead of me," read these
words: "I am only one, but I'm still one. I cannot do everything - but I can do 
something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something
that I can do," Ask God today, "What can I do in this situation?"
