CvdB . Danger and Brain Evolution 19


A moving alert child has to navigate around considering the danger of collision and the efficiency of trajectories that avoid such collisions. In the case of a child and another human being, the first one must be attentive of the various possible relative human motions. A child has to learn how to reach goals avoiding danger along appropriate trajectories and finally should be effective for the case where trajectories should change because of the other human motion. The avoidance of collisions is learned by hebbian neural net mechanisms, that means, with little help of developed memory, which is almost absent during the first years of life. It may be a non-nconscious use of memory.

It is clear from various analysis of this type, that danger is much more general than initially suspected, and very many human "non-intentional" actions were learned from previous "leading cases" with a strong danger contribution.


Pulsar tecla de vuelta

Vuelta a Portada

Glosario de Carlos von der Becke.