Bennett Luther Dean
Personal Journal, 1915


To 1914

To 1916

January 1915

Friday January 1     New Year Day. Not very cold, cloudy and dark. And we had a whole Holiday. I did not leave the house and about all I did to celebrate was to cut 3 heads of hair, Howard, Bennett and Laurence. Howard got out his bicycle and tried to ride over the hard packed snow and give the other kids a ride on the handlebars.

Saturday January 2     And the Post Office was full of mail this morning and I could make only one trip. I guess that settles the whole Holiday business for New Years anyway. And Sunday tomorrow and all that mail to wait delivery untill Monday. Anna went down town today.

Sunday January 3     Fine day. Anna and Louise went over to call on the Harts in the afternoon. We were thinking of going down to Mothers but it got so late by the time dinner was over we thought we better not.

Monday January 4     The boys had to go back to school today.

Tuesday January 5     Fair day.

Wednesday January 6     Rained, snowed, thawed all day and the snow was nothing but slush. An awful day to work and the mail keeps up fearfully.

Thursday January 7     Colder and quite sharp. Anna took June in her buggy, Laurence and Louise and went to Nashes and paid the grocery bill. And they stopped at Mrs. Fullers on Vermont on their way back. Mrs. Fuller is having trouble with her eyes.

Friday January 8     [No entry]

Saturday January 9     Fine day, not very cold. Bennett went for his music and Howard went up on the Ferry Field to skate.

Sunday January 10     Fine and warm. Anna went down to call on Mrs. Burns and came back by Mothers and stopped there and took supper there and got home about 7:30 and I was getting scared. I had all the kids except Howard who went with his Mama. Louise made a fuss about staying at home but June just waived her paddie byby and went on with her play. And when Mama came home I was dishing out bread and butter by the ton and milk for the younger ones.

Monday January 11     Rained and thawed. After supper I took the 3 boys and went down to the Globe theater, corner of Trumbull and Grand River, to see the picture show, "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch". It was pretty good but I dont care very much about picture shows and it seems as tho every body had gone daffy over them.

Tuesday January 12     A little colder today, after the thaw yesterday there is not much snow left but it lays in piles in places.

Wednesday January 13     Fair mild day.

Thursday January 14     Beautiful day, very mild. I went down town to day noon and bought this book and I got a pair of skates at T. B. Rayles sale for 27¢ to give to Bennett on his birthday and I bought him a 25¢ knife with a chain on it.

Friday January 15     Fine day, sunshine and pleasant.

Saturday January 16     Mild, rain in the evening. BennettÕs birthday, 10 years old. He got a pair of skates, a knife with a chain on it and candy, etc. He and Howard went skating up on the Ferry Field and of course he had a birthday cake for supper with 10 lighted candles on it.

Sunday January 17     Not very cold, nor very nice. Very dark and threatening but for all it looked like rain. Anna and I and the kids, June in her buggie and the rest trudging along, some of them a block ahead and some behind, went out McGraw down Windslow to Grand Pine and found Bert Bradleys photo studio and made them a call we have owed for so long and on the way back we also paid a call on the Frys who live on Lawton near Grand River. And came home in the dark although it was only 6:30 or something like that.

Monday January 18     Quite warm, began to snow hard about 6 P.M. The snow and ice was just about gone and I was in hopes it would stay gone but it looks like quite a snow storm. When we went to bed it was coming down good and looked funny by the light of the street lights.

Tuesday January 19     Well about 6 inches of snow came last night and I have wollowed through it all day. Not very cold, about 30° I guess. I went down to the Main Office after my money and signed the pay roll. I got $10.10 over time pay for my Christmas week over time. Howard is dancing around here in his first suit of pajamas his Mother has just finished. He has been sitting up untill 9 oclock so he could wear them tonight.

Wednesday January 20     I went down town at noon and paid the taxes on the house, $5.08, and the Greenfield tax man was there for the day and I inquired about the taxes on our Grand River school craft lot and he said they had been paid by the school craft subdivision owner. I was glad to hear that and from the Wayne Co. building I went to the Water office and paid the water tax from Jan to July, $3.65, and then walked up Woodward sizing up the window displays and took the car back to work. I cannot do but very little each time I go down I have so little time, 1/2 to 1 hour, it takes most of the time to go and come.

Thursday January 21     Fairly decent day.

Friday January 22     Bad stormy cold day. Cold all day from 9 to 17° above and snowed all day. The air was full of fine snow flakes. Snowed harder in the evening. I take my lunch these days and do not come home at noon. McClerken and Loft came near having a fight today noon in the basement of the station but they were parted before any damage was [done]. They have had a few word wars over marking mixes and they were calling each other names and started to fight but were parted. Loft is a contentious cuss and is forever having trouble and I guess the men will have to take measures to have him transferred to some other place.

Saturday January 23     Well 3 or 4 inches more of snow and very cold too. Howard and Bennett went to the Hardware store on 14th today and each bought a snow shovel and got busy, they usually used the furnace shovel but the snow has been coming so much this winter that it made it hard to use it.

Sunday January 24     Very cold. The boys went to Sunday School and complained of the cold but for the cold and snow Anna and I, Louise and June went down to Ednas to call on Mother. They were shut in one room to keep warm but we did not get cold. June was bundled up in the baby buggie and Louise walked fast with Mama. We left the 3 boys home, they teased us to stay to supper. I did not think we ought to but we did and got home about 7 oclock, the boys were sprawled around on the floor nearly asleep and rather anxious to have us come.

Monday January 25     Still very cold. The inspectors came to our station today to begin the reconstruction [of] our routes.

Tuesday January 26     Still very cold, gets warmer in the afternoon but gets cold over night, 9° up to 24°. Aunt Dill called. Belle Hardenberg called. June has got two new teeth, the first double teeth.

Wednesday January 27     Nice bright day but cold, 13°. They changed my route today but I guess it will be changed some other way in the morning. Mrs. Burns called. I had Clairmont & Atikinson from Woodward to 12th.

Thursday January 28     [No entry]

Friday January 29     Bitter cold all day, down to zero about 8 A.M. Fine bright day but fearful cold. Today my work was the same as yesterday but I curtailed a little more than I did yesterday.

Saturday January 30     Bitter cold again today, 3° above but seemed colder than yesterday, fine bright day. My work today was Clairmont and Atkinson from Woodward to Hamilton and I made it with 10 minutes to spare. Anna took Howard down to Birds 1/2 off sale this evening and Howard bought with his own money a $12 over coat for $6, Balmaacan style and a pair of 50¢ mittens for 25¢. I do not feel very good some how to have him buy his own clothes with money he has earned but really it is necessary, my salary has to get stretched out very carefully to make ends meet and at that Anna and I have to go without a good many needed things.

Sunday January 31     Of all the awful days imaginable this is it from morning untill night it rained a cold drizzling rain but it did not melt the snow much but the water stood in ponds and rivers on the side walks and in the tracks in the snow. The 3 boys went to Sunday School but otherwise nobody came or went.

February 1915

Monday February 1     Fearful nasty rain all day like yesterday but colder and the side walks were so slippery it was almost impossible to stand up. I fell down once while I was delivering mail on Atkinson and came so near it time and again and by night I was so strained and sore from slipping and sliding I could hardly move. I thought I had my troubles all day long trying to stand up and rastling with an umbrella, and too on a new street trying to get numbers and nanes together in the right place but there is an end to all things and so finally I crawled into bed and forgot my troubles for a few minutes.

Tuesday February 2     Ground Hog day and he never saw his shadow. It was dark and ominous all day so I suppose we will have spring right off. We have had more winter than usual so far it seems to me. I have watched the ground hog business for several years and it seems always to come true but I do not remember of anytime that he did not see his shadow and we have always had the six weeks of winter so I am anxious to see how this will come out.

Wednesday February 3     Fairly decent day but cloudy and very bad going of any kind slippery and rough froze up. Anna went to Ruth Hahns funeral today. Howard stayed out of school to care for the children while Anna was away. Ruth is Bessie Clifford Hahn's 5 year [old] child and she fell out of a play cart a week or so ago while at play. She did not seem much hurt at the time but steadily got worse and died. It was a Catholic funeral and Anna did not think very much of it. She did not go to the Cemetery, just to the house, 790 Vinewood and to the Church, cor. of Dix and Junction.

Thursday February 4     Cloudy, fearful walking so slippery and treacherous tires anybody out just trying to keep upright and we have the inspectors with us this week and that always makes us uncomfortable and they are changing the routes and relabeling the cases and also the first of the month mail all combine to make it very interesting to say the least.

Friday February 5     Raining when I got up and it rained all day long and into the night again. And what a day to work, the streets and side walks were just slippery ice. My it makes me wonder why men keep going such weather why cant things stop such days.

Saturday February 6     A little more snow came after the rain and more came at night. Howard went down town again just to see and get familiar with the City a little. He bought a flash light at Henry Webbers sale.

Sunday February 7     And today the sun shone the first time in over a week. Howard was the only one to go to Sunday School. So he went with Mama, Louise and June to call on the Harts this afternoon and Louise came back with an old fur muff that Inez gave her and Louise thinks it just about the nicest thing ever. June has got to that age where she tries to say every thing she is asked to and at meals especially the kids think it sport to get her to say every word they can think of and it is June say this and say that. And she tries to say them all. She can say Howo for Howard, LaLa for Laurence and she says some thing like bamby for Bennett. And Louise she says a big E and lots of times she goes from room to room calling "E-E", and sometimes she calls and calls "Oh, Bow wow, Oh, Bow wow". She has a stuffed doggy and when it gets lost she goes around calling "Oh Bow wa" then she says "all right" when you ask her to come or do anything. She says all right when she wants the kids to get out of the way or stop doing some thing she says "get out" and she asks for a "coo ey" for cooky and some times sasy cake , she used to ask for dubbin.

Monday February 8     And this was a beautiful but cold [day], about 16° above. And Louise started to Kindergarten and she wanted to go and has been teasing for a long time to go but Anna could not get her ready. Anna and June went over with her and stayed a long time and called on all the boys teachers and got a little acquainted with the school and every body admired June and made much of her and so I suppose Louise has started on her life journey and from now on must give an account of herself in an every day work. The Summers moved today up on Greenfield Ave. in a fine house. I suppose Mr. Summers has got to be a high salaried man at the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. and I suppose this neighborhood was not good enough so they have rented their house here and bought in a finer location. Mrs. Summers came over and bid good bye to Anna.

Helen Louise Dean     [Louise printed her name Feb 14-1915]

Tuesday February 9     Beautiful bright day but colder than it looks, about 15°. When I came home from work Louise was anxious to have me listen to a song she had learned in Kindergarten today, so she sang some thing about Valentine it is such fun to put them under the door, ring the bell and run run run, and she was as proud as a king.

Wednesday February 10     Another bright beautiful day and warmer. And Anna took June and Louise and went over on 14th to pay the gas bill and grocery bill and bought some outing flannel to make June some nighties and said she nearly froze but the thermometer is up to 30° this afternoon.

Thursday February 11     Warm and sloppy, snow going fast. Went down town at noon and got $2.02 overtime since Jan. 1st. Went to Elliots and bought Anna a pair of shoes.

Friday February 12     Warm just like spring, thermometer up between 30 & 40°. And this is Lincolns birthday and we have always had a half holiday but no Holiday today for why I do not know. I went down to Elliots at noon and exchanged Annas shoes, they were too large.

Saturday February 13     Cloudy some misty and nasty mud and slush not much snow left just ice in the streets and in spots. As warm as April. Anna went down to Elliots to exchange her shoes ands got some she was not very well satisfied with, it is hard to get shoes unless you take the foot along to get fitted. Howard went down on his Saturday scouting trip. We let him go just to get him used to doing for himself.

Sunday February 14     April day. Clouds and sunshine. Thermometer up as high as 50°. The boys went to sunday school of course they must always have to be driven and fairly kicked out to get them to go. I guess it is nature for boys not to like to go to sunday school.

Howard Dean
Bennett Joy Dean
Laurence Clare Dean
LHELEN LOUISE DEAN  [the children signed their names]

Monday February 15     Fine bright day but colder, between 20 & 30° above.

Tuesday February 16     Dark and cloudy and a little corn meal snow fell but not [enough] to amount to any thing. Thermometer about the same as yesterday, between 20 & 30° above. Louise sick to her stomach and did not go to Kindergarten.

Wednesday February 17     Bright beautiful day, just like April. Anna went down town at noon to get a bargain dress at Elliots but came home with out any thing, nothing she wanted. I rode my bicycle and came home for dinner so I could stay with the kids while she went down town. Anna called on the Helles across the street.

Thursday February 18      Bright beautiful day, not very cold but chilly and the house especially up stairs seemed awful chilly. Mrs. Burns and Donald were up to call. We are having all kinds of trouble with a couple of kids that pester and chase Howard and they have kept it up for a long time past but lately they have been perfectly fiendish and we are so mad and upset about it Anna is well nigh sick. Howard is no fighter but I guess he could and would handle one of them but the two always come at him at once. Donald Burns in taking Howards part twisted one of their wrists and after Donald went away the boy was trying to find out who he was, he was going to have his Father come up and he is going to kill Howard as soon as his wrist gets well. Howard comes rushing into the house time and time again all excited and out of breath and Anna asks him what is the matter he says oh it is those kids. I guess I will have to go and see their parents. I try to get Howard to pitch into them but he thinks two of them is too many.

Friday February 19     Bright and chilly, cold but getting warmer. I rode Mr. Hestlers wheel home to see if I liked it well enough to pay $10.00 for it. Hestler is the Carrier that was taken sick with dyptheria and scarlet fever and only lived a few days. I think I will take the wheel and pay Mrs. Hestler for it.

Saturday February 20     Warm like spring.

Sunday February 21     Very warm and threatening. Boys went to sunday school. Anna and 3 smallest went over to call on Aunt Dil towards night and while they were gone Bert Bradley and wife called but Anna got back before they were gone.

Monday February 22     Warm, cloudy and almost rain. Soft muddy and nasty. The thermometer up as high as 49°. We had 1/2 Holiday today but the children went to school just the same. Belle Hardenberg and Anna Meinhart called and we had a good visit although it seemed almost everybody that we asked about was sick. Edna has had the nose bleed quite seriously, Mother was not first rate tho she walked over and stayed with Aunt July while Belle was away. Aunt July is quite bad. Uncle Sam in Kansas was in the hospital there and was very seriously sick. Roy Hardenberg was sick and it seemed as tho no body was well. Anna went down town this afternoon and bought 2 new work dresses and she looks quite pert in them, one was $1.50 and the other $1.95.

Tuesday February 23     Rain, raining when I went to work and rained nearly all day, and so warm that I was very uncomfortable in my winter clothes. The thermometer was up to 58° and it seemed like spring, the grass is getting green and stuff in the back yard is coming up but of course they will in all probability get nipped, it cant be that spring has really come here in Feb.

Wednesday February 24     Cloudy, damp, mud, not very nice. We got a telephone from Sam t his forenoon that Aunt Julia Hardenberg died this morning about 5. [Julia Ann Joy Hardenburgh, dauther of Bennett Joy & Sally Wood, sister of Lydia Joy Dean] Sam & Belle were up and waited on her at 4 and she was comfortable but at 5:20 they went in her room and she was dead. I and Howard went down there this evening and Sam wanted me to be one of the Pall bearers. I went down to Ednas from there, Anna Meinhart was there.

Thursday February 25     Snowed a wet nasty snow all the forenoon and it is fearful nasty under foot. Mrs. Burns up and took dinner with us. Anna and Bennett went to Aunt Julias funeral service this evening at 7:30 at the house, she was 88 years [old] and for years has been blind and she was ready and wanted to go.

Friday February 26     Cold, down to about 15° above but clear and bright, the ground was white with snow. I did not go to work but went to Plymouth to Aunt Julias funeral. The car left the house at 8 and got to Plymouth by way of Farmington, Northville about 10 and the services were held in the Presbyterian Church and from there the car took us to the old cemetery in the lower village and from there back to Detroit. We got home about 1 P.M. My brother George, Lou, Frank Cudworth, Will Perkins, John Hardenberg and myself were the Pall bearers. While at Plymouth brother Ernie in the place of Will Perkins acted as Pall bearer, all nephews. Mr. Rev. Jaques preached. Bennett & Howard went with me. Bennett got home early enough to go back to school and go with his class to visit the art museum in the afternoon.

Saturday February 27     Clear, bright and cold, about 15° but a fine day.

Sunday February 28     Bright and fine, about 20° above, got warmer and fine. February has been the warmest that I ever remember and of course I lay it to the ground hog because he did not see his shadow on the 2nd of the month. The boys went to Church but not any of the rest of us went out of the house and nobody came.

March 1915

Monday March 1     Beautiful bright day and not very cold. Anna scrubbed the side porch, back porch, got her clothes dry and picked up the back yard a little. [March 1st] Not much like a Lion.

Tuesday March 2     More like a March day than yesterday. Cloudy mostly some sunshine, a little snow and quite a blow but still not very bad.

Wednesday March 3     Bright but cold, down to 13 to 30° and it seemed much colder, cold wind. Inez Hart and Miss McGregor called and Anna went over to call on the Harts after supper and the 3 smallest were in bed. Howard and I were in the basement all the eve. trying to fix up Howards bicycle with parts of my old one.

Thursday March 4     Bright and cold, about 20° but my it seems so cold and chilly. It seems as tho the house is colder in the morning than any time this winter but it is bright and fine to look at.

Friday March 5     Regular March day and then some. It began by raining and turning to sleet and then to snow and it snowed good and hard all the afternoon, there must be 5 or 6 inches on the ground tonight. I got up late and only had 1/2 hour to get to the sta. and when I got onto my wheel the wind fairly blew me to a stand still and I could hardly make it go all the way over there but I got there just in time. Mrs. Burns called and brought a garment she had made for Anna. It is now 8:15, Anna is playing on the piano, Bennett has just finished his 2 hours a day practice and Howard, Bennett, Laurence, Louise and June are having a frolic before going to bed. Howard has his search light playing burglar.

Saturday March 6     Lots of snow this morning and every body had to get out their snow shovels again.

Sunday March 7     Snow on the ground, fair. The boys went to sunday school. No body came and we went no where.

Monday March 8     Cold and crisp today it is rather cold for these days, more like January. We had a little excitement this evening. St. Clair Ward, a neighbor, borrowed the boys wagon to go over on Holden near the R.R. and came back without it and said it had been stolen from where he had left it for a few moments but I presume it will be found but the boys especially Bennett was terribly wrought up over it and went over there to find it but could not. I called on Mr. Williams at 436 Ferry Park this evening, he is a Carrier off sick and I am a member of his sick committee.

Tuesday March 9     Beautiful day, warmer and the snow is melting fast. Anna went to Nashes to pay the grocery bill and to the drug store to pay the gas bill and found she had forgotten the gas bill and came back home after it and back again clear over there and was about tired out when she got home. She had June in the buggie and Louise and Laurence as trailers. And St. Clair found the wagon where he had left it in a lumber shed with something thrown over it.

Wednesday March 10     Fine grand day, warm, snow about gone. And today Anna went down and called on Mother and had June in the buggy and Louise and Laurence. Laurence can only go to school 1/2 day on account of the crowded condition of the school and Louise being in the kindergarten only goes 1/2 day any way.

Thursday March 11     Cold morning, March day, some snow and a little sunshine. I cut 3 heads of hair this evening. I cant see very well at night and cannot do so artistic a job as I might. We go down in the basement and turn on all the lights. Bennett did not act very nice, he was tired I guess and would not hold still and kept his head every where except [where] I wanted it. And I cut Laurences ear and it bled and bled and Laurence giggled and giggled, it did not hurt him much and I would not let him see how it bled and I guess I earned the barbers bill all right enough.

Friday March 12     Bright and cold, seemed awful cold this morning and the house was cold but the thermometer was about 26° above and of course it goes up during the day and gets quite warm but it seems to me it has been a pretty cold March so far but not very bad storms.

Saturday March 13     Fine day, bright and fine. Howard went down town and went to 3 10¢ stores to find a piece of music that Bennett wanted but they did not have it and he did not dare go any where else for fear of getting lost. He does not seem to learn the City very fast. We let him go just so he will learn the City and get used to the down town but he hardly dares to go any where but the 10¢ stores. There are 3 large ones now and all on the same side of Woodward and in two blocks. He bought a little bicycle lock for himself and came home and here it is nearly 11 oclock and Anna and I are still sitting. The kids have had their bath and gone to bed. June went to sleep on the floor, we thought she was playing.

Sunday March 14     Fair day, cold air. The boys went to sunday school. Mr. & Mrs. Young called on us from the church they were begging and wanted us to give something, we have not been going for 2 or 3 years, did not feel as tho we could afford it and we do not now. It takes all I earn to keep even with 5 children and our selves but we hated to refuse so we subscribed 10¢ a Sunday. After they [had] gone all of us with June in the buggy took a walk out 12th to Seward, then west to 14th and down 14 to Mil. or Ferry Park as it is called now, and home. It is building up North of the Boulevard very fast. The sun was bright and warm but the air was cold.

Monday March 15     Fine day but it is cold nights and mornings and on the shady side of the streets there is lots of difference in the temperature.

Tuesday March 16     Bright and beautiful but cold, down about 26° this A.M. and we are burning coal right along. Louise is about sick today with a bad cold and earache.

Wednesday March 17     17th of Ireland and a cold bright day it is. It was down to 22° and it seemed fearful cold. I hated to get up it was so frosty. St. Patricks day, I do not know whether they have any doings or not. We do not see anything out here except green ribbons. They used [to] have a parade but I do not know whether they do now or not.

Thursday March 18     Beautiful bright day about 30°. Aunt Dill called this P.M.

Friday March 19     Cold and windy, a few flakes of snow. Anna washed the kitchen walls today and nearly killed herself. She was well nigh beat out by night.

Saturday March 20     Fine day. I went down town after work and bought a few presents for Howards birthday, a pair of roller skates which he paid for. I got him a Boy Scout book, he is very much interested in Boy Scouts and wants to be one. I bought a neck tie for his Mama to give him and a stick of licorice for Louise to give him.

Sunday March 21     Rather threatening. The kids went to sunday school. Howard took 13 cents for the birthday gift. Edna was up all the afternoon.

Monday March 22     The ground was covered with a couple of inches of snow but it was all gone by 10 A.M. Rained some and snowed a little.

Tuesday March 23     Fine day. Howards birthday, 13 years old, fast getting to be a man now. And it is my Mothers birthday also and Ernest and family was coming in but his wife was taken sick and could not come. Howard got a few presents from the family but none from outside sources. His skates went to a wrong address and I telephoned them and they said they would sent them right [over] and when they came this eve. they were a pair of small girls skates so they have got to be exchanged again. He seemed to like his Boy Scout book the best. He had a birthday cake fringed with 13 small red candles and ice cream and creamed potatoes and a fine supper.

Wednesday March 24     Fine day, warmer than usual. I have a fearful cold and feel bum. If I was rich I would lay off for a few days and get rid of it but I have to keep going. Howards skates finally got straightened out and he has them all right. Mrs. Burns up.

Thursday March 25     Warm rain all forenoon, nasty. Anna was reading the Death notices and read the notice of the Death of Will Hopkin and could not believe it true. We did not know he was sick and knew he was calculating to start for California next Saturday but she went over to the Harts after supper and telephoned to Edna and Edna said he came home from work Tuesday forenoon sick and died this morning only two days later. The cause was found to be obstruction of the bowels and he will be buried on the day he intended starting for California to take in the Panama Canal Fair.

Friday March 26     Bright, a beautiful [day] but very cold, down to 20° above this A.M. Anna and I went down to Hopkins this evening to extend our sympathy . There were a good many people called and he had beautiful flowers but it is rather sad as he had a family of 3 children about 1/2 grown. And it was only last November that his brother died in the same house and is the last of the men folks of that family. It makes life seem more and more uncertain and that death may come at anytime to any of us.

Saturday March 27     Bright and beautiful day, cold, about 22° above this A.M. Anna went to Will Hopkins funeral this afternoon but did [not] go to the cemetery as the children were alone. And this eve. I taped Laurences shoes. Anna gave the kids a bath and that is fearful hard work and it is 10:30 and June just began to cry and Anna had to go and see what the trouble was. June is very smart about talking, she some times puts 3 words together like "I tee Papa." And she sings so you know what she is trying to sing. She hears the children sing school songs like My Country Tis Of The and June will sing that much quite plain. Every time I come home from work she starts to run around the dining table to get me to chase her for a kiss around and round she runs laughing and watching me to see if I turn and come the other way. Yesterday Anna was getting dishes and things out to make a pie and June surveyed things and with her head turned to one side said to Mama "Pie". But I guess she must be having stomach ache, Mama has had to go and take her up from her bed and bring her down and rock her as she would break out crying now and then. She has a cold and a couple of new teeth and is out of sorts in consequence.

Sunday March 28     A regular March day, windy, cloudy, sunshine and snow and got cold at night. And I am 47 years old today. I got up in the neighborhood of 9 A.M. came down to breakfast and found 3 or 4 packages by my plate. Louise and June each gave me a wash rag, Laurence a bag of candy Easter eggs, and Bennett a 1/2 lb box of fine chocolates he paid 25¢ for the 1/2 lb box but they were very fine. Mama & Howard bought a brick of ice Cream. Soon after breakfast Clarence brought Mother up to stay a few days. Mother furnished a couple of chickens from Ernies and we had a fine dinner and for supper a dandy birthday cake. In the forenoon I read the paper, shaved and took a bath and the afternoon was home all the time just with my family.

Monday March 29     Cold down to 18° (official 15 to 26°) and wind and snow blowing to beat the band. When I came home at noon on my bicycle I was white with snow plastered from head to toe even my face was plastered and cold, I thought I would freeze.

Tuesday March 30     Bright but cold, down to 18° to about 30°. The children are home from school this week and that means work and trouble. They slam in and slam out more noise and dirt and confusion than one can hardly stand.

Wednesday March 31     Cloudy and threatening, not so cold.

April 1915

Thursday April 1     April Fool day. Thermometer around 30° and rather windy. March I guess was as cold as February. No bad storms but just steady cold, mostly clear weather. The children have their April fool fun especially at night. They usually tie up each others night clothes and fix tin pans and things so when you open a door they tumble out and scare you with the noise.

Friday April 2     Weather about the same. And everything else about the same I guess.

Saturday April 3     Fair fine day but still cold. And Anna and [I] went to the Theater this evening, quite an event for us. I guess it has been 7 or 8 years since we have been to a theater but Mother was here so we thought we would go. It was all we could do to get started in time after supper. We went to the Temple and could not get a seat so we thought we would go to the Garrick and we got 50¢ tickets for the top floor. We had pretty good seats in the second row. The play was "Keep Moving" and was very funny so we had a good laugh. Got home about 11:30, every body was in bed and Mother had no trouble with the kids.

Sunday April 4     Beautiful day and a little warmer but I did not go out. The children, "boys", went to sunday school but I have been sick all day I guess my disapation last night was too much for me.

Monday April 5     [No entry]

Tuesday April 6     [No entry]

Wednesday April 7     Fine day. So warm I wear my Summer uniform. Anna went down town today.

Thursday & Friday     [No entry]

Saturday April 10     Rain nearly all day, just a warm spring rain that made the grass look fresh and green. Mother is still here so we left the kids with her and we went to the Detroit Opera House to see Daddy Long Legs and it was fine and the house was crowded. We have not been to the Opera House in 10 years I guess and then to go twice in a week we must be getting frivolous. Aunt Dill called.

Sunday April 11     Looked fine and bright this morning but a heavy shower came up about 10 A.M. Howard and Bennett went down to Ednas to get eggs that Ernie sent in and coming home got caught in the shower and got so wet they could not go to sunday school.

Monday April 12     Turned cold about 33° and dark and gloomy day. Where the boys buy their news papers the business changed hands and we have always paid in advance and the new man claimed Howard was back a week and he would not let Howard have his papers for a while but finally let him [have] them so when I got home I went over there but they would not believe me and their books did not show whether we had or had not so I only succeeded in getting so mad I could not sleep. I was beside myself. It seems as tho everybody thinks news boys were made a purpose to cheat. The people on their route cheat them in change and give them bad money. They say they have paid when they have not. Move away owing 2 or 3 or more weeks. Some have told them to come a certain day and they will pay up and the boys go that day only to find the people moved out the day before. By the time the kids get grown up they will think there is not an honest man living.

Tuesday April 13     Beautiful bright day but it was a white frost morning. Today at noon Howard and I rode our bicycles over on Woodward near Milwaukee to the Detroit Saving Bank and Howard took out a book and deposited $25.00, money he has saved from his paper money. And I got a book for Bennett and deposited $10.00 for him, money he has saved from his paper money. And I got a book for Laurence and deposited $1.00 of my money so he could feel big along with Howard & Bennett. So the 3 boys have a Bank account. And this evening Howard, Bennett and I went down town we went to the P.O. where I signed the pay roll. And then we took in Miles Theater with tickets we got from the Butcher on discount purchase tickets. Howard said the paper man wanted me to come and see him again to come to some understanding but I am not going I probably would get mad again and maybe get into trouble. I had better pay the extra week than do that it means a loss of about $2.30 and that is discouraging for the boys. Howard said the man that sold out knew me and was an old Nankin Mill neighbor by the name of Alexander but I did not know him yesterday, he was in the store when I was yesterday.

Wednesday April 14     Beautiful day and much warmer. Anna went and called on Lydia Joy McNab this afternoon. Aunt Dill called. I raked around the front lawn to make a start this spring.

Thursday April 15     [No entry]

Friday April 16     I was over to see the news paper man but did not come to any understanding, they claim the boys are in arrears one week and we claim we are not and that is all we can agree to.

Saturday April 17     Anna sick, could not do the work, bilious attack I guess. Mother did all she could to keep things going but when the boss is sick everything goes to the dogs.

Sunday April 18     Fair day, getting warm. Anna better than she was yesterday but does not feel very good. Mrs. McLeod and daughter Helen called and a friend was with them her name was Parr.

Monday April 19     Fine and warm, the outside air was more comfortable than the inside today. Clarence came after Mother this evening. So she is gone. June was out running around in the back yard for the first time.

Tuesday April 20     Hot, up around 80°. A little thunder and a few sprinkles.

Wednesday April 21     [No entry]

Thursday April 22     Real spring has come I guess. I work around in the back raking and cleaning out the preplant, etc. Fixed a hole in the side walk at the back steps.

Friday April 23     Hot, fearful hot, about 80°. I went in my shirt waist for the first time this afternoon. And the fire went out for the first time since it was started last fall. I cut Bennetts hair and also bobbed Louises hair and they looked better and more comfortable. The boys never want to have their hair cut for the reason that it takes time away from play and it takes me so long, about 45 min. I do a pretty good job but I would not earn much at it because it takes me so long to do it.

Saturday April 24     Hot, fearful hot, up to 83° in the shade and that is enough for any time of the year. I cut Howards and Laurence hair and Howard was so proud because it was cut pompadour. They boys are all baseball these [days] and they make life miserable teasing for balls, bats, gloves and baseball suits. They could spend a million I guess if we did not restrain them.

Sunday April 25     Another hot day and the doors and windows all open. The boys went to sunday school and towards evening we all went for a walk. This sunday seems as tho it has been all tease of the kids to go somewhere and do something. Life is all work and no play it seems to me.

Monday April 26     Another hot day, up in the eighties. I have on my summer underclothes and am dressed for summer. When I was working on Atkinson this morning a heavy shower came up and it rained good and hard for a few minutes but it never rained a drop here at home. The country is getting very dry and needs rain badly, it looks like summer now the grass, trees, shrubs are getting green. Tulips are in blossom, cherry trees are in full blossom too.

Tuesday April 27     Beautiful day, a little cooler. Mrs. Burns up. I took Howard & Bennett down town to the Spaulding sporting goods store after my work and their papers were peddled and they bought themselves a baseball suit, shirt, pants, stocking, belt and cap all for a dollar and you never saw such tickled kids. Belle Island bridge burned today.

Wednesday April 28     Beautiful day, cool and fine. Howard and Bennett are so pleased with their base ball suits they want them on all the while. Howards is gray trimmed with blue and Bennetts trimmed with red. This morning when I got up I saw Bennett decked out in his whole suit standing up in bed all ready for the pitcher to throw the ball over the plate. They usually are fast asleep when I get up at 6 A.M.

Thursday April 29     [No entry]

Friday April 30     Got windy and cold towards night. I am getting the screen doors fixed up and put up. Aunt Dills seventieth birthday and Bennett went to the green house and got a primrose and took it over but they were all away so he left it on the back porch.

May 1915

Saturday May 1     Nice day but cool. Built up a fire again.

Sunday May 2     Cold and cloudy, between 40 & 50°. The boys went to Sunday school and in the afternoon they teased me to take them somewhere so we took the car to the Water Works Park. We could see the Belle Island bridge from there, there is nothing left but peers, most of them may cross one span stands alone about 1/2 way and the City end is all right out to the draw. The draw was damaged some too but from the draw to the Island it is practicaly all gone except the peers. When we got home about 6 the house was locked and Anna and the girls had gone to Aunt Dills, but I had a key so we got in all right.

Monday May 3     Cold nasty rain all day, fearful, and today the Carriers were to don their panamas but I didnt see any one wearing them. I got June a new pair of shoes today, $4.

Tuesday May 4     And today was worse than yesterday if that is possible. Rain all day, cold, so cold I put on my winter coat.

Wednesday May 5     Cold showers. We still keep a fire.

Thursday May 6     [No entry]

Friday May 7     Showers. A German submarine blew up the steam ship Lusitania this afternoon and about 1,200 lives were lost. And some who were lost were Americans and the world is horrified that the Germans would do such a thing, even in the name of war. And a great many Americans are clammering for war with Germany, but I for one hope the U.S. will manage to keep out of the war at any cost. The Germans seem to want war with the U.S. and are fast losing the respect of the Americans because of their manner of carrying on the war.

Saturday May 8     Warmer but a shower or two just the same. I guess it has rained every day this week.

Sunday May 9     Warmer, it rained a little today. Bennett and Laurence went to sunday school but Howard had a cold and did not go. It is Mothers day today and Anna received a couple of potted plants in honor of the day. Bert Bradley and wife called late this evening.

Monday May 10     Beautiful day, grand, fine. While the rest of the kids were at school this afternoon Anna took June and went down town to Elliots looking for bargains in hats mostly but did not like them at any price. She got June a pair of blue rompers and a few other things. June saw lots of dolls and bow wows and said "Dolly bow wow Du nie". She calls herself "Du nie". And when I came home from work to night I rode my wheel over on 14th and paid the gas bill and then went on down to Ednas and called on Mother. She and Edna went up on Tennyson Ave. to see Geo. yesterday, they are talking of getting an automobile and also of going to California.

Tuesday May 11     Beautiful day and warmer, went without a coat today.

Wednesday May 12     Beautiful day, fine and warm. Wore a straw hat for the first time this season. Anna and Bennett went down to call on Mrs. Burns this evening and the clock just struck 10 and they are not back yet, the rest of the children are in bed. June is very cute these days, she can just about talk everything. "Hello Papa" she says when I come home and sing, you would die laughing if you could hear her sing. But she will not sing if any stranger is around. "My Couny tid a lee" (My Country Tis of Thee) she sings. "Way down in Dixie". But the cutest one is a kindergarten song she learned from Louise, "Good Morning to you, I am Glad to see you", with a courtesy and the way she makes a courtesy is too cute for anything.

Thursday May 13     Beautiful day, got chilly by night. People that started for work this morning found not a street car moving, the men had gone out on a strike and all day there was not a car moved except mail and milk cars or something like that. Automobiles did all they could to get men to work, some free but more charged a quarter, some more. But Autos loaded with all that could hang on were flying everywhere but even at that most everybody that got to work were late and thousands did not get to work at all. I ride my bicycle anyway so it did not make any difference with me. Letter Carriers got to their routes some old way, some in autos, some on bicycles and some walked. What a difference it makes anyway one does not realize what it means to be without cars untill they have to get along without them.

Friday May 14     Beautiful day, a little chilly, especially in the house. And Louise was quite sick, her stomach was out of sorts and her throat was quite sore and she layed on the couch and slept most of the time but I had to build a fire this evening it was so chilly for her. The street cars began running again today at 11 A.M. They submitted their troubles to arbitration and went back to work. Bennett is practicing his music and he comes and looks at the clock every 3 or 4 minutes to see how much longer he has to practice. He has to be jawed and urged and coaxed and threatened every day to keep him practicing. Anna cleaned out the attic to day and the stuff went into the furnace tonight to help take the chill off. I fixed up a new curtain in the bath room and June is always in the midst there of under your feet on your tools and is a perfect little nuisance.

Saturday May 15     Fine day but it rained hard late in the evening, chilly. Fire all on account of Louise, she is quite sick, ear aches and sore throat. She has gargled all day. Edward Hulbert, Elmer Hardenberg and Donald Burns came up this afternoon with [an] auto and Howard, Bennett and Laurence [took] a long ride out Woodward. They are our old neighbors on Avery. Before going to bed tonight we set our clocks ahead 1 hour, the City has adopted eastern standard time to take effect at mid night tonight.

Sunday May 16     Rained hard during the night, cloudy, threatening, dreary. I heard the Engine house strike 1 in place of 12 at midnight last night so I suppose we are running on Eastern Standard time. More day light for the factories and working man is the reason for changing. Louise is better today but looks bad.

Monday May 17     Cold, damp, horrid. One needs winter wraps and we have yet. Everything on Eastern time today and I guess no body noticed much difference. Louise is better and her ear and throat does not hurt her as much as they did. But she looks so thin, she is nothing but bones.

Tuesday May 18     Rain in the morning and it [is] so cold and damp and horrid it is discouraging, fearful. Bert Bradley and wife called and brought some Kodak pictures they had developed.

Wednesday May 19     Sometimes nice and sometimes bad, white frost this A.M. At noon I rode my bicycle down twelfth to Fort where Edna works. The Paige Chope Stevens whole sale paper house and got a supply of toilet paper. I get it at whole sale price but I earned it, it is a long way from here.

Thursday May 20     Cold rainy and just horrid, the thermometer stands about 50° but it seems like winter and we have a fire.

Friday May 21     Turned out nice. Cool. Edna came up this evening to talk summer resort. She had heard of a cottage on the St. Clair river near St. Clair City. We are talking of renting a cottage for my vacation time but I dont know, it costs a good deal and the getting to and from seems well nye impossible.

Saturday May 22     Fine day and warmer. Mrs. Burns up and talked and talked. Howard met me at the P.O. and we went to Fellmans on Woodward and he bought himself a pair of shoes and a pair of oxfords. The shoes were $2.75 and the oxford 95¢. He wears 5 1/2, the oxfords were bargains.

Sunday May 23     Beautiful day and warmer but I built us a fire to take baths. The boys went to sunday school and Anna went and called on the Harts this evening.

Monday May 24     Cloudy and threatening but not a bad day. Rained hard last night. Anna went after supper on Pallister Ave. to see Dr. Bell but he was not at home. Howard was with her and they walked both ways. Anna is troubled with run rounds on two or three fingers. The soreness is in the roots of the nails, they are very painful and bother her terribly doing her work. Louise went back to kindergarten this morning after being out over a week, she likes to go and teased to go back.

Tuesday May 25     Fine day untill evening then it rained hard. The kids had a great time tonight playing hide and seek, June with the rest. She would blind then run and find them but they would get to the goal first but June thought that was fun too.

Wednesday May 26     Cold, wretched, miserable weather. High cold wind. Fearful weather.

Thursday May 27     Cold rain late at night, frost this morning.

Friday May 28     Nice day and warmer but it is not hot by any means, the thermometer is near 40° above in the morning.

Saturday May 29     Rain all the forenoon and cold. We did not have any fire today but it was because we had no coal. Howard started out in the rain this morning before 7 oclock to go to Sugar Island, the Boy Scouts and school children of the higher grades had a field there. Bennett went to the car with him to bring the umbrella back, it looked foolish to let him go in the rain but he wanted to go and when he got back at night he said it did not rain there. Bennett also had a day of it, the news paper gave the newsboys tickets to ride on all the roller coasters and a bag of peanuts, ice cream and lemonade and so he started out in the rain to go and he got back all right about 1 oclock. Then he with the help of the neighbor kids carried Howards and his own papers. So they had a great time but their Father & Mother did nothing but worry all day and was mighty glad when they got back safely. And Laurence for his stunt layed around all day with a head ache and sore throat, he had to gargle every 1/2 hour all day.

Sunday May 30     And what do you think the sun shone all day today for the first time in I dont know how long. I was chilly this A.M. but got so warm we all moved into the back yard. It was fine there in the sun. I scrapped up old boards and sticks and got up a little steam to warm the house and bathroom so we all got our bath. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday school but they did not want to go but we told them that if they could [go] to Sugan Island and "Coney Island" they ought to go to sunday school. Laurence is much better today so I guess that scare is not going to be anything serious.

Monday May 31     Decoration day. And one Grand fine day, warm and bright all day. And the Carriers had a full holiday. I took the 3 boys down town at 10 A.M. to see the Circus parade and in the afternoon we moved out into the back yard and read, played with the kids some, they played ball nearly all of the time. After supper Howard and I rode our bicycles down to call on Mother.

Dean Family

Back row L to R:
Bennett L. Dean and Louise.

Front row: Laurence, June and Anna.

Detroit Michigan c.1915. 

June 1915

Tuesday June 1     Beautiful day. Anna went down town. Howard was sick and did not go to school so he stayed with June while Mama was down town.

Wednesday June 2     Junes second birthday and such a day, rained a miserable cold rain nearly all day and I guess it rained nearly all night. And Louise was all ready to go to a Field day of the Kindergarten school from all over the City to be held at the Navin Base Ball grounds. Louise had new black slippers, white stocking, white ribbon and white dress. And she wanted to go so bad but of course they could not go in the rain and may go next Wednesday. And this is Junes birthday and is very cute these days. And she can just about talk every thing it seems that she must be ahead of any of the rest of our kids. She puts 3 words together without any trouble. and sings parts of songs and does other stunts right along, some new thing every day. She weights about 26 pounds and is 30 1/2 inches high. She seems stout and solid but runs and is on the go from morning till night with perhaps one nap. She sings a kindergarten song "Good morning to you, glad to see you" and courtsys to the right and left. And she sings "Conny Tiddy Dee" for Country tis of thee. If anything drops she all ways says "down ma ginty". She always says "toot toot" for get out of my way.

Thursday June 3     Not so bad as yesterday but it rained all night. And today is dark cloudy and cold. I do not see where all the rain comes from since the 1st of May it has been rain rain nearly every day and the coldest month of May I ever experienced, it was just horrid.

Friday June 4     Well the sun came out today and is doing the best it can to dry things up a bit. Warmer. Mrs. Keifer and Aunt Dill called this forenoon just when Anna was trying to get a little cleaning done. When Aunt Dill came Anna had to stop every thing and talk into Aunt Dills hearing tube.

Saturday June 5     One grand beautiful day, warm and sun shiny. Anna trying to get a little cleaning done. Put in the screen down stairs.

Sunday June 6     Bright and warm. This morning we got up about 8 and commenced the usual Sunday grind getting the kids down to breakfast and then baths and off to sunday school, it is about as busy as any other morning and Anna does not get much rest Sundays either, work, work, nothing to do but work in this world.

Monday June 7      Showers. Anna did not send the washing to the Laundry but did it herself, once in a while she does the washing her self to get them clean.

Tuesday June 8     Fine day.

Wednesday June 9     Nice bright day but rather chilly air. Louise went to the Kindergarten doings at the baseball grounds, cor. Michigan and Trumbull. She was dressed all in white except her slippers and they were black patent leather. Anna had to put heavy underwear on her because it was so chilly. She went about 12:30 and came back about 5 and Anna wanted to go but just couldnt get ready and take June but of course she was safe, the class had a private car and the teachers to take care of them.

Thursday June 10     More rain and cold, the papers say a few snow flakes fell before it rained but I did not see them. But it is so cold it is uncomfortable, I guess we are not going to have any summer at all.

Friday June 11     And more rain, a heavy shower about 2:30 and warmer, it was hot after the shower.

Saturday June 12     Beautiful day.

Sunday June 13     Hot forenoon but blew up cool at night and looked like rain but did not make out. And this is children day in the churches. The boys went to church willingly today because they get free tickets to Bob Lo. They go to the Baptist church, corner of 14th & Antoinette, but we are members of the Trumbull Ave. Presbyterian church. Louise has teased her Mama to take her to the Childrens day excercises but this morning Anna could not get ready in time so I got ready and took her to our Church. And we went on the Trumbull Car but walked all the way home except that we stopped to call on Mother.

Monday June 14     Fine day untill late evening then it rained and rained nearly all night. And this is the first day of my vacation and I didnt do much. Helped Anna a little and in the afternoon stayed with the children and Anna [went] down town to see Dr. Bell about her fingers. She has 2 or 3 runarounds, he said her blood must be bad and gave her 2 prescriptions, one for her blood and one for her fingers and Anna called on the Harts after supper..

Tuesday June 15     Fine day, cool. Second day of my vacation, didnt do much. Took Laurence and went down town, took a package to the Post Office to mail Parcel Post. I sent my uniform coat back to the makers to alter. Then we wandered around went up in the Dime Bank building, had a glass of soda water. Laurence got tired and teased to come home. This Eve. the Fire Engine went by here on Marquette clang clang, some of them were drawn by horses and some were autos and it seemed as tho a million people followed, running, walking and in autos. Howard, Bennett and Laurence disappeared around the corner like a whift of wind. The fire was in the Wolverine Mfg. down on 12th and the R.R. and I suppose the people though they were going to see a big fire but it did not amount to shucks. Louise and I left Mama and June to take care of the house and we walked down there. Crowds and crowds of people were there but we came back home and after it was over and the Engines gone back the boys showed up all right but they keep us worrying a good share of the time.

Wednesday June 16     Fine day. Third day of my vacation and I was around the house all day. I cut Bennetts hair, painted the front screen doors and in the afternoon the City Gas Co men came and put in a gas water heater. They put [it] in on a trial and if we keep it we pay $3 down and $2 a month with your gas bill untill we have paid $17 and they guarantee them. Mrs. Kerr called she is Bennetts music teacher.

Thursday June 17     Heavy rain again last night but was a nice day. Fourth day of my vacation. Howard went on the Baptist excursion to Bob Lo and was gone all day. He went with the Swansons next door. He had a lunch and brought a whole lot back, his potato salad was all spoiled because there was red on the wrapping paper but he had a fine time. And Bennett and Laurence and I went to the Water Works park intending to take one of the numerous small boats that ply between the main shore and Belle Island but for some reason none were running. A good many people were waiting but no boat showed up. We waited around watching people fishing and they had no luck either. I guess it was an off day. The Belle Isle Bridge burned up so the only way to get to the Island is by boat. We came back down town and walked around looking in the windows for a while and came home about one and Bennett & Laurence had to hurry over to the school and get their certificates and they got Howards. Howard goes into the A.8th and Bennett into the B.6th and Laurence into the A.3rd and Louise is not through the Kindergarten yet. And then I with Laurences and Louises help peddled Howards papers for him.

Friday June 18     Fine cool day. And the 5th day of my vacation. First I went with Bennett over on 14th to get him a pair of rubber soled slippers or oxfords but they did not have his size and were to send for them. And Anna & I took Louise and June and went down to Elliot Taylor Wolfendens and bought a few needed wearing aparels. Anna got a hat, waist, gloves, etc. and Louise a 3 dollar hat for 98¢. And before we came home we went next door in Saunders and treated ourselves to ice cream. And we came home all tired out.

Saturday June 19     Nice day, keeps cool. 6 day of my vacation. Bennett and I started out on our bicycles, he went for his music lesson and I went to call on Mother. Mrs. Walker was there sewing, she used to sew for us and we had not seen her for several years. Bennett came after his lesson and we rode our bikes down to 87 Noble St. where Anna and I started housekeeping and lived there nearly 6 years. Then we rode by 320 Harrison where I lived once before I was married. I cut Howards hair and we took a little walk up in the Boulevard and around.

Sunday June 20     Fine day, cool air. And 7 days of my vacation have gone. The boys went to sunday school. Anna, Louise, Laurence and I, June was asleep so we left her with Howard and Bennett, went to call on the McLeods but when we got to the house we saw so many company folks there and the McLeods did not see us we walked by and went to call on Roy Hardenberg & wife and little 6 weeks old son. They live at 205 Columbus Ave. and Roys father in Law was there and brought us home in his automobile. Then Anna and the kids went to call on the Harts, Inez has sprained her ankle. Bennett and Laurence went to their church in the evening, they had pictures but now at 10 oclock they are all in bed and Anna and I sit here, she reading and I doing this.

Monday June 21     Fair except a shower in the afternoon and windy. 8th day of my vacation and Howard, Bennett and I took a trip to the lakes Orchard P???, Cass and Sylvan. We got the 8 oclock suburban car but we got the wrong car which only went to Redford and we waited there for the right car and then it cost us as much to get to the Lakes as it would have from the City Limits so we were that 20¢ out. We got off at Orchard Lake Hotel stop climbed a long high flight of steps and over a bridge to the Lake we walked about 1/2 way around Orchard and about 1 1/2 way around Pine. Then we went to Cass Lake. We cut across a field following a cow path not knowing much about where we were going. It was fearful windy and the Lakes were rough but we enjoyed the trip. We liked Cass Lake the best but thought it must be a bum lake untill we got right to the water edge, then we could see the whole lake and thought it the best of all. There are lots of cottages along the south shore and they are fine but too close for privacy We could see clear across to the North shore and there was scarcely a cottage on the North shore that we could see and it looked fine but I suppose the car does not run around there so it is most to far from transportation. We caught only a glimpse of Sylvan Lake because we had to get the next car to get home at 2 oclock so the boys could take their papers and the conductor coming home made me pay for Howard and Bennett full fare. They always have passed one fare for the both of them so you can see they are getting big.

Tuesday June 22     Fair day but cool. Not much doing today. I worked around the house all the forenoon. In the afternoon I went down town and took in the Temple Theater.

Wednesday June 23     Fair but very cool, almost chilly. I did not go anywhere but swept the upstairs and a few odd jobs in the house. We were mostly getting ready to go to Bob Lo tomorrow.

Thursday June 24     Fair and warmer. Bob Lo today. We got up at 5:30, most of the lunch was put up last night and we managed to catch the boat which left at 9:00 although we were about the last ones the whole family went. Howard and Bennett got Roy Keifer and Laurence Swanson to peddle their papers so they could go. We found Sam and Belle Hardenberg and my Mother went and seemed to enjoy it and wanted to see the whole thing but got awfully tired. Clarence Mason met the boat on our return and took her home in his auto. We had a fine time, the kids run them selves nearly to death. Laurence had one of his head aches and was sick all the way home and all night. Howard spent most of his time with Edward Hulbert. Bennett said he had 4 glasses of ginger ale, 2 boxes of cracker Jack, 2 ice cream cones and he spent 58¢ besides his fare. When he wants anything he gets it without asking, the rest of the kids think they must ask first. Anna, Louise, June and I took a ride on the Merry go around to please Louise & June. June was a favorite with everybody but oh my we were tired when we got home.

Friday June 25     Fair day. Nothing doing but rest today to get over our trip yesterday. We got up late and every thing was late all day. I put up the screen doors on the front door and I also trimmed the elm tree in front, it needed it badly and the limbs hung so low that they bothered passersby. And in the evening we left the 3 boys at home and took Louise and June and walked up to McLeods and strange people came to the door and said McLeods had sold out and moved. The man that bought him out was a Letter Carrier too and he told where McLeods were living in a flat at 96 Allendale which was several blocks further out Grand River so we went away out there, found them and visited untill 10 oclock and walked home down the Boulevard. Louise and June were both asleep in the buggie. The Boulevard has new lights and it was beautiful. We did not get home untill 11 oclock but found the boys all in bed and safe but the walk was a little too much and we were tired out again, vacation is hard work.

Saturday June 26     Beautiful day. Tinkered [with] my bicycle, mowed the back yard, cleaned up the alley, but that is about all I have done today. Anna tried to get ready to go to Belle Island to the Northville Detroit People Picnic but Aunt Dill was going with her but she was ailing and Anna could not get ready untill too late. Howard and Roy Keifer went out to the woods out 12th street and did not get back when he was expected and that was one reason but it is well nigh impossible to get to go to any place so today has been a bum day all around. Howard just came in and got money to buy 14 new customer "papers" of Harry LaHote, he paid him 10¢ a customer. Bennett sold my old bicycle to the same boy for $1.00.

Sunday June 27     Beautiful day. The 3 boys and myself took a trip this afternoon to Palmer Park and back by way down town so many more people and especially autos go there now that the Belle Isle bridge is gone.

Monday June 28     Fine day and a little warmer. Anna, Louise, June, Laurence and I went down and rode up and down the river to Belle Island 3 or 4 times. We got off at Belle Isle [for] 1 hour. The children always enjoy the boat and the Island, the water, etc. but the boats were well nigh deserted, I never saw so few people whether it is the bridge being gone or the cool weather that keeps the people away I dont know. There is usually about standing room only on the boats but today there seemed so few and this evening I had to take Howard & Bennett to a show over 14th to the picture movie to even up. We hear from it if we dont even up with each kid.

Tuesday June 29     And today it rained, and cool, but I took Howard, Bennett and Laurence to Belle Island and we escaped the rain and did not get caught in it. We got a canoe and Howard and Bennett did their first stunt paddling a canoe, Laurence tried it a few minutes but Bennett would not give up the paddle longer. We got home about 3 P.M. and Howard & Bennett had to go for papers in the rain.

Wednesday June 30     Fine day but heavy shower late in the evening. Actually Hot today, the first Hot day since April. And I am back on the job again. And I am hot and tired out tonight. It beats all how fast a vacation goes and at the end of the first day you go back to work it seems as tho you never had a vacation. The weather man says that June beat all records for cold and wet weather.

July 1915

Thursday July 1     We had a fierce shower last night and it has threatened all day today and it has been Hot and close and tired weather.

Friday July 2     Rain, heavy shower in the evening and it has been Hot and Close.

Saturday July 3     More rain. Went to work in the rain.

Sunday July 4     Actually chilly especially in the evening. The boys went to sunday school and in the afternoon we, Anna, Louise, June, Howard and I went down to call on Mother and soon after we got there it began to rain and blow and we waited untill after Mother got something to eat and untill after 7 oclock but it still rained a little when we came home. Mother let us have a couple of umbrellas and capes and wraps. Louise and June were in the buggy covered tight with blankets and an umbrella and so we hurried and paddled up the street home. Bennett & Laurence stayed at home and were getting scared with the storm and our being so late. Edna & Clarence went to Port Huron on the boat although the [4th] is supposed to be celebrated tomorrow there is a great deal of celebrating today there is a noisey popping all over the City. While we were coming home from Mothers in the rain a drunken man fell out of an auto going the corner and he fell flat on his back in the mud and wet street and two other men had to get out and put him back into the auto and I guess the man was so drunk he never knew anything about it.

Monday July 5     Cool, actually chilly one wants his coat on sitting around the house. Fine day. The kids were awake at 5 this morning and up and out at 6 shooting their fire crackers and waking up the neighborhood. Each kid, even Louise, had their fire works all bought for days and counted and rowed up on the floor time and time again and all enthusiastic over them. I guess Howard and Bennett spent about one dollar each. Laurence and I went up to Ferry field in the afternoon and in the evening Anna and I sit on the porch. I had an overcoat on and Anna was wrapped as for winter while the kids and the neighborhoods kids shot off their fire works, my but it was chilly. I heard a man say he started a fire in his furnace to keep warm this is certainly a queer summer we are having.

Tuesday July 6     Fine day and quite warm in the sun. After work I went with Howard to get him a pair of overalls and we got Bennett and Laurence a pair also. I think Howard is to big to wear overalls but he wants them and so he gets them. Hickey an old Letter Carrier was killed Sunday afternoon in an street car accident.

Wednesday July 7     Well more rain, it has rained all of the afternoon and this eve. it has just poured and is raining now coming down in buckets full. 10 P.M. Anna is writing a letter to Ernies wife at South Lyon, they wanted us all to come out there Sunday but we cannot go very well. Bennett and Laurence expect to go out there this Saturday with their Grandma Dean.

Thursday July 8     Threatening but did not rain. Went down to Mothers this Eve. to see if she had heard anything about going to Ernies but she had not.

Friday July 9     Fine day and getting hot. Went down town after work and paid the gas and elec. bill and a few things else.

Saturday July 10     Bright and hot. Bennett and Laurence started for Uncle Ernies farm. They were ready with satchel packed to start after dinner. The last we saw of them they turned down 12th walking as fast as they could go, Bennett carrying the satchel. They were to go down to Mothers on Calumet and Dickerson. Maggie Joys husband was to come in his auto from Plymouth to get Mother and the boys and take them as far as Plymouth and tomorrow to take them to Ernies farm near South Lyon. But so far all we know was they disappeared down twelfth street.

Sunday July 11     Hot today and it rained a little bit but not much. And we have had a very quiet day, our family seems very small with Bennett and Laurence gone and of course we have been wondering all day what they were doing. I hope they have a good time and do not get home sick or cause any trouble. They have never been to Uncle Ernies before, they live in an out of the way place, no street cars or trains that goes very near them and then for years they were a little out with the rest of us so we never have been there since they were first married.

Monday July 12     Fair and hot. The usual weekly grind begins over again. Letter from Mabel.

Tuesday July 13     Sunny and hot. Card from Bennett they are having a good time and are all right.

Wednesday July 14     Hot, getting fearful hot.

Thursday July 15     Rain forenoon and evening but keeps hot, the rain does not cool off any only makes it more disagreeable. And we got sad news today from California. We got a telegram at 5:10 P.M. saying Mabel died this morning. No particulars yet, letter will explain. And it was like a thunder bolt from a clear sky. We just got a letter from her Monday and she was all right then except she said she was tired out. What could have happened we cannot imagine and I suppose we will have to wait a week for a letter to tell us what was the matter and by that time the funeral will be over. It just about put Anna out of business. We cannot realize it at all it does not seem possible that it can be true and prehaps it is best that we cannot realize it because she has always been a favorite with all of us and especially the children.

Friday July 16     Hot, oh my it was that awful heat and humidity, sweat and sticky and rain will it ever stop. It rains every time the sun winks an eye it rains. We had a terrific wind and rain storm about 1:30, I was on my way to work riding my bicycle and altho I had an umbrella I jumped my wheel and dragging it after me made for a porch, it only lasted for a few minutes but I got quite wet at that. And hot, fearful when I got home at night I just had to jump into the bath tub and change every last dud I had on they were wringing wet with perspiration. We got another [card] from Bennett, I guess he likes the farm and horses. He said he had rode a horse twice and was very stuck up about it.

Saturday July 17     Hot, I guess it was as hot as yesterday but not so disagreeable, a little breeze and better air. Edna up and spent the afternoon and evening.

Sunday July 18-Tuesday July 20     [No entry]

Wednesday July 21     Bright but quite cool, chilly this evening. Anna got a letter about Mabels death from her Mother today. Mabel was taken violently sick about 11 A.M. Wednesday July 14 and in spite of all they could do for her she died the next Morning at 4 A.M. The Dr. said it was peretonitas. She was perfectly well that morning and was working in her garden but was taken so suddenly and violently she could not summon aid and was alone untill found by her husband when he came home to dinner. They lived up in the mountains from Bishop, Cal., her husband is an engineer in an electrical plant. She was taken to Los Angeles for burial and the funeral was to be Sat. or Sunday, the letter said tomorrow but the letter was not dated, we could not tell what day that would be. Belle Hardenberg and Delia Hopkin called and went over to Aunt Dills this evening.

Thursday July 22     [No entry]

Friday July 23     Nice day. The Harts received a letter telling all about Mabels death and they sent it over here for us to read.

Saturday July 24     I went down town with Howard at noon we went to Traver Birds and he bought a pair of pants, a suit of underwear and a pair of stockings. And then we wandered through the 10¢ stores and he bought a 10¢ pick axe. He is all ready to go to Plymouth tomorrow to stay a week.

Sunday July 25     Heavy rain this P.M. Howard, Bennett, Laurence and I went down to the suburban car waiting room, corner of Jeff. and Bates, and Howard got on the 9:30 Plymouth car and started for Plymouth. The last we saw of him he was waiving his hand out of the window good bye. Then Benntt, Laurence and I went down to the Woodward dock and watched the boats for a while then we walked up Woodward to Clifford looking in all the windows on the way and got the 14th car at Griswold and Clifford home. And we were home all the rest of the day.

Monday July 26     Threatening all day. Anna got a letter from Flo and went over to the Harts after supper for them to hear. Louise and June went along.

Tuesday July 27     Threatening all day, rain in the evening. All the children got a post card from Donald Burns who is visiting in Stuart, Iowa.

Wednesday July 28     Rain and more rain, we had a heavy shower as I was going to work this morning and I got off my wheel and ran on to a porch over on Lincoln to escape the hardest of it. Anna went down this afternoon, she left the two girls with Inez Hart. She went to Dr. Bell to show him her fingers, for a long time they have had something the matter around the source of the nail like a run around but the Dr. said he did not [know] what it was and sent her to Dr. Dibble, a skin disease specialist and he said about the same thing, thought it very pecular but he gave her a box of sauve and charger her $2 and told her to come again in a week. Bert Bradley & wife called this evening.

Thursday July 29     Rain and Hot, muggy, fearful. Where all the rain comes from is a mistery, it rains nearly every day and has since April I guess. And it has been chilly and cold most of the time, just the worst summer I ever saw. The people say it is the war. Well the war is bad enough, I do not know whether it is to blame for the rain or not. The papers say since the war began over 3 million men have been killed and a great more than that wounded. And still it goes on as fierce and terrible as ever. The whole world deplores it but cannot stop it. Last Sat. an excursion boat, the Eastland, was at its dock taking on passengers when it rolled over on its side top heavy and over 1,300 people were drowned. Some thing must have been radically wrong with the boat and somebody careless because the boat was known by Marine men as an unsafe boat. And I suppose now it will be abandoned but too late to save all those lives.

Friday July 30     Fearful hot sticky day. Some rain and threatening all day.

Saturday July 31     Rain last night and this forenoon was fearful hot and sticky. But it cleared up this afternoon and was hot but not so close. The mosquitos are so bad we can not sit on the porch in the Eve. and this kind of weather is certainly anything but pleasant. July has been about as wet and disagreeable as June I guess it must have been warmer on the average tho but every body feels that the time was slipping by for summer and no real summer are we getting. The summer resorts and excursions are feeling the depression in numbers and dollars. But then it may make it up sometime later. It seems to me the weather has been so dark, rainy and gloomy that it gives us an ominus fearful unsafe and uncomfortable feeling. The whole spring and summer weather has been that way.

August 1915

Sunday August 1     Nice day for a wonder. Up late and nothing doing, home all day. Children did not go to sunday school. We looked for Howard [to come] home today but he did not come. June is a great hand to play with blocks, she has a small box of blocks and she piles them up then knocks them over and says "make sompen else" and does it over and over. She says "where is it, Junes doll Mama", "where is it Junes clothes Mama." Then she says "Mamas dess I think" and she plays hide and go seek with her dollies. She puts each doll in some place then she goes and blinds and says ready, then goes and finds them. She has to play all alone most of the time, the boys and Louise want to be out in front all the time playing with the neighborhood children. June just begs Louise to play with [her] but she wont and June cries but has to play alone and she is so cute, she plays Kindergarten, plays with the dolls and sings them songs and gets along fine. She likes to look at pictures but she loves all the dollies and likes to ride them in a little doll buggy. She likes to get all cleaned up with a clean dress on and is more than delighted to go by by but she has to stay in most of the time because Mama is so busy.

Monday August 2     More rain today of course. The papers say July was the wettest July in a good many years. Howard came home today and he says a farm beats the City and he wanted to stay longer. He was on a farm near Plymouth west of there I guess at Will Meinharts, my Mother was with him visiting there.

Tuesday August 3     Rain, my goodness I never saw it rain like it did today while we were eating dinner. The papers say it was a cloud break, well we thought something must of busted. It had rained all the forenoon with scarcely a let up but for a few minutes about 12:30 it came down by the buckets full. It just seems as though the world must be coming to an end it rains so much. Sewers were flooded and all over the country there was floods and a good many lives lost.

Wednesday August 4     Rained again today, cool. I went down town at noon and paid the City tax, gas and electric lights bill. At the Elec. office where I went to pay my bill somebody had left a good fat pocket book. I gave it in to the lady clerk and now I wonder will the owner ever get it. I went to J.L. Hudsons and had my eyes tested and am wearing glasses for the first time this evening. My eyes are not bad but were getting so they smart and feel uncomfortable. I can see to read fine in my new glasses but cannot see off so well. And Anna went to the Dentist, a Dr. Flemming, down on the corner of Grand River and Trumbull. He is starting in on a $40 or $50 job. Always something to take every cent and a few besides. Anna got a letter from her Mother who is up where Mabel died in California. She went up there with Mabels husband to take care of Mabels things and she sent Anna one of Mabels dresses and of course it makes Anna feel her loss more than ever. Mabels death was a sad blow to all of her family.

Thursday August 5     Rain, dark, gloomy and chilly. Fierce as usual. Anna went to Dr. Biddle in the David Whitney Bld. this afternoon to show him her fingers and he said they were getting along fine, to come again in two weeks. She left Louise & June at the Harts, the boys had papers to peddle papers so could not stay with them. Anna had the scare of her life this morning. Bennett must have scratched himself while he was asleep I guess. He began to bleed from the corner of his eye nearest his nose and Anna could not stop it. It just bled & bled in a stream. She nearly went into a panic. She went upstairs to get ready to go and telephone for a Doctor when it stopped all of a sudden and had not bled since. Anna thought he would bleed to death and Bennett was scared so you see there is always some thing doing in a family.

Friday August 6     Cold, gloomy and more rain. People on Grosse Isle claim they saw it snow today. I guess the thermometer here was about 58° but it [was] so chilly and damp and oh so disagreeable. Anna went to the Dentist again today but he did not accomplish much today.

Saturday August 7     The sun came out fine this forenoon and it seemed as tho it would never rain again but goodness it rained nearly all the after noon and is raining out now, 9:30. Everybody is so discouragaed over the weather it just seems as tho we could not stand it to have it rain any more it has got on our nerves. I took Bennett and Laurence down town today noon and at Birds I got Laurence a pair of $3 shoes for $1.85 and Bennett with his own money got a pair for the same price and also bought a pair of pants $2.50 for $1.50. Then we went to the 10¢ store and got a big lead pencil and a circus set with animals to cut out, these were for Louise and Laurence to take to Russel Oehlers birthday party. Hazelton put in 12 tons of Pocohontas coal today.

Sunday August 8     Well of all things it has not rained all day and was a bright grand day but we did not go anywhere. The 3 boys went to Sunday school after exhausting all the excuses they could think of.

Monday August 9     Well well another day and no rain. A beautiful day. Laurence and Louise were invited to Russel Oehlers birthday party from 2 till 5 P.M. so they went. Laurence took a great big red white and blue lead pencil and Louise a animal circus outfit to be cut out for a birthday present. And in some game I guess it was a while blinded to pin a tail to a donkey Louise won a prize of a small bottle of perfumery and she was immensely pleased. Aunt Dill called and brought a letter from Mother Clarkson for Anna to read. It was all about Mabel, they take her death so hard and can hardly reconcile themselves to her being taken away. Howard went up to Ferry or North Western High School to swim today and I hope he will learn to swim.

Tuesday August 10     And another fine day, maybe it [will] get in the habit. Certainly a fine day today. The City is repaving our street and the street is full [of] men, sand and machinery. I went over and paid Hazelton for our coal they put in last Saturday, 12 tons of Pocahontas. I paid just 48 dollars, they threw off the carrying in charges for cash. I started to make a pair of stairs for the outside celar stairs, they were so bad they fell all to pieces when I tried to get them out for a pattern.

Wednesday August 11     Well it was fine all day but this Eve. it is raining again. Couldnt stand it to be nice so it started in again. Anna went to the Dentist again today, the girls were left over to Aunt Dills and the boys all went up to the Northwestern Hight School to swim. Laurence was crazy over it and Howard says he can swim a little. When I came home for dinner I could not get in the house, everybody gone. The boys came back soon but they could not get in either. I watched the men at work on the pavement and talked to crab apple for nearly an hour before Anna came.

Thursday August 12     Rained nearly all night last night, it must have been another cloud burst for it certainly came down in torrents about 10:30. Fair all day. Anna had Inez Hart here all day and Aunt Dill to dinner. I am building new stairs for the outside celarway and it is quite a job for me, mostly because I dont know how to do it but I guess I will get them so we can go up and downstairs.

Friday August 13     "Hoo Doo" Well it had to rain a little today just to keep up the record. Howard, Bennett and Laurence went to the North Western high school to swim today. Howard says he can swim a little. Laurence always gets excited and sick over everything new like that. Bennett I guess is afraid of the water and dont try to swim much. I want them all to know how to swim but it is slow work because you can only go every other day and the lessons do not last long.

Saturday August 14     Fine day but rather warm and sticky. Howard & Bennett started out about 8:30 this morning to go to Belle Island to go in bathing. They teased and teased to go but we did not want them to go alone but we had to give in to get any peace. It is so far and it takes so long, it takes 1 1/2 hour to go but they went by car & boat and got back about 1:30 all right so that is over and then so is the worry of what might happen. They had a good time and Howard says he can swim and dive but I guess his swimming would not take him very far. Mother came up to stay over Sunday. She has been out in the country for 3 weeks.

Sunday August 15     Fine day. Anna went home with Mother this afternoon and visited Belle Hardenberg on the way home, Louise was with her.

Monday August 16     Hot close day. Thundered and blew two or 3 times during the day and rained like the old harry in the evening. Kids except Bennett went swimming up to the North Western Hight School. The teacher scared Laurence so he billered, he told them that they must dress in 5 minutes and Laurence was so excited he could not get his clothes on. He says he is never going again. Bennett was nearly sick.

Tuesday August 17     Find day but it got so cold and chilly one was glad to get down under the covers in bed at night. The McLeods called this Eve. Mr. McLeod has been sick for nearly 3 weeks. Anna went to the Dentist today. Her fingers are getting so they look well again, she thinks if she gets her teeth and fingers fixed up she will be happy.

Wednesday August 18     Fine, clear, cold, it seemed almost cold enough this morning for a frost, the thermometer was down to 50°. Anna, Louise and June went and called on Aunt Dill.

Thursday August 19     Beautiful day, warmer and grand.

Friday August 20     Fine day, rain late evening. Howard & Bennett went swimming at the Northwestern High. Howard was promoted to class B. Anna went to the Dentist this afternoon. Howard took care of Louise and June untill he had to go and peddle papers, then he took them over to Aunt Dills untill Anna came back that way and brought them home.

Saturday August 21     Rained nearly all day, it would rain a few minutes then quit a few minutes then rain again. Howard went down town to see things and he says he got lost and was frightened a little finally he heard the City Hall bell struck the hour and although he thought the City Hall was in the wrong place he went that way and found it. I think he [must] have been on Broadway then on Randolph, he thought the County Building was the City Hall untill he heard the bell. But I think it is a good thing for him to learn and find out how to get around and rely on himself, that is the reason we let him go down town alone.

Sunday August 22     Some rain this morning but got clear at night. Nobody went anywhere and nobody came, but the children were very strenuous and we were glad to get to bed at night.

Monday August 23     Fine grand day and no rain. Laurence sick all day with one of his spells of headache and sick at the stomach, he has such a spell quite often. We think it is the way he eats, things he likes he stuffs himself and again if the meal does not suit him he will eat scarcely anything.

Tuesday August 24     Rain, several showers. The mosquitos are fierce this summer even in the day time, the grass and schrubs are full of them. I never saw them so bad. Laurence still sick all day and he is quite sick. Anna gave him Calomel this afternoon and Howard went over on Belle Isle to some school doings and came home sick. A truck was to come to the school and take them to the boat and they waited from 9 to about 1 then took the car and he only got [to] the Island and came back alone he was so sick with a headache and his stomach. Bennett carried his papers for him. Anna got a letter from Flora today.

Wednesday August 25     Cold but pleasant. Howard sick all day. Laurence getting better but still dumps around. Anna went to the Dentist again today.

Thursday August 26     Fearful cold, we ought to have a fire it is so uncomfortably chilly.

Friday August 27     Cold but I guess there was no frost in some places the thermometer was down to 32°, ours was down to 44° but the sun is warm today and it will probably get warmer. Anna called on the Harts today.

Saturday August 28     Cold and looked like rain but did not [rain] here. I went down town after work. I went to Leggets Drug Store, they had a 1 cent sale, you buy one article and they would let you have another just like it for a cent. I got 4 umbrellas worth $1.00 a piece for $2.02, Etc. And at Fyfes shoestore I got a pair of $3 knock about shoes for $1 for Laurence and Bennett. Howard was well enough to peddle his papers today.

Sunday August 29     Cold, cloudy and one little shower. Laurence, Bennett, Louise and I went down and called on Mother while we were there Uncle Asa, Mr. Dickerson and Maggie of Plymouth came after her to take her to Plymouth, they came in their automobile.

Monday August 30     Cold, fearful cold, you felt like bundling up in winter wraps. The weather man says it was the coldest August day that the weather office has record of . The official thermometer was 49° above at 6 A.M. but it seemed much colder. There was some frost although I did not see any. How much damage was done I do not know, the frost was Monday night. I built a fire in the furnace and we were nice and comfortable in the evening.

Tuesday August 31     Light frost last night but the sun came out nice and warm today. Howard and I went down town at noon. I paid my New England Life insurance premium $48.60 and I have only 3 more to pay. Then we went to Fyfes and Howard bought himself a pair of knock about shoes marked down from $3 to $1. And then to Birds where he bought a cap, then I treated him to a glass of soda water at Saunders. Then we looked in windows for a while and he took a 14th car home and I took a Woodward [car] back to work.

September 1915

Wednesday September 1     Beautiful day. September is starting out fine, I hope it will keep it up.

Thursday September 2     Another beautiful day. Anna went to the Dentist again this morning, she is getting nearly through.

Friday September 3     3 beautiful days, doing fine. June is having a bad spell for a few days, I suppose it is her teeth. She complains that her head hurts and she says her legs hurts and her arms hurt. She has some fever her head and hands are hot and she talks in her sleep at odd spells all night long. Nearly all of us have had a bad feeling spell. I guess it must be catching.

Saturday September 4     Oh pshaw, the weather could not stand it to be good, it has been rainy and horrid today and this is our wedding anniversary, 20 years married, whew but we are getting old fast. And we have said for years that we would celebrate our 20th anniversary in a proper and fitting manner but we did not have the money and could not do the work. This month we have paid taxes, paid for our coal and my Life insurance, about 125 dollars. So we had to be content with good health and plenty to eat and a boquet of asters. Howard & Bennett went down town this forenoon and Howard bought himself a tennis racket and ball for which he has teased for all summer. He is an adept at teasing and never lets up or gives any peace untill he gets what he wants. Bennett can be persuaded and does not tease in the same systematic never let up way.

Sunday September 5     Perfectly horrid, rained nearly all day without a let up and is raining now at 9:15 P.M. to beat the band. And this is Annas birthday, well we had a dandy tasting dinner. We intended to have a chicken but got a leg of lamb instead because I did not find any good chicken. Anna got 3 boxes of candy, I gave her one, Howard & Bennett gave her a $1.00 box they bought it yesterday. Louise gave her a pound box of creamed walnuts, mine was a box of candy almonds. Laurence gave a box of Nabisco wafers and we had a brick of ice cream for supper. No body came and no body went. Howard went for the ice cream in the rain. Miserable day outside but we had a pleasant day inside. Bennett bought a doz. asters yesterday, I paid for them but he called it his present. June seems a little better today, she is around all the time but looks miserable and does not act like herself.

Monday September 6     Horrid nasty day, rained nearly all day. The Labor day parade paraded in the rain and I suppose the State Fair opened today in the rain. The Carriers did not have a full day Holiday but made one trip in the rain. I was home all day and [did] not go anywhere. June was so sick to day we nearly telephoned for a Dr. but as we were going to phone she seemed a little better and began to prick up and act better, I guess it was her liver.

Tuesday September 7     Raining in the morning but got clear in the afternoon.

Wednesday September 8     Fearful hot and muggy day. Anna went to the Dentist for the last time today, she has got her teeth all fixed up but now she wants to have the childrens teeth looked after. She did not get the bill yet and does not know how much it is going to be. June scared the life out of us tonight. She went out the front door and in some way fell over the railing of the porch and struck on her face on the hard cement side walk. She looked so terrible that we sent for the Dr. and he came and looked her over felt of her nose and forehead but thought there was nothing serious. She bled from the nose and mouth and her forehead was swelled and puffed up and she looked as though she could never look right again. Anna walked the floor with her and tried to keep her from going to sleep as she was afraid she would never wake up. Anna was crying and the rest of us sat around with long faces not knowing what to do, the children were struck dumb.

Thursday September 9     Fine day. Well if you could see June today you would not know her after her fall last night. She looks just terrible, her face looks as tho she had been pummeled by a pugilist, her eyes are nearly swelled shut and all black and blue, and her nose I guess she must have struck on the end of her nose, it is as black and blue as can be, looks like a big blue plum on the end of it. And her upper lip is black and skinned and her whole face is swollen, it just about brings tears to look at her. She does not look like June at all. She does not make much fuss about [it], sometimes she says it hurts Mama but she goes on about as usual. Ernie and his wife and little girl, Virginia, came in today and stayed to dinner and Ernie stayed all night to go to the Fair tomorrow and his wife had never seen June before and to see her as she is today [is] a shame. Ernie, the 3 boys and myself went to a picture show.

Friday September 10     Beautiful day, but had a heavy rain and wind storm late in the evening. The fire Engine went by on Marquette in the midst of it. June seems to feel better today but does not look any better and it seems impossible that she can ever look right again but I suppose she will come out all right and it will not take long at that. Ernie and Howard and Bennett went to the Fair today, they got away about 8 A.M. and came back in the afternoon about 4:30 Ernie went home from the fair and we did not see him again. The boys had a fine time but were pretty tired and had to go right away after their papers and get them peddled. Aunt Dill called this morning to see June and said she would never have known her if she had met her anywhere else than at home.

Saturday September 11     Threatening all day, rain late in the evening. We have so many hard showers and rains in the night. Warm wet, are having more warm weather steady than all summer I guess. Junes face looks a little better but looks fearful yet. I said to Mama that I ought to go somewhere, she said where would you go. I said I guess I would go to bed, we were at the supper table and June was on Mamas lap and she said, "are you going to bed really Papa."

Sunday September 12     It was raining when we got up at about 8:30 and so dark we had to have a light, it was fearful dark and ominous. The bad weather gets on your nerves and you feel as though the world was coming to an end it makes one shudder but this afternoon the sun is shinning and it is Hot. Anna and the girls went to call on Aunt Dill this afternoon.

Monday September 13     Hotter than the old dickens, my how I sweat today. I guess we are going to have summer in earnest, the thermometer ran from 71° to 86° but it was that awful muggy sticky Hot. School began today.

Tuesday September 14     Hot, Hot, my but it is well nigh intolerable, 72 to 89°. No rain and the weather man says no relief in sight. Every body felt the need of a bath tonight and clean clothes and that means another washing. Through Mrs. Cushing, our next door neighbor, Anna got 1 bu. peaches for 80¢ and 1 bu. for $1.15 and a bu. of potatoes for 60¢ but peaches are very cheap just now, they are selling on the street for $1.00 tonight. We read in the paper that the Frank E. Kirby brought up a load of 7,000 bu. from the Put in Bay district but that means a hard job and no time to do it to take care of the 2 bu. we got.

Wednesday September 15     Still hot, between 80 & 90° but I guess the air is better today anyway I did not sweat quite so much today And it was peaches, peaches today. I peeled about 1 bushel and Anna worked untill she was ready to drop dead by night, it takes a mighty effort to get any thing extra done besides doing the regular work for a family of 7. Mrs. Burns and Donald showed up again today, they have been visiting some relatives out west somewhere in Nebrasky I guess. It is one week tonight since June got her awful fall over the railing down onto the hard cement walk right onto her face. And her face looked to me as tho it never could be right again, it looked so terribly bruised and swollen. Her eyes were about swelled shut and black and blue and the end of her nose looked like a dark blue plum and I wondered how long it would take to heal up and look like June again. And tonight her face is all healed and natural as ever except one little spot under her nose on her lip.

Thursday September 16     And again it is hot, about 83°. Last night it got cool and we had a fine night and I thought probably we would be wearing overcoats by tonight but it is still hot, the most hot weather this month we have had all summer. It is making records of all kinds, cold when it ought to be hot and hot records when it ought to be cool. It is 9:30 and the kids are all in bed. It has thundered once or twice and now I can hear the rain drops coming down and this may be the last of our hot weather. Anna is asleep on the couch done completely up. She spent an hour or more trying to pound a little addition and multiplying and subtraction into Laurences bean "as they say". Laurence has been put ahead one grade and it is going to be hard for him, from A.3 to B.4. The school is so crowded that he and several others had to sit on chairs and have another chair for a desk and he did not like it but now by putting him ahead a grade he goes into another room and has a regular desk.

Friday September 17     Fair day.

Saturday September 18     Rained nearly all of afternoon. Anna left Louise and June with Mrs. Swanson and took the 3 boys down to Dentist Fleming and had their teeth examined. He said they were not so very bad. Howard and Laurence needed some work, Bennetts teeth were in good shape except that they were so crooked, he thought the roof of his mouth was very narrow and he might have adenoids or enlarged tonsils and said we better take him to a Doctor.

Sunday September 19     Beautiful day. The boys went to Sunday school. Mrs. Burns and Donald called. Anna, June, Louise, Laurence and I took a little walk around to see how fast it is building up and you notice a change in a very little time.

Monday September 20     Beautiful cool day, grand, except we just had a hard shower, 9 P.M. It must have its rain nearly every day. I went over to Nashes and paid our grocery bill of some 15 dollars and they always give us a little bag of candy which has to be divided up in 7 very equal piles.

Tuesday September 21     Rained all last night and turned cold and I built a fire it was so damp and in the house . Peaches are so cheap we bought another bushel for 75¢ and 1/2 bu. pears 75¢ and a bu. potatoes 65¢.

Wednesday September 22     Cold all day, slight frost last night. Fire in the furnace all day. I am trimming the big tree in our back yard and the scrub trees along the fence and it proves quite a job but will look much better when it is done. I do not know whether it is a good time of the year to trim or not, I trim anyway. The City trimmers seem to trim the year around so I guess it does not matter much when it is done.

Thursday September 23     Beautiful day and warmer, no fire today, it went out last night so I did not start it up again. I guess the canning business has just about done Anna up. She sits here fast asleep, the kids are all in bed and it is 9:45, time for all of us to be in bed.

Friday September 24     Nice day. Howard sick all day and did not go to school so Anna left June and Louise with him this afternoon and she went down town and bought a few neccessaries.

Saturday September 25     Fine day. I went down town today noon and got a supply of Tungston Electric light bulbs, the Elec. light Co. are furnishing the new and better lights, they gave me 20. Howard and Laurence went to the Dentist this forenoon. Howard had 2 or 3 teeth and roots out and Laurence had 5 tooth pulled and they must go again next Saturday to have some filled. Bennetts teeth were all right except that the Dentist said he did not scrub them enough.

Sunday September 26     Oh Horrors, rain nearly all day. The boys went to sunday school in the rain. Nobody came and nobody went. Pop corn in the afternoon and thats about all.

Monday September 27     Cold, built up the fire again, after the rain yesterday it got cold.

Tuesday September 28      Clear nice day but chilly, a light frost this morning. Mrs. Burns up this forenoon.

Wednesday September 29     Beautiful day, especially out in the sun but we have a fire yet. There was a white frost this A.M. Before six oclock this morning wagons and auto trucks appeared on our block with loads of asphalt and began laying it. They layed the cement 3 or 4 weeks ago, we are all pleased that the City layed asphalt instead of other material. Anna, Louise and I went to the picture movies over on 14th tonight. It was Louises first show as they speak about it. Anna has never been but once before. They are all right once in a while but to go nearly every night as some people do I could not enjoy it. Some of it tonight was very funny and I like the funny ones best. Louise said she didnt know that shows was like that.

Thursday September 30     Cloudy and threatening. Mrs. Burns up this afternoon.

October 1915

Friday October 1     Nasty horrid day, rain all the forenoon and part of the afternoon. The pavers putting asphalt on our block had to give up and go home at noon, I guess another 1/2 day would finish it.

Saturday October 2     Fine day, warm and fine but we have a little fire it is chilly evenings and mornings. The pavers finished our block with asphalt today about noon and it looks fine and dandy. Asphalt soon hardens and it was almost immediately covered with kids skaters on roller skates but wagons were kept off untill in the night the watch man went home probably 12. Howard and Laurence went to the Dentist, Anna went and paid him $50.

Sunday October 3     Turned out a fine grand day, did not look very pleasant in the morning but the afternoon was fine. The boys went to Sunday school and towards night or as soon as Anna could get the children and herself ready we put June in the buggy and went trailing down 12th St. to Mothers. The kids never walk two and two or in order but one will be away ahead and another away behind and they want to walk the curb or run hear and there, and it makes us mad and disgusted. Mother was alone, she came back from Plymouth a week ago and has been sick every since so she was not feeling very pert. Edna and Clarence had gone away somewhere in their automobile so we did not see them.

Monday October 4     Except a tiny shower, Beautiful grand day and so warm I worked in my shirt waist. June just came for her good night kiss and went after her stuffed bow wow and I had to kiss that and Louise came for her kiss and the whole tribe of kids and Anna have gone upstairs to bed at 8:30 and I must go and start the breakfast, we cook the breakfast food and put [it] in the fireless cooker over night.

Tuesday October 5     Turned cold and looked like rain, built a fire again tonight.

Wednesday October 6     This evening I went over here to the Goldberg school to a D.U.R. Street Car debate, whether or not the City will buy the street car system. I am undecided. I seem to be about equally divided for and against the proposition.

Thursday October 7     I telephoned for 4 tickets to the Fairy Play "Blue Bird" playing at the Garrick this afternoon and after supper went down and got them for Friday night. I intend to take the 3 boys as the girls are not old enough to go yet, the school teachers recommend the play and tell the children they ought to go.

Friday October 8     Cold and some rain, we went to the theater in a misty rain. I picked our crop of grapes today, they were not ripe and never would get ripe so we pick about a peck all on one vine or one root and will make jelly. Howard, Bennett, Laurence and I went to see Blue Bird at the Garrick tonight. We had reserved seats in the gallery at 25¢ a piece, could not afford any better. The play was the prettiest play I ever saw, beautiful scenery and light effects and the Fairy Play was very cute and interesting and the boys liked it fine.

Saturday October 9     Beautiful day, rather chilly and we have a fire all of the time. I went to the Carriers meeting tonight but I came home before it was out, I was so tired out and sleepy. I was out last night to the theater with the boys. Howard and Bennett went to the Dentist this forenoon and their teeth and Laurences are all tended to now.

Sunday October 10     Beautiful and warm in the sun. Anna Fry and 3 boys came to call this afternoon and after they went away Anna and Howard went down to call on Mrs. Burns. And they did not get back untill after 9 oclock. I was trying to get June and Louise to bed. Louise can take care of herself and get to bed but June has to be undressed and her bed was to pieces and airing out and they came just as I was trying to get the bed put together. Laurence was asleep on the couch and I was having my troubles, what is home without a Mother.

Monday October 11     Beautiful day, quite warm. I mowed the front lawn after work.

Tuesday October 12     Beautiful warm day.

Wednesday October 13     Rainy and disagreeable. Uncle Asa Joy of Plymouth, Mich. Died tonight at 9:30 P.M.

Thursday October 14     Warm, some rain. Mosquitoes still bother even in the day time. Anna cleaned the kitchen today. Edna telephoned that Uncle Asa Joy died last night at 9:30 P.M., funeral Saturday at 2 P.M.

Newspaper clippings from the diary: "Asa Wood Joy, was born in Redford, Mich., Oct. 6, 1839. He was one of nine children, two of whom survive him, Mrs. W. D. Dean of Detroit, and Samuel Joy of Kansas. When his country called for volunteers to support the union, he responded to that call, enlisting in the 24th Michigan, under Capt. Hoyt. He entered the great battle of Gettysburg, only to be severely wounded on the first day, July 1, 1863. All day he lay upon the field, suffering from wounds that cost him a limb and one finger. He was mustered out;of service on August 1, 1863. Upon his return to Mich. he engaged in the trade of a miller, following this work for many years, and in later years maintaining his interest in it. Buying a farm in Kansas he removed there. After a number of years there he removed to Spring Lake, MI, to work a fruit farm. Fourteen years ago he returned to Plymouth to spend the last days of his earthly life. In 1865 he united with the First Presbyterian church of this village and has always been a faithful and loyal supporter of the cause of Christ and His church wherever he resided.. He was honored by being elected to the highest office in the church that it is possible for a layman to occupy, that of ruling Elder. This office he filled efficiently. For several years he was secretary of the Board of Elders. There survive him to mourn their loss, but to rejoice in his gain, his widow; one sister, Mrs. W. D. Dean; one brother, Samuel Joy, and three daughters, Mrs. Eva Boserman of California, Mrs. Mary Brown of Kansas, and Mrs. I. N. Dickerson of Plymouth. With these all Plymouth sympathizes today, feeling that the home, the church, the community at large has lost a valued citizen, beloved by all who had the privilege of his acquaintance, especially of his friendship. 'So when a good man dies, For years beyond our ken. The light he leaves behind him lies, Upon the paths of men.'"

Friday October 15     I went down to the Main Office to sign the Pay Roll after work.

Saturday October 16     Beautiful fall day. I worked in the forenoon but after noon I went to Plymouth to Uncle Asa Joys funeral. Anna and I went, we left Louise and June with Mrs. Swanson next door and left the boys to shift for themselves. It was a beautiful day and the car ride out there by way of Wayne going and coming home we came around by Northville. The country and trees were gorgeous in their fall colors and we have had so much rain the grass was green and clean looking and the world was perfectly beautiful. We attended the funeral but did not go to the cemetery. I came right home on the next car but Anna stayed over a couple of hours at Northville. I found the kids were still here.

"Funeral of Asa Joy Largely Attended. In the death of Asa Joy, which occurred at the family home in this village, Wednesday, Oct. 13, 1915, and which was briefly mentioned in the last issue of the Mail. Plymouth loses one of her best and most highly esteemed citizens. Mr. Joy was a man of sterling worth and character that made for himself a large place in the hearts of his fellowmen. At the time of his death, Mr. Joy was a member of the board of trustees of the State Soldiers' Home at Grand Rapids, having been honored with the appointment by Governor Ferris. He was also commander of Eddy Post, G.A.R., and secretary of the Business Men's Club. The funeral was held from the Presbyterian church last Saturday afternoon at two o'clock and was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. B. F. Farber. Mrs. Wm. Bake and Miss Hazel Smitherman sang two beautiful selections. The members of Eddy Post, under the command of Capt. Howard of Pontiac, member of the State Soldiers' Home bord, attended the services in a body. As a mark of respect the business places in the village closed during the hour of the funeral. The floral offerings were many and very beautiful."

Sunday October 17     Beautiful day, not quite so fine as yesterday. I built a fire so we could take a bath but did not need the fire very much otherwise. The 2 boys went to sunday school but nobody else went out. We were on the bum Laurence has had his headache he has every once in the while and he was on the couch all day. Mrs. Burns and Donald called in the afternoon.

Monday October 18     Warm but rainy, rained a good deal in the night. Laurence still sick and did not go to school today.

Tuesday October 19     Beautiful day, so warm I worked in my shirt waist this afternoon. Laurence still sick has a sore throat and did not go to school today.

Wednesday October 20     Beautiful day, really Hot in the sun, up as high as 71°. I worked in my shirt waist this afternoon. Mrs. Burns up.

Thursday October 21     Beautiful day but not quite so warm altho it was fine in the sun. Anna washed and stretched 6 pair curtains today. I heard June count 1-2-3-4-5-6 today, she is very cute these days. Howard got his companion premium list yesterday and he of course keeps saying he wished he could get this and that so June got the book and lay down on the floor on her stomache with her heels up and she says "I wish I had that and that and that."

Friday October 22     Beautiful weather, warm and sun shiny. Mrs. Kerr called, she is Bennetts music teacher and he will start taking a week from tomorrow. I guess I am coming down with the Grippe and I feel pretty bum.

Saturday October 23     Beautiful day. I am so sick today that I find it fearful hard to keep working and maybe it would pay me to lay off but a I think I have got to work as long as I can crawl. Howard and Bennett went down town this morning to see the sights. They came back loaded with balloons, one Drug store gave a toy balloon with every purchase. Bennett said that they were in one of the 10¢ stores and Howard was examining a gun and he pulled the trigger and an imitation snake flew away across the store and Howard was so scared that he dropped the gun and beat it down stairs and out the store. Bennett is the one that always lets the cat out of the bag.

Sunday October 24     Fine weather and warm, we keep a little fire but I guess we do not really need it. I am so sick today with the Grippe that I can just keep out of bed and that is all.

Monday October 25     Still fine and warm. I could hardly pull out this morning, I was so sick but I got up and ate all the breakfast I could poke down and [went] to work and we had a big load of papers too but the day finally wore away and I am still alive but I made for the couch as soon as I got home. Anna did her own washing today, the children usually take the wash to the Laundry in the wagon but the wagon has been given out for some time and now the wheels nearly everyone has gone down. We will have to get another wagon I suppose. Laurence is having another time with his ear.

Tuesday October 26     Another most gorgeously beautiful day. I guess my sickness what ever it is is wearing itself out. I was not quite so bad today. Laurence did not go to school today his ear was so bad and it has discharged all day. Aunt Dill called and told about one of their close friends, a Miss Flaraty, that came very nearly being killed in an auto wreck. Several bones were broken and she is in a very serious condition.

Wednesday October 27     Beautiful day. We are having very fine weather, warm and delightful. We keep a little fire for morning and evening. I am sick yet and feel pretty tough, I go to work but it only to drag around with no ambition at all. And Laurence is no better his ear runs and causes a whole lot of trouble. Anna intends to kill herself cleaning house this week I guess.

Thursday October 28     Still beautiful, beautiful weather. Same old thing, I am still sick and dragging myself around work and Laurence is still sick with his ear and does not go to school.

Friday October 29     Beautiful gorgeous weather. I do not feel much better but I guess Laurence must be a little better as he gets better he acts worse.

Saturday October 30     Fine grand day, so warm and mild. I am a little better, Laurence quite a bit better but now Louise is trying to be sick with sore throat, Etc. The boys bought a new "auto wheel" wagon today. What the old wagon earned was put aside for a new one and as the old one had broken a couple of wheels we bought a new one at Stone Bros. on Woodward, a no. 2 auto wheel for $4.00. This is Haloween and the boys are out having a good time. Howard got in bad with the gang and so we got a few things fired at our house such as a pail of grease, Etc.

Sunday October 31     Well not so nice but not bad, warm, but was windy and cloudy. It looks like a colder spell coming. Laurence and I have been pushed off the sick [list] and Louise and Howard have been enrolled, it beats the dutch in a family the size of ours there is somebody out of whack all the time. Louise has quite a sore throat and Howard probably has a bilious attack. Sam and Belle were up this afternoon and we had a good visit. They are staying at the Hopkins while their own house is being made into a 2 family flat.

November 1915

Monday November 1     Nice enough day but a high wind is blowing up cold weather. Anna is so sick today that she can hardly keep going and Howard is not much better, he could not go to school or peddle his papers and Roy Keifer had to help out.

Tuesday November 2     Quite cold and windy today. I wore gloves for the first time. Howard is better but I guess Anna is worse, looks worse any way and the house is piled up and dishes are piled up and the dickens is to pay when the old Lady gets sick. I voted this evening. I voted yes on every thing, to buy the street car system and for several extentions of the City boundary.

Wednesday November 3     Fine weather. Louise has a sore throat and Howard is sick too.

Thursday November 4     We are having fine fall weather these days. Howard and Louise have been sick and out of school all this week but went back today.

Friday November 5     Bennetts sunday school teacher called.

Saturday November 6     Fine day.

Sunday November 7     Fine day. June is sick and broken out with a fine peppery rash all over her body and face. We are a little scared but I presume it is nothing but teeth or some thing like that. The 3 boys went to sunday school then after dinner the 3 boys and I took the 14th car to the New Michigan Central Depot and saw that for the first time except at a distance and we saw this end of the tunnel that runs under the River to Canada. Then we walked down Mich. Ave. to Woodward, then took the car home from there it was a pretty long walk and we were tired and hungry when we got home. Laurence as usual got a headache and was sick to his stomach after we got home.

Monday November 8     Beautiful day, we had a little rain this morning but it is very warm, almost hot in the sun. June seems better this morning and her rash has about disappeared. She just came to me for me to kiss the dolly and herself then Mama took her up to bed for a nap. This is my noon hour. Louise has just gone to Kindergarten, she goes in the afternoon now, the schools are so crowded that they have a forenoon and afternoon class. And some men came this morning and started to dig to build on the vacant lot next to us and how we hate to have a house put on it, it has been air and light to us every since we have lived here and it will about spoil our light on that side of us but we cannot help it as I can see we [have] no business to live in the City.

Tuesday November 9     Fine day. Remarkable weather.

Wednesday November 10     Nice day. I paid the gas and Elec. light bill up at the Drug store, cor. 14th & Ferry Park. They are building on in front.

Thursday November 11     Everybody has been sick now that Bennett has got it, it is sore throat, head ache, Etc. June does not get better very fast. She has a rash it does not show in the morning but at night it is livid red, her cheeks and her fore arms and the back of her hands are as fiery red as they can be. She is not so sick but that she keeps gong, of course she is cross and whines some.

A little rain but warm. Mrs. Burns up.

Friday November 12     Beautiful day. Bennett pretty well over this sick spell but I am feeling as tho I was going to have it again.

Saturday November 13     Fine day, a little colder. There was ice on wet spots on the side walks this morning and I worked with gloves on all the forenoon, but I am sick again and felt the cold more than usual. I have now what the whole family had because I have a sore throat and that is something I very rarely have. June is getting better slowly. Bennett is better and went for his music lesson.

Sunday November 14     Beautiful day, chilly. Anna tried to get to Church this morning because the church sent out cards for every member to come but it was church time before she got started and then when she got down to the railroad they are digging under the tracks she could see no way to get across so she came back in disgust that she could never get anywhere because she could never get ready to get anywhere on time, but this afternoon she and the kids except June and Howard went over on 14th & Marquette to a corner stone ceremony by the 14th Ave. Baptist Church.

Monday November 15     Cold and a cold high wind about down to 30°. Howard went with his class and Teacher on a special street car to the armory to see Travelouge Pictures on Germany. This evening Anna went to see Dr. Northrop on 14th., she has new trouble with her finger, the first finger on her left hand began to pain terribly and showed a small white spot near the side of the nail. He lanced it and told her to put bread & milk poultice on it. It helped it right away, she has had trouble with sore fingers around the nail and is an affection of the nail for a long time since last May I guess one would get well and another get sore 3 or 4 have been affected that way.

Tuesday November 16     Cold rain and snow nearly all the afternoon and evening, fearful, nasty. Donald Burns came this P.M. and went to work to put in a Electric light switch so I can turn the Basement lights off or on from the Basement or up at the head of the stairs.

Wednesday November 17     Fair day. Howard took in another of the Travelogue pictures at the armory this afternoon.

Thursday November 18     [No entry]

Friday November 19     Nasty rain all day, nasty Horrid. Howard went to another Travelogue picture show again and Bennett was so late getting his papers delivered that I had to get out and help him. I took Laurence and told him which to go to. Bennett wanted to go to the show too but he owed Howard and of course Howard would not let him off.

Saturday November 20     Threatening, dark, gloomy day, some rain. Mrs. Burns up. Aunt Dill over. Anna went to see Dr. Northrop again tonight but he thought her fingers would get better in time.

Sunday November 21     Dark gloomy day, snow flurries and rain, bad. We got up so late the children did not, would not was about it, go to Sunday school. Children are so hard to train and teach and make mind that they take the joy out of living.

Monday November 22     Rather chilly, between 30 & 40°, fair. Williamson went out over my route with me today. Howard sent for a "fun with electricity", I presume he could get it down town but he wants the fun of having it come by mail.

Tuesday November 23     The first real snow of the season, the ground was white this morning, about 1 inch of snow covered the ground but it was slushy in an hour or two and all gone by night. And it is raining a cold misty rain out tonight. Mrs. Burns up after butter. Donald has a new job at the Anderson Electric Co. I took down the screen doors today noon.

Wednesday November 24     Not very cold, about 40° Cloudy and some sun shine.

Thursday November 25     Thanksgiving. Warm, up between 50 & 60°, cloudy but nice day. We were very quiet all day. I worked in the forenoon but not in the afternoon, we were alone with our family. We had a good dinner, chicken, cranberries, pumpkin and mince pie, nuts and candy, but no squash. I took a nap and June took a long nap after dinner. Louise and the boys played out doors most of the time. The boys peddled their papers the same as usual, nothing unusual happened.

Friday November 26     Warm and a fairly nice day. At noon I went down town and met Anna and Louise at Elliots and we bought Louise a new coat and red knit cap. The coat was blue and had red cuffs and collar and big buttons, glass with a red cast in them. And Louise was so pleased she could do nothing but grin. We got June a white knit cap and we went through the Toy department and bought 2 dolls, one for June and one for Louise but Louise did not know or see Anna when she bought them. I was taking care of her and showing her Toys while Anna was buying things, we bought several things mostly useful. The boys did not have to go to school so Howard stayed with June.

Saturday November 27     Warm but nasty, a little fine rain and muddy. Howard went down town to see what he could see and did not get back untill we had dinner and I had gone to work. I guess he bought a few things. Anna, Louise and June took a trip over on 14th to see what they could see over there. The Seannells departed today for a small farm in S. E. Missouri.

Sunday November 28     Very warm and pleasant day. Howard & Bennett went to sunday school, Laurence did not get ready in time. Aunt Dil called and Anna, Louise & June went back with her for a walk. They were getting ready to go over there when Aunt Dil came over here. Tomorrow is Louises birthday and she has gone to bed early to make it come quicker.

Monday November 29     Louises birthday was windy and blustery and chilly and cold, about 34°. She is 43 1/2 inches tall, how much she weighs I do not know but she is very thin. She is just 10 inches taller than June. She got from Mama and Papa one pink and one blue ribbon, candy from Laurence, 6 new pennies and an Indian doll from Bennett, a buffalo nickel and a toy tea set [from] Howard, and a tooth brush from June. And of course she had a birthday cake with 6 candles on for supper. She went to school in her new coat and cap and she was very happy and sure she was a bigger girl than she was yesterday and she got a picture card from Inez Hart.

Tuesday November 30     Cold, windy and the ground was white with snow, the thermometer was just below freezing. Howard received by mail his package he sent for about a week ago called Fun with Electricity and he is trying it this evening. Louise, June and Laurence are in bed and Anna is trying hard to get some sewing done but it is only a few minutes at a time that she can get to sew.

December 1915

Wednesday December 1     Cold, thermometer between 25 & 30°. Some snow on the ground. November has been an exceptionally warm and pleasant month it seems to me and December is not starting very bad.

Thursday December 2     [No entry]

Friday December 3     Chilly, thermometer hovers around the freezing point.

Saturday December 4     Rather gray and gloomy, about 30°. Howard went down town in the forenoon to buy Christmas presents at J. L. Hudsons. He bought for June a little doll buggy and when the delivery man brought it June caught sight of it and cried for it but of course it was put away. Howard came home and stayed with the kids and Anna took Bennett and went down town in the afternoon, they think J. L. Hudsons have a wonderful display of toys this year.

Sunday December 5     Fine day, chilly, about freezing. I took the 11:30 car for Plymouth today via Wayne and visited with Mother, she is staying at Aunt Lizzies since Uncle Asa died. In the afternoon I. N. came along with his auto and took all of us down to Newberg to call on Mark Joy, he is just back from Ann Arbor after having an operation for appendicitis. He has had lots of sickness in his family and lost 2 or 3 children and I took the car from there home.

Monday December 6     Weather about the same. Big mail these days. The new building next to us is slowly creeping up and shutting out our light and air. The basement is so dark now we have to light a light to see at all and it makes us sick and wish we could move and it makes a big difference in our sitting room too.

Tuesday December 7     Fine day, chilly raw wind and we had a heavy fog when I went to work this morning. Aunt Dill called.

Wednesday December 8     Snowed this forenoon and made slushy walking and my feet were wet and cold.

Thursday December 9     Wind and colder, below freezing. Went over on 14th and bought a pane of glass for the back storm door only to find when I got back that it was 2 inches too small. I paid the gas and elec. light bill while over [there] and bought Bennett a erector set No. 1 for Christmas. That was this eve. and I was fearfully tired and out of sorts when I discovered the glass was to small.

Friday December 10     Clear, bright, cold day between 25 and 30°. The mail is beastly heavy just now all advertisements of all descriptions. I worked 25 minutes overtime today and am fearfully tired. I went over on 14th and exchanged that glass and brought it home and put it in the storm door. Anna waits untill June and Louise goes to bed and then fishes out a couple of dolls and works on a dress outfit for them.

Saturday December 11     Cold, chilly, cloudy, about 28°. Anna and Laurence went down town to see the toys and to buy what they could, it is a hard task to buy one or two toys among so many and to pay what we can afford when they cost anywhere from 1 to 35 dollars and even more but the children like to see them and they really dont seem to want very many they see.

[Obituary of Uncle Bennett Joy found in the diary] "Former Plymouth Citizen Dead. Word has been received here of the death of Samuel Joy, aged 73 years, who died last Saturday, Dec. 11th, at the home of his son, Fred, at Salina, Kansas. Mr. Joy had been in failing health for some time, bronchial trouble being the cause of his death. He was a brother of the late Asa Joy of this place, and his boyhood life was spent in Plymouth, in fact he was a resident here until about thirty years ago, when he went west. He will be remembered by many of the older residents here. The deceased is survived by one son, Fred, of Salina, Kansas, and three grandchildren."

Sunday December 12     Cloudy dull day, some warmer, between 39 and 40°, snowed in the evening. We got up late had breakfast about 10 oclock. The boys went to sunday school but otherwise nothing was stirring not even fudge was made.

Monday December 13     About freezing and about 2 inches of snow on the ground. Anna is dressing dolls and trying to do a little christmas after the kids go to bed but they all want to stay up just to see what is going on and Anna only gets a very little time. Dick Peters got run into with an auto and was taken home in the police ambulance but I guess he was not hurt very seriously.

Tuesday December 14     Whew, real winter today, the thermometer was about 18° above this morning and I tell you it seemed pretty cold and I wish I was in a warmer country just as I always do every winter.

Wednesday December 15     Fine bright day but cold, the paper says the thermometer stood at 15° above at midnight last night but it got quite warm this afternoon. I went down town this noon and made a few purchases. The mail was very light today and yesterday. June got to cutting up tonight at the supper table, she got down and began running around the table as she does quite often and singing as she goes around and around. Tonight she sang Jack and Jill went up the Hill to get a pail of water, Jack fall down and broke he crown. Then she could say no more of it, so she wound it up by saying, up jack got and went to bed with he stocking on. Then she said when she got to that part "he got fooled didnt he." Every once in a while she comes to me and says Papa what do you want me to get you for "Chis miss". She hears the others ask what I want them to get me. When we ask her she always says "a new doll and a new buggie and a box". We ask her what she wants in the box she says canny, then she laughs.

Thursday December 16     Cloudy, damp and threatening, about freezing and it began to rain late in the evening. The christmas rush has not begun yet and the coming in mail is very light. The out going mail may be heavy.

Friday December 17     It rained nearly all night and some this afternoon, and it is either raining or snowing out now, 10 oclock. The boys have just gone to bed, they wait untill the last dog is hung then we have to drive them to bed. They want to keep watch on things. Louise and June of course go early, then Anna works on dressing two dolls untill the boys goes then she works on new nighties for the boys. We are trying to make all or nearly all presents useful ones. We feel poor as usual [this] Christmas and want the money for other things. We want to fix the house up, decorate, paint, Etc. and make a few needed repairs.

Saturday December 18     Not very pleasant day. Anna and Bennett went down to Elliots in the evening. Howard is trying to be sick.

Sunday December 19     Quite a cold day. Mrs. Burns and Donald came.

Monday December 20     Colder, quite cold. Anna took a trip over on 14th today, paid grocery bill and went to see the teacher at the Goldberg school, etc.

Tuesday December 21     Scarce any Christmas stuff in yet. I go and do my work and come home to lunch as usual.

Wednesday December 22     The ground was covered with snow but soon got sloppy. I got home to lunch today, the real rush of mail is not come yet. I went down town after work and got a few things to even up things so each kid would get about the same amount of toys. I got Laurence a slide trombone toy horn and Louise a grocery wagon and horse and Bennett a flash light. I failed to find anything for Howard.

Thursday December 23     Quite warm, so warm I took my knit jacket off and I worked with bare hands. Well the Christmas rush is on in earnest today. I took my lunch and worked nearly 12 hours but had no help. Howard and Louise have been sick all the week, but they went to school today.

Friday December 24     Not very cold, threatening rain all day. I went to work early about 6 A.M. and took a lunch and get home about 8 P.M.. There is nothing to do but work. I never saw so many sacks of mail piled up waiting delivery in my life, mostly parcel post mail and it is a such that it all will not get delivered for Christmas tomorrow.

Saturday December 25     Christmas day. About 8 inches of snow came last night. I got up about 5 and looked out and although the dark world looked beautiful dressed all in white snow on trees, bushes, houses and everything was covered with heavy wet snow and when I looked there was hardly a track of man or wagon to despoil its white beauty. The most snow I have seen on Christmas in years but it did not look very promising to me, I had to get out in it and wollow in it with a big load of christmas mail. I guess I put in the hardest day I ever put in. I got no help except to have two sacks of 2nd class taken to the beginning of my route and I had to drag them after me and deliver alone. I went to work about 6:30 and got through about 2 and got home between 2 and 3. We had the Harts come over and take dinner and see the children get their presents off of the tree. We had a fine chicken dinner and we had the tree in the parlor all trimmed and ready and the doors have been shut all day so the children did not know what was on it untill we opened the doors. June was the especial star of interest, everybody wanted to know what she would do when she saw it first. And when we opened the door we let her go in ahead and she walked in slowly and with a straight grin on her face. She gave a little scream and began to go around the [tree] looking and trying to get things off. She seemed to want the decorations worst. We all thought she would make for a buggy and doll that was in it with a blanket over it all ready for a ride but she got so interested in other things she did not see it and had to be pushed a little with see see June whos dolly and buggy. So she was very much pleased when she did see it and started to investigate saying June buggy, Junes dolly. Then every child for himself went to the tree and hunted for their presents with their names on it. June got two or 3 dolls, one that Mama dressed and one that Grandma Dean dressed and one that Laurence bought for her. Louise got a doll that Mama dressed and a beautiful baby doll that Aunt Edna Mason dressed all complete, and Louise got a horse and wagon full of groceries which she had teased for and seemed to want worse than anything else. But most all presents were useful ones just enough toys to take the curse off. We got a box from California from Grandma Clarkson and the other cousins and Aunties, it had lots of beautiful pepper berries and about a dozen chrysanthemums which were quite fresh and beautiful and then there were other things that made it a very fine present. Howard got a steam engine which we gave him 1 dollar and he put another dollar and 15¢ of his own money to get. Bennett got an erector set and Laurence got a horn slide trombone. And then they got other things and lots of usefull presents like handkerchiefs and ties and stockings and mittens and waists and such things. Anna and I got such things as that with a box of candy thrown in. It was a very happy Christmas take it all around the children hung up their stockings last night and got a candy cane, an orange, candy and the stockings that they have filled with every thing and not much good but the children like them and most have them every Christmas. The Harts stayed untill evening and we had a little supper and all went to bed tired out but happy.

Sunday December 26     About freezing or colder. All got up late and as usual the children were cross and everybody acted as tho they were a little on the raw edge. The Christmas tree stood in the parlor shorn of its valuables and the house was littered from front to back with papers and presents. The children played all day with their presents. I was so tired I didnt want to get up and I guess everybody was too. Outside it was gray and wintry looking, the snow was piled high to make paths. I heard Anna say once that the sun was trying to shine so I guess the day was not so bad. I am coming down with a hard cold and I dont like that because we have a hard week before us in the Post Office because the sacks of mail were piled high even in the basement.

Monday December 27     Nothing to do but work, I had a helper but I go to work about 6:30 and work with only about 30 min. for lunch untill 7 or 8 oclock It is dark when I go to work and dark when I come home. And I am so tired that life is not worth the living. Anna went down to Elliots today to get underwear at a sale trying to save a little and we need so many clothes and other things that our Salary is not sufficient.

Tuesday December 28     Nice day. The snow makes bad walking and the autos skid and slide and are hard to manage. The Christmas mail still comes, I never saw so much afterwards. Everybody works over time, I work from 2 to 4 hours overtime every day.

Wednesday December 29     Not very cold, about freezing. I had to help another Carrier out west of Hamilton this afternoon and I was late home and about dead and then I did not finish his part it got so dark.

Thursday December 30     Cloudy about 26° above. I delivered west of Hamilton this forenoon and got in about 2 oclock. I hope I do not have to do that right along but the P.O. shut down on sub hire so the Reg. has to do the work and put in over time.

Friday December 31     Warm and threatening, began to rain in the evening and kept it up all night. The bells and whistles made a fearful racket at midnight. Howard wanted me to wake him so when I first heard the noise I went in and shook him and he opened his eyes and answered me but the next morning he knew nothing about it and had not heard the noise. Bennett didnt want to hear it he would rather sleep. I have gone to work all this week before daylight and came home after dark and I feel as tho I had not had any sleep or rest in a month. I did not have to help anybody else today, I worked over 10 hours on my own route. Anna and Howard went down and Howard with his own money bought a suite and a pair of shoes and a boy scout knife, about $10.

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