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How We Began...

The Ancient Order of Hibernians was organized in America in New York City in 1836. The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians was organized in Omaha, Nebraska in 1894 as the "Daughters of Erin."
The Organization pledged itself to God and Country. In 1906 at the National Convention of the Order at Saratoga Springs, the Ladies received permission from the National Chaplain and the National President of the A.O.H. to function as a separate organization. The name was changed to "Ladies Auxiliary to the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America." In 1984 at the National Constitution Convention of the Order held in Albany, N.Y., the Ladies voted to change their name to "The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians."
The primary purpose of the Ladies was to protect young immigrant Irish girls coming to the United States, to assist them in securing employment, to give them the opportunity to be with their own kind, and to keep them from becoming homesick and discouraged. The motto of the Ladies is "Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity." Our Patron Saint is Saint Brigid.
The Preamble of our Constitution states that the intent and purpose of the Ladies is to promote Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity among its members; assisting the people of Ireland to establish an Irish Republic which shall include the 32 Counties of Ireland, aiding the aged, sick, blind and infirm members and for the legitimate expense of the Ladies, including Mission work and Catholic Action.

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This site lasted updated August 18, 2008

The custom graphics appearing on this site are courtesy of L.A. Schillinger and are used by permission only. Reproduction is prohibited without the express written consent of the artist.
© 2002 L.A.Schillinger