OK Let’s Make a Dollz Blink!!!  

This Tutorial was made using Paint Shop Pro 7 and Animation Shop 3.

Step one:

 Well you need a Dollz to start

With. I have one here created

by a friend. Let's make her

blink.. No drying eyes for her!

*Puts the eye drops away*


Pretty isn’t she J

Step two:

 OK let’s put her on a 150x150

      Image..that makes

it easier to make sure she

stays in one spot in

The Animation.

Open a New image in PSP.

Follow guide picture.


Step Three:

Now to your backround..

whether it’s a solid

backround or a pretty


When it’s a solid

backround color I would place the Dollz right on

the backround…if It’s a scene I would add a Raster Layer and add dollz on the second Layer so

that the backround could be

altered..Such as clouds

moving or birds flying J


Here I am on a White Backround 150x150

I’m Still Cute J

Step Four:

Now the Fun

Begins open

Animation shop…I’ll

wait…..you got it

open yet..OK.

Now Let’s start

making the Dollz Blink. Create a new

animation 150x150

for the dimensions…Sounds

familiar huh?


Step Five:

  OK well we are going to need more

than one frame so let’s add our Frames.

  Animation/Insert Frames/ Empty

  Hey we are cooking now!!!!!


Step Six:

Now We will select how Many Frames we want. What the Heck Lets go for 4 frames She’s gonna blink and Wink!

Gosh we are daring!


Step Seven:

  Let’s Export the Frames to PSP so we can add the images to the animation. Select one frame by clicking on it..go ahead I’ll wait…..So How about them (insert favorite sports team here)…Oh OK your ready..Now Right Click it and you get your menu as seen in image right there..you see it…not that one next to me..yep that’s the one. Now Click it and away it goes to PSP…..Lets go to PSP!!!



Step Eight:  

*Catches Breath*

  OK Here we are in PSP! Now the first frame is easy..we have it just the way we want it..So Selet all (ctrl+A) and Copy (ctrl+C) and the go to the frame Select all (ctrl+A) and paste it in selected area (ctrl +L)

Now An Important Note: If you have more than one layer you will merge the layers before doing this step.

Gees I don’t know haw many times I have forgotten and only had a little section pasted.

Oi Trial and Error!!


Step Nine:

  OK we are done with the copy and Paste. Now hit that little X we are sending it back to Animation shop!

It will ask if you want to save the frame always say yes..if you don’t then you have a blank frame..and I don’t think you want a blank frame right?

Ok we are done with frame one.

That was Easy.


Um Have you seen a picture?

Oh Right no Picture for this step!


Step Ten:

  I don’t know about you but I’m thirsty…

Let’s take a brief intermission and get a drink!

Smoke `um if you got `um!!!


Step Eleven:

  OK well we gotta do the other frames so

Let’s export Frame 2 to PSP! Same as before

click on it to highlight right click to send.





Step Twelve:

  Well we gotta blink now. So what I do is select the pixels about the eyes and copy then paste down over the eye.

Hey we are Blinking now!

Now Hit that X and send that Frame Back!

Now honestly if I knew there was this much work just to blink I think I’d stop! Pass the eye drops please!


Step Thirteen:

  Frame 3 is exactly like Frame one.

So export Copy and Paste and send back to Animation shop…. 3 frames down….. 1 to go

I know cause when I was in school they taught me…




Yes …Yes I know, no Picture again!

Oi I suck!


Step Fourteen:

  Now let’s make her a little flirty!

Now only one eye is covered..cause let’s face you close 2…your blinking again!

And what the heck make her smooch!

  Send that completed frame back to Animation Shop!

  We are done with PSP now!


We are getting close I can see the horizon up ahead!


Step Fifteen:

  Display Time is Next…. It’s not that hard..Since there is really nothing in the backround moving then we set the first and third frame to a display time of 200.

The Second and Fourth frame which is the wink and blink is set at 25.

Now how do we get display time..easy right click on the selected frame as we did to export to PSP and select “Frame Properties”

  Yes you can select two frames at once.

How you ask?

I could tell you.

What the heck it’s a nice day out.

  Select one frame hold ctrl and select the other frame wanted.

To select all the animation frames press ctrl+A


Step Sixteen:


We are Here!

We can Save!!!!

*wipes tear from eye*

Now simply press save and follow the steps.


Saving 2:

  Always Save your Dollz as a .gif


Saving 3:

  Here is where your palette is set.

The Less colors the smaller the file..You do have to watch file size of your using on a site that limits.

Most of mine are 255 to 63 colors.

This takes some practice.

But on this white backround we are fine!

Press Next!!


Saving 4:

  Animation Shop is basically telling you what it’s doing here.

What a nice little Program!


Saving 5:

  I know what your thinking …Like when you were driving somewhere far away as a child….”DAD! Are we there YET!!!”

And Dad Would Say…”SHUT UP and enjoy the ride!!”

Well I won’t say that I’ll say we are just around the corner..We are almost there!!!


Saving 6:

  Here We go last step before it’s done and saved!

There is the results of the Optimization!

Are you impressed?

I know I am *yawn*


Er yeah um…on we go!


Final Step:

We are here….Oh My We made it!

I personally thought it would NEVER end!


So Now I know you want to see the fruits of your labor!

There we go to View/Animation

Now we will see the finished project.

Wow That’s looks Great!

I think we are pretty good at this!

I hope this helped..Next Tutorial…Flapping Wings..Oi I need to rest for that one!

*takes a nap*


Here I am..All done and Flirty!

I hope I helped you learn to make a blink!


Tutorial By red1060 of

Red’s Little House of Dollz