We want to express our sincere THANKS to the following individuals:
Drs. Robyn and Kent Thompson, DVMs  for top-of-the line and updated veterinary care for all our feline and cannine critters here at WindDancer. 
Crestlynn Wesig, of Paragon Shelties, for handling several of my present dogs in the show ring after my retirement from showing many years ago and also helping with the design of this website.  To contact Crestlynn's website designing email:   paragonshelties@neo.rr.com
Loretta Clarkson of Wild Wind Shelties, fellow friend, breeder and show person, for providing me with many of my first show prospects.
To all the wonderful show breeders for their time, help, tips, and some wonderful quality shelties for our program.  Special thanks to Boyd Smith, Loretta Clarkson, Shelia Ellis, David Reiners, Carol Hill and Karen Munster, Lloyd & Lisa Graser, Cindy Clapper, Mary Thrall, Locklyn Guzman, and many others too numerous to mention.
....And a Special Thank you to all of the people that have provided my puppies with their forever loving homes!
Reagan Wesig & KC 2006
You can't buy LOYALITY, they say.
'I brought it though, the other day.
You can't buy FRIENDSHIIP, tried and true,
Well, just the same, I brought that too.

I made my bid, and on the spot
Brought LOVE and FAITH, and a whole job lot.....
Of HAPPINESS, so all in all
The purchase price was pretty small.

I brought a simpley TRUSTING heart
That gave DEVOTION  from the start.
If you think these things are not for sale.....
Buy a brown eyed pup with a wagging tail.

                             --author unknown