OHS Newsletter
(Archived Copy)

A Summary of Events and Topics of Interest to OHS grads and friends

January 21, 2003

Please feel free to forward this newsletter to other alumni

by Bonnie Burke Hulse '65 HULSEBE@barstow.usmc.mil.


Time for another newsletter!

First of all, I would like to say that your prayers are needed for Norma Allison Pernell's son. He is currently in a coma with a brain bleed. He has been that way since New Years Day. Norma is at his bedside in Southern California, and asks that we all pray for him. He is only 30, and has two small children. Norma, our prayers and love are with you! Please keep us advised of his condition. We love you!

I've been enjoying my new grandson. Of course I'm very non-prejudicial when I say he's the most beautiful baby in the world! Bless digital cameras, because Mike has already taken well over 100 photos of him just sleeping in his bassinet. Thank GOD they don't live here, or Mike would paper the apartment with photos!! Not that he's obsessive or anything.

My stepson just left on a ship for the Gulf. Tom's son Jeff was scheduled to go as well, but had to have surgery and was kept behind for a bit, but he will soon join his Marine Corps unit there. I pray this will all end soon and everyone can return home, although right now, that doesn't seem to be the case. Are any of your kids or grandkids headed for the Gulf too? Let us know.

Speaking of Grandkids, I heard from Janet Powell '65, who reports that she became a grandma for the NINTH time on January 2. The third son for her youngest son. Her oldest son has 2 sons, 2 daughters, and the middle son has 2 sons. Congratulations Grandma! Janet also reports brother John Powell, '65 has one grandson who is 8 months old, but the one that gives him the twinkle in his eye is his own 5 year old daughter. Janet says she has dad wrapped around her little finger! I can believe that.

Biff Gudmundsen, Skyline '65, informs us he is moving from above Sacramento back to the Bay Area. He moves this weekend, and hopes to be back on line by Saturday! He'll be living in San Ramon. Congrats on the new home, Biff. He is also supplying me with Senior photos from the 66, 67, 68 Skyline yearbook. We're working on '66 right now. Thanks, Biff.

Got a message from Joyce Parsons Doull,'66, who attended Larry "Bear" Doull's memorial service in San Diego. She and Larry had one daughter together, Christine. Joyce reports it was a nice service, and, for those of you that know her, Merilyn Doull, '64, who was Larry's sister, attended, and Joyce says she's as beautiful as ever. Meri had been quite ill for a while, so we're glad to hear she is back to her old self again.

Joanne Potter, '73, and I got in a discussion about Ted Lange (Isaac on the Loveboat). We were trying to figure out what Oakland school he went to. I found his email address on a website and wrote him, and he was courteous enough to answer right away. He was in the class of '66 at Oakland Tech. Class President, Thespians President, etc. He DID say he'd dated several Oakland High lovelies. Hmmm, any of you out there happen to be one of those lovelies? Let's hear from you! He is in touch with James A. Watson Jr, '63, OHS Student Body Prez and an actor, and promised to tell him about the letter and the Memorial Board. Ted is a very nice gentleman and, like us, AVID Oakland lover!

In the same vein, I found an article on a David Carridine site, where David said he went to Oakland High. Given his age, I'd say around '58 or '59, does anyone from the early 60s remember him? He dated my neighbor and babysitter, Sally, so consequently they would drag me along on dates, usually to the Alameda Theatre, or to Berkeley. Both were total beatniks! If I recall, he had a VW, but it could have been hers. I know he was around, just not sure about him attending OHS. Anyone able to check that?? We know Clint Eastwood went to Glenview School, then Castlemont. Any other stars in the neighborhood besides Tom Hanks at Skyline??

I was heartbroken to hear one of the Bee Gees, Maurice Gibb, passed away. They are my favorite group. In fact, received their concert DVD and CD's for Christmas. The remaining brothers, Barry (Yum!) and Robin, sincerely feel mistakes were made and that their brother could have been saved. If you would like to leave a message for the family, there is a guest book at www.legacy.com and at the BeeGees official site.

My brother Tom Burke, '70, has his Old Oakland site up and running again, and is posting the weekly email letter there in text form. The address for his site is www.oakland.yearbookhigh.com. He has some great photos out there of Oakland and old hangouts, etc. Go out and browse through it. He is also posting updates on the investigation into the death of his son, TJ. Three months have gone by, and still no coroner's inquest.

Remember, you can also find this newsletter in HTML format at www.oocities.org/ohsnewsletter in addition to previous issues and links of interest to OHSers.


THE CLASS OF 66. Check out the Class of 66 website at www.ohs1966.org. Arnie's address is stoof@alum.calberkeley.org. Arnie has posted reunion photos. Cameras were set on tables for classmates to take pictures with.


Lee Mun Wah (Gary Lee, '64) is having a Marin Premiere of his newest film, Last Chance for Eden, at Spirit Rock on January 19th from 2-5:30 PM. For more information and tickets, call 415.0164 Ext 335, or www.spiritrock.org. Please come out and view our friends latest film, especially if you live in Marin.


Carole Farr Hewitt '54 writes that the class of 1954 is looking for graduates in preparation for the 50th reunion. If you know of someone from '54 who is not listed on Classmates.com, please email Ray Leidich '54, at leidichr@proaxis.com.

Good news for the class of '62. There may be a reunion in the planning stages. Craig Hansen is looking for all alumni from 62, and can be contacted at chobhans@aol.com. If you have any names, addresses or updates for 1962, or you just want more info, please contact him as soon as possible. You may also contact Jeani Golish Mills at shehana@thegrid.net. She has set up a web site for the class of 62. www.ohs62.com. It's really a great site. If you can get out there to check it out, you will enjoy it.

The class of 63 reunion chairperson is Veronica "Roni" Johnson Jennings. She can be reached at Vjjennings962@cs.com. If you have questions, write to her! The reunion will be held October 11, 2003, from 6 to midnight at the Waterfront Hotel, 10 Washington Street, Oakland CA 94607. If you can help find LOST Wildcats please contact tuba2ter@email.com. If you want to volunteer to help, contact Roni at the above email.

THE CLASS OF 1964!! for all of those interested in helping with the 1964 reunion, Call or write Mun Wah (Gary Lee) home, 2311 8th Street, Berkeley. Call him at 510 704-1986, or email him at Munwah@aol.com

The Class of 1967 For reunion info write to Judy Gee Sue at jkgsue@aol.com.


OHS lost two alumni since the first of the year. 1940 graduate Harry Ketcham Fiske, who died on January 12, at the age of 80; and 1989 grad, Sunny Thach, age 31 who was murdered on January 6, in front of his wife on the doorsteps of their home in Oakland.

1973 grad, Donna Barrett disappeared in December 1991 and was never heard from again. A recent article in a Peninsula newspaper, "The Almanac", describes a recent break in her case. The latest, as of January 17, is that Donna's husband and suspected murderer was caught a few days ago, as reported in SFGate.com.

Other names added to the Memorial Pages this week --

In addition to these new names many new photos were uploaded this week too. Thanks to Bob Chan '71, his new scanner and his pile of OHS yearbooks, there are photo updates for '51,   '69,   '71,   '73,   '76,   '77,   '78,   and teachers.

What a difference the photos make. Please, if you have yearbooks and a scanner, help out with missing photos! Write to Bev at bbevy@012.net.il


Pictures this week include:


Hugs to all,


Miriam Kasdan Zigman '65 and Bob Lema '65

Miriam & Bob
Miriam & Bob

Sisters Jocelyn Shulster Ben-Avi '57 and Bev Shulster Beiman '65

Jocy & Bev
Jocy & Bev

Judy Sue '67 and Hinkie at the '67 reunion

Judy & Hinkie
Judy & Hinkie

Montgomery Wards

Monkey Wards
Monkey Wards

Lakeview Library

Lakeview Library
Lakeview Library


This newsletter is available in both HTML and ASCII text email versions, as well as this web site. If you have trouble with the graphics in the email version, and you wish to switch formats just email me at HULSEBE@barstow.usmc.mil.

Copyright © 2003 by Bonnie Burke Hulse '65. All rights reserved.