OHS Newsletter
(Archived Copy)

A Summary of Events and Topics of Interest to OHS grads and friends

October 17, 2003


Hello, everyone! The big news is that a mysterious benefactor has stepped forward and donated enough money, $40,000, to keep the school newspapers in the district in business for another year. We are still looking for long term ideas. All the ones received have been great and are being considered, but we are always open for more. The donations have been wonderful. The money donated has been set aside and only for Aegis use. The Aegis will only be funded for this year, so long term solutions DO need to be found. By the way, I received a wrong address for the school. It is 1023 MacArthur Blvd, not Park. So if you receive your check back, please resend it to the right address. Sorry for the mixup on that score. The Aegis story has been picked up by a Berkeley television station and Jason Marsh, a reporter, is interviewing Gayle (Moseley) and Wally Ransom, '65, Harry Harris '65 and possibly Barbara (Gee) and Gordon Baranco, '65, and Roni Jennings, '63.

Weight loss update, for those of you who have asked, I've lost 132 lbs, 36 pounds until I go under 200, and between 80-90 lbs to go. I've discovered exercise is the key.......although I tried to tell myself it wasn't for the last 6 months. I'm a slow study I guess. Attached is the current up date photos. The blue pants are 4X, the red pants are a size 18. A big jump. And more to come.

Deepest sympathy to Dixie Brewer Dickerson, '65, who lost her husband Don, yesterday after a long bout with cancer. Our prayers and condolences to Dixie and her children.

Graphicsdoc, my brother, Tom Burke, has created several new pages on his website, Old Oakland/Cyber Kwikway, at www.oakland.yearbookhigh.com, and would like you to visit there to check it out. They include a CD yearbook order page with all the latest yearbook CD's listed, and a page for sharing your old memories and stories. He also has a page for those of you who are looking to contact old loves, friends, etc and would like to be on classmates the TV show. Also, a place to post looking for old friends, even if you don't want to be on Classmates. He also wants to hear about contacts you've already made, and news updates. Oakland High news is welcome too. It's only with your help and support this, and other sites like it, can keep running. This is free and Tom does it in his spare time. Please drop by and check out the pages, especially all the newbies to the letter that will be listed below. If you have any questions or would like to post looking for old friends or any of the above, contact Tom at graphicsdoc1@aol.com.

Big news. One of our '65 classmates, Albany resident Doug Yamamoto, was out windsurfing near Santa Cruz, when his sail broke and he was able to swim ashore. Unfortunately, where he landed was the base of a large cliff, where he was stranded for 2 days without food or water. The only water he got was liquid that formed on the cliff rocks. He had not let his wife or family know where he was headed, so his only hope was that someone had noticed his car parked above that hadn't moved in 3 days. Luckily someone DID notice the car, and called authorities who notified search and rescue. Doug was located and flown to a local hospital, where he was suffering from hypothermia. His body temperature had dropped to 91 degrees. Other than that he was hungry and glad to be alive. I've gotten an email address for Doug from the Chronicle, but until I receive his permission, I can not give it out. If you want to contact Doug, email me. His picture, from the San Francisco Chronicle, is one of today's photos. You can read the article in The SF Chronicle.

Bob Chan, "71, has sent me more of the yearbooks he recently finished scanning. I'm so HAPPY to announce we now can offer Yearbooks for 1961, as well as June 1933, January and June 1948, June 1949, AND the 1922, 1929, and 1931 Aegis (forerunner to the Bucket). Bob has also spoken with the Oakland Public Library and they are lending us any yearbooks from their collection to scan! We are also hoping to borrow yearbooks from Oakland High's collection. Currently available on CD in addition to the above are the following: 1932, 1936, 1960, 1962 is almost complete, 1963 Seniors only, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1969 and summer supplements for '62 and 65, and Reunion yearbooks for 61, 65 and 66, and reunion photos for '65. I have McChesney yearbooks for '59 and '62. If you would like, I can also include all the stories that have appeared in the newsletter. Quite a list. I'm currently awaiting some photos from '62, and I'm scanning 1966, thanks to Paul Manuel '66, who lent me his yearbook all the way from Denmark. It will be returned shortly, Paul. Thank you so much! And 1963 will follow, completing the 60's. Our intent for Oakland's alumni is to provide them with memories from the past that may have once thought might be lost forever! Not to make money. We provide Oakland Public Library with CD's and sometimes actual printed copies of all we do. We can also provide Oakland High with them if they would like. If you'd like a CD, let me know the year(s), and send $10 to Bonnie Hulse, 701 Montara Road, Space 110, Barstow CA 92311. PLEASE NOTE the address change!!!! I apologize to those who had to wait for the their CD's during my move to a new place. I finally got everything put away and could get to burning them last weekend. Again, sorry for the delay. Ordinarily I send them out right away, the day I receive the check.

Larry White, '64, is providing me with a scanned copy of the 1934 Oaken Bucket, so we will have another yearbook to offer! Thanks, Larry, for your help! It is appreciated. Also I'm getting help from Craig Hansen, '62 and Jeani Golish Mills, '62, to complete the 1962 book. Jeani will also provide me with a reunion booklet! I can't tell you how much it means that so many people come forward and volunteer to provide us with photos and yearbooks!

Peggy Fox Girabaldi would like to know if anyone out there still has a McChesney yearbook for 63-64 and would be willing to scan, copy, or someway share it with her. Actually, if someone does have one, if you'd like to lend it for a few weeks, I will scan it and return it. Contact me at bhulse47@yahoo.com. Good Xerox's are acceptable.

Sadly, we have lost another wonderful teacher from OHS. B. Jo Kinnick, an English/Journalism/Oak Leaves Adviser, was listed on the Memorial Board as having passed away some years ago. Two weeks ago Bev received an email from a fromer student, close friend of Mrs. Kinnick, who said she was very much alive and in her 90's. Still actively campaigning for education, too. Unfortunately, last week, October 8, she actually DID pass away. I, myself, had her for journalism. She was an amazing teacher. A great loss to all former students. She apparently "adopted" some of her previous students, and encouraged them to continue their educations, and sometimes even helping them financially. Again, an amazing woman, and a great loss to education. She will be missed.

If I've left out anything or anyone, write me and let me know. I've misplaced tons of stuff during the move and although I tried to reprint it all, I'm sure I lost many emails. So Sorry.



Sandy Getsonian Barber '64 attended the 40th reunion for 1963 last weekend and said it was wonderful. She had a terrific time. I'm hoping to get a reunion photo book from there if they are still available. If any of you attended and have photos, I'd appreciate any sharing you'd like to do with us. It was held at the Waterfront Plaza Hotel in Oakland.




Now for the newbies!

Bev Shulster Beiman and I received emails from a former McChesneyite, who had to leave and continue high school in Hawaii. Her name was Beverly Mew. She is now Beverly Yeung. She found us via the Memorial Board when she was looking for her old friend Kathleen Francheschi '65, who she sadly found had already passed. Bev was, however, able to make contact with old friends Sue Fredricks Ring '65 and Jeff Lee, '65. She would still like to find Judy Kane. Does anyone have a clue to her whereabouts? Contact Bev at bevyeung@hawaii.rr.com. She'd love to make contact with anyone who remembers her. She now lives in Hawaii Kai now, and loves babysitting for her three grandkids, 2 girls and boy. She has an older son who lives in San Francisco. She would also like to locate Cherie Jue who I believe is a teacher in Waipahu. If any of you know of her married name, let me or Bev know so they can reunite. I'm sure we have other classmates in the 50th State too, if you want to connect.

Besides Bev Mew Yeung, we welcome Pat Lobdell Ballesteros, '65, who suggested a bike run from Oakland to ? to raise money for Aegis. A great suggestion. Her assignment at work is to organize fundraisers. Her email is Pballest@edd.ca.gov if you'd like to contact her. Dakota Sullivan, year unknown, has just joined our group. If you want to reach her, she is at Dsullivan@looksmart.net. Robert Souza '69, at nodui@earthlink.net. Charlotte Maney Sprague, '55, now lives in Contra Costa county, and would like to keep up on what is going on with OHS. She attended the OHS Open House and met the 1927 grad who was there and that was the year OHS moved to the present site. If you remember her, write to csprague@weoneil.com. We welcome Marge Civil, year unknown, but she'd like updates on OHS. Also, another mystery man, Geoff, I think from '63, who would like to also get OHS news. Debra Martin , '73, also wants to be included. She is at lildeb43@aol.com. A '56 grad, Elene Zahas Manolis, is another newbie. She is at Ezmanolis@aol.com.

Barbara Singerman Weill, June '52, would like to contact Andrew Tilmann, same year. If anyone knows his location, please contact her at barbaracarole2002@yahoo.com.

And one more request. Does anyone know where to find a Skyline grad from '65 named Jane Kroger? Phyllis Giles Vance '65 would like to find her. Write to Phyllis at acjlady@aol.com if anyone knows.

I think that is about it for this time. We hope you all enjoy the newsletter and find lots of old friends.


In the last few months OHS has lost the following grads: Harold Boscovich, Class of '33, died in April; Ken Gunter, Class of '54 passed away suddenly on June 5; brothers Stuart and Terry McIlraith, Classes of '49 and '52 died together on July 5 in a small airplane crash in Wisconsin; Laurie Wheeler, Class of '46, died in a traffic accident on July 8; Richard Tharp, Class of '35, died on July 11; Keith Wilson, Class of '63 died several weeks ago (if anyone has his obituary or any detials, it will be appreciated); and on October 8, the inspiring B Jo Kinnick, English and Journalism teacher in the 50s and 60s, passed away. We send our condolences to the families and friends of these classmates.

Thanks to Carole Hewitt '54, who sent us the memorial list from the class of 1945 50th reunion booklet. Thanks too (as always) to Bob Chan '71, for once again coming up with scans of graduation pictures, this time from the 1901 and 1945 yearbooks. The Memorial Site would not possible without all the marvelous help we get. Thank you, everyone.

Names added to the Memorial Pages since the last Newsletter:


This weeks "moving" story.......take that as you will.......

I hate moving. Now, I'm sure I'm not the only one who hates this, but I feel kind of like the people in the movie "The Money Pit"!! This is but one story from the Money Pit file........

The Horrors of Moving, or Don't Trust Sellers Over 70

I had just signed a six month lease on the apartment when my husband decided he didn't want to live there any longer since his father passed away. We were out to breakfast on a Saturday morning when, on a whim, we cruised the Seniors mobile Home Park to check it out. There was a time when I couldn't wait to become a Senior, but that was when I was a freshman! Senior has a whole different meaning now! We saw an ad posted in the clubhouse for a double wide, and went to see it and bought it on the spot. THAT was the good part. We thought.

My apartment manager let us out of the lease I had signed the week before, and we gave our 30 day notice. That is when the fun started.

The previous owners of the mobile home were moving to Idaho to care for an invalid son, and the woman went up early, leaving her husband to move. They were in their late seventies and certainly no spring chickens. We were probably going to be the youngest in the park!

A week before we were to move in, the old guy got a HUGE rental truck and parked it out front of the mobile home. He started on a Friday and assured us he'd be out by Monday. That would have been great!

We stopped by on Saturday to give him the cashiers check to pay for the mobile home, and he had two items on the truck. Okay, I told myself, he is an old man and doing this by himself. He moved in slow motion, like a disaster scene from a movie! The only time he moved quickly was to raise the screwdriver he was drinking from the table to his mouth! Every five minutes his cell phone would ring. They didn't seem to have a phone in the house. This DID cross my mind but I never mentioned it or asked why. I should have.

Sunday, we drove by. He had THREE items in the truck. He's 77, and it's 102 degrees outside and he has no help. There was no way he'd be out by Monday. The living room was still intact from couches to knick knacks. The dining room was filled with boxes and bags and there was dirty dishes soaking in the kitchen sink.

Monday came. The truck was barely ¼ full. The house was still mainly full of furniture. I could tell I wasn't going to be able to paint the kitchen before we moved in.

Tuesday! It looked hopeful. The truck was half full (or half empty if you're a pessimist!). I peeked inside the house. The living room and dining room were still full! I don't know where he got the stuff that was in the truck, because nothing seemed to be moved. The dishes were still soaking in the sink. Nope, no painting today. He was still moving in slow motion, and his great nephews had come to help, but were sitting on the stairs just sipping soda, while he struggled to get a stack of boxes onto the truck.

Finally, Thursday afternoon, we went over, and he was ready to leave. For the most part. He couldn't fit the contents of the two storage sheds and would have to come back in 2 weeks or a month, to pick the stuff up. So, we didn't paint. I put up shelf paper in ½ the kitchen, and gave up.

Friday came. Moving Day. My son, his brother-in-law, and his friend came to do the moving. They moved EVERYTHING! By the time they got the stuff into the new place, it began to look VERY similar to what it looked like before the old man moved.....not good. Bags, boxes, plastic containers! Holy Crap, did all this belong to us?? It did. And we still had a super large storage unit full of crapola.

Meanwhile, the gasman stopped by to light the stove, oven and hot water heater. He was there for 2 hours just trying to find the STOVETOP under the boxes of dishes in the kitchen! Ten minutes after the gasman arrived, the phone man came to install our phone jacks, and two minutes later he was joined by the Direct TV guy. They all began to laugh. Oh Crap, come on, I know it was bad, but holy cripes, we were just moving in! Finally after several minutes of manly gaffawing from the kitchen, the phone man came over and said, "M'am, did you know you don't have phone service here? "

Rolling my eyes back in my head out of frustration, I'm sure I yelled " WHAT!! NO PHONE SERVICE? Verizon never mentioned that small insignificant fact to me when they took my order for 4 new phone jacks!!"

The phone man then explained to me that for at least a year or longer, the phone trunk leading down our street was old and needed to be replaced, and that, although there WAS phone service, it was so bad and full of static that you couldn't even carry on a conversation. He went on to say not to get my hopes up, that although his supervisor told him to tell me two weeks until it was repaired, the last time he was told to tell someone in the park it was going to be fixed in 2 weeks was over a year ago. He told me he would go ahead and install my jacks, but don't hold your breath. He felt so badly that even though he was there 3 hours he only charged me for one. Besides, the Direct TV guy said the jacks had to be installed before he could put in the system. Double Crap. No wonder they were all laughing! They KNEW about the phone service.

Now it made sense. No wonder the people we bought from only had a cell phone! You'd think they MIGHT have mentioned that fact when we bought the place. Now, if you know me, you know how important the phone and the computer are to me!!! Would life be worth living without them? I think not. The phone guy let me hear the dial tone. Ha. What dial tone? He said that is why all the old people in the park had cell phones. I told him I would get it fixed and he said Good Luck, no one else has been able to do it. The supervisor doesn't want to dig through the asphalt to lay a trunkline.

Oh yeah, I love a challenge.

On Monday, I called Verizon. I believe this person was in Ohio. No problem, it will be done in 2 weeks, I was told. The supervisor will call you, we have your number." Well, now WHAT THE HECK was he going to call me on if the phone wasn't working? I told them I would keep calling every day until it was resolved. They told me that would be fine. By Monday night, still no call from the supervisor. They never asked for a contact number, either. I called back on Tuesday. This time I got Orlando. They were apologetic, took my work number for a contact number and said it will be fixed in 2 weeks. The supervisor will call.

Now if you ever saw "The Money Pit", you will remember every time Tom Hanks asked how long it will be until the house was fixed, it was TWO WEEKS! I went outside to look to make sure I wasn't living in the Money Pit House.

I called Verizon again. I told them, (them being New York this time) the whole story, and that I wanted the line fixed. It will be two weeks, they told me. And the supervisor will call. "NO HE WON'T! He never does. Let me tell you what I will do next. I will Contact the PUC. The mysterious supervisor doesn't want to tear up the asphalt to fix the cable. He will never call me. What happens if I need to call 911 in an emergency and can't get a dial tone?" I was told to get a cell phone. Son of a B! My ears were burning I was so mad. I went on-line at work and put in complaint with the PUC. They had made me mad.

Thursday I picked up the paper and saw headlines, Verizon can't provide phone lines to Hinkley residents. Not cost effective. That gave me an idea. (By the way, you might recognize Hinkley from the movie Erin Brockovich. Not only did they get poisoned by PG&E, but now the phone company wouldn't provide outlying phone services and that wasn't in the movie.)

I called Verizon, again, and this time I got Thousand Oaks CA. THANK YOU! At least I was in California. I reached a very sweet girl who was very interested in my story. She called up the file and said, "well, he's supposed to call you and have it completed within 2 weeks." I then told her that my next step was to contact the paper and the television stations. I told her where to go on-line to check today's newspaper for the Verizon story, and that by next Tuesday, my story would follow. She did, and she called me back. In fact, she called me back several times. She assured me the Supervisor WOULD call me. I laughed, and told her I DID appreciate her trying so hard. He was to call back by Friday 4 PM. I told her that if I did not hear from him by that time, that the newspaper and TV stations would be doing a story on why Verizon refused to fix phone lines in a Senior Park and what would happen if someone needed 911 and could not get a dial tone? Headline: Verizon has no regard for Seniors......... She understood.

On Friday, I waited alllllllll day for that call (not holding my breath, you understand.) By 4 PM, I went home, so mad I could spit. When I got into the house ready to blow, my husband said, "pick up the phone." Oh Great. I picked up the phone. It was CLEAR! I could hear! Seems the Supervisor sent a crew, and, not wanting to talk to me, WAITED until the line was clear and he called my husband. Smart move. After more than a year of no phone service, the seniors could finally get rid of the cell phones! I went outside, and sure enough, the asphalt was dug up, yellow tape around the hole.

Ah yes, I can see it now. Bonnie Hulse, the movie sequel to Erin Brockovich.

Bonnie, One, Verizon, nothing!!!! Life is good!


This weeks photos: Doug Yamamoto, '65, after his rescue last week.. Weight loss update photos: Sixe 4X to 18. Now if I could find a wrinkle remover.........sigh..........not my most complimentary photos.......

Doug Yamamoto.

Doug Yamamoto
Rescued by the Coast Guard

Bonnie Burke.

Going, going...

Vanishing Act.

90 lbs to go


If you have trouble with the graphics in the email version, go to www.oocities.org/ohsnewsletter

Mail your news, comments and suggestions to Bonnie at HULSEBE@barstow.usmc.mil.

Copyright © 2002-2003 by Bonnie Burke Hulse '65 and Bev Shulster '65. All rights reserved.