PIZZA FUNDRAISER: Thanks to Wendy Fries for facilitating our first fundraiser of the year. Also thanks to those parents who came out to help with the distribution of the pizzas. Our next fundraiser will be our annual cheesecakes and cookie dough which we’ll kick off in October.

BAND JACKETS NOW AVAILABLE:  We are making our band jackets available once again to anyone who would like one. These are the jackets that many of the band members ordered last year after winning championships. The only difference this year is that the jackets won’t come with the championship logo, but are exactly the same otherwise. If you are interested, an order form is attached here. If you would like to try on a jacket to see what size you want, just ask one of the upper-classmen to try on their jacket. 

SPRING TRIP INFO. COMING:  Information on the band’s 2006 spring trip should be available next week and will be distributed to all marching band members.
CAVALCADE TICKETS NOW ON SALE:  A reminder that every marching band member received OJR cavalcade tickets to sell. It is every member’s responsibility to try and sell these tickets. You should turn in either the money for the tickets or the tickets themselves if you can’t sell them, but please try!

SOME HELP STILL NEEDED FROM PARENTS:  Even though the season is off to a great start and so many terrific people are coming out to help on a regular basis, we could use just a bit more help with a couple of things:

Someone to help pull the open trailer with pit percussion equipment on Thursday nights during rehearsals. We need the trailer pulled down to the field around 6:00pm and then back again when rehearsal is over around 8:30pm. This would be a big help to the kids in the pit section.

We are in need of some old towels and rags to use for instrument polishing.
We could use a volunteer mother to collect our used towels and wash them on a weekly or every-other-week basis until November. 

Feel free to contact me if you are able to help in any of these capacities.

ELVERSON HALLOWEEN PARADE PRACTICE WITH MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND: This year the high school band is going back to march in the Elverson Halloween Parade on Oct. 19th. HOWEVER, we’re going to try something we’ve never done before………combine both high school AND middle school bands into one gigantic group for the parade! That’s right folks………one HUGE band. This will be a great opportunity for the middle school band members and a great chance for us to show them what the high school band is all about. We want this to be a FUN night for the middle schoolers so they’ll want to join the band in the high school. We’re going to play Louie Louie together since both bands already know it. To accomplish this we will have one practice together AFTER SCHOOL on Monday, October 17th at 2:30pm!!!  Make sure your parents and friends know about it. This will be the highlight of the parade!

SCHEDULE (9/26/05 – 10/1/05)

9/27/05 Rehearsal – 6pm to 8:30pm - STADIUM
9/29/05 Rehearsal – 6pm to 8:30pm – Band Practice Field

9/30/05 AWAY FOOTBALL GAME – Phoenixville
- Report 5:15pm

- We perform at half-time

- Return time approx. 10:00pm

- Report at various times depending on where you are volunteering

- The show starts at 6:00pm

- We are the last band to perform before Shippensburg University

OJR HOME CAVALCADE INFO. Click on link below for the schedule of bands for our home cavalcade next Saturday, Oct. 1st. This is the 35th Owen J. Roberts Cavalcade of Bands!!! Let’s make it a great one! The Shippensburg University marching band will be here to help make the night special. I know many parents are coming out to help on various committees and we all appreciate your involvement. Thanks to our cavalcade coordinator, Mr. Rick Reedy, for all of his preparation in organizing this year’s show.
35th Owen J Roberts
Cavalcade of Bands
October 1st