

    "Disgruntled" is a comedy about 3 guys, CORKY, GREG and DAVE, who all work at a computer helpline office and hate their jobs almost as much as they hate their boss, MR. RUMPBANGHER. Corky in particular, is at his wits end with Mr. Rumpbangher's antics and only Dave and Greg can keep him sane. Corky has survived several years of verbal abuse and has been passed over numerous times for promotions. These promotions have been given to people who don't have the experience or the knowledge that Corky has, but they do know how to kiss the ass of Mr. Rumpbangher and that s good enough for a promotion.
    Corky has had enough of Rumpbangher's shenanigans and finally snaps. He decides that the best way to improve his career prospects and his overall outlook on life is by getting rid of Mr. Rumpbangher, permanently. Corky spearheads a plan to kill his highly motivated and annoyingly team-oriented boss by enlisting the help of an inept ex-colleague named CHARLIE, whose stories of fighting in Vietnam are actually nothing more than drug-induced delusions.
    Charlie tries several times to dispose of Mr. Rumpbangher, once by an attempted shooting, once by tampering with a cars brake lines and once by food poisoning. All these attempts of course fail. Corky gets more and more agitated after each failed attempt and gives Charlie one last chance to do the job right before he kills Mr. Rumpbangher himself. After giving this ultimatum to Charlie, Corky gets called into Mr. Rumpbangher office. Mr. Rumpbangher tells Corky that even though they have had their difference, the best thing to do for the company is to give Corky the promotion. Mr. Rumpbangher continues to tell Corky that he will be transferred to another office and says that he will fill out and process the paperwork the following day.
    Hours later Corky is home sleeping and has a dream that he did not get the promotion because Mr. Rumpbangher is dead and did not fill out the paperwork. Corky wakes up in a panic and realizes that Charlie is still work on a plan to kill Mr. Rumpbangher. So he calls Charlie to tell him to stop whatever he had planned, but it is too late. Charlie has rigged Mr. Rumpbangher's computer with a poisonous gas bomb. Corky asks Charlie to go and disarm the bomb but Charlie is too stoned to even walk. Corky then gathers his pals Dave and Greg to help him disarm the bomb, by going to Greg's house and disrupts Greg and his wife having sex. They then proceed to MISTY'S house where they interrupt a much-awaited sexual encounter with Dave and Misty.
    They break into the office and work their way down to Mr. Rumpbangher's office and successfully disarm the bomb. Everything is back to normal for Corky, Mr. Rumpbangher won't be killed and the paperwork for his promotion will go through the next day.
    Moments after Corky and his pals disarm the bomb, Mr. Rumpbangher is arriving at his home. He walks into his house, which is lit with candles. He is excited because his wife has set up a nice romantic evening. As he walks into the room, where his wife is, he sees something so unbelievable that it gives him a heart attack.
    The next morning Corky walks into the office and sees the equivalent of a New Years Eve party going on. He approaches Dave and Greg and learns that Mr. Rumpbangher died of a heart attack. Corky realized that because of Mr. Rumpbangher's sudden death, his promotion goes to the grave as well.