BC Alberta Sask Manitoba

North West Mounted Police

Louis Riel's Rebellion & The Métis

Métis List of Rights - 1870

First Train Reaches Winnipeg - 1878

Debate on Construction of Grand Trunk Railway


Laurier and Saskatchewan

The Canadian West During the Depression

The First British Ships

Donald Morrison - Canadian Outlaw

Sepratists? - Try This On For Size!!!!

Most of the images that are displayed on this site have been collected from a number of sources. If there are any problems with copyrights or trademarks, please email me and I will change or remove them immediately.

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Although every effort was made in good faith to ensure the accuracy of information contained herein, the Webmaster accepts no warranty nor accepts liability from incorrect, incomplete or misleading information or its improper use.


Go To The West Links!

Go West!!!

6/23/01 10:51:33 AM