Games Page, Number 2, Reviews
Review: Star wars Battlefront 2
Info:      Publisher: Lucasarts
              Game Type: Shoot "em up
               Aimed at: 12 upwards
                Format: PS2

"Sequel to the best-selling Star Wars game of all time." It tells you cleary in a yellow circle on the back of the box. There were many reasons the oridginal "Star Wars Battlefront" so um well best-selling, the detailed maps and the different types of  soldiers were two of the main contributers. The troops where a good a part, different soldier classes where designed to do different things, e.g to take out veichels or mash infantry. This was the icing on the cake but the maian beauty of the game was the brilliant maps, each in harmoney with the film, even down to the sound, the classic Star Wars theme, or the music played on the film when the characters where in that particular place. The original game was near perfection, but it did have one flaw you could not play as a Jedi. However "Star Wars Battlefront 2" simpley picks up on what the previous game left and the end result is astronomical.

Lets start with the maps of "Star Wars Battlefront 2." There is, if I am right 30 more maps than the origial "Star Wars Battlefront" Thats right 30! This is mainy because of "Revenge Of The Sith" the film brings about hmm I don't know about 30 more battlefileds into the game. There is one downside to this, Battlefront 2 drops some of the battlefileds from Battlefront 1 and I just don't know why. Why get rid of something you already have? Why? Luckly the amount of new maps make up for this small flaw.

The troops have also been given a make-over. The Republic class is now based on the "Revenge Of The Sith" There is also the "magma guard" class for the CIS. The Rebel and Empire troops have also had some minior changes. Continued on next page 
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