David Bawden Replies

At 10:12 AM 4/21/02 +0100, Prakash J. Mascarenhas wrote:

Hello Friends,

I have just finished the first phase of updating my pages and would like you to review them at Index

Yours sincerely,

Prakash Mascarenhas
From David Bawden to Prakash Mascarenhas, 25th April 2002

Dear Prakash (and everyone),

I have read three of your pages so far and here are my comments:

Your article Catholic Membership

You ask a good question here. The answer is a bit complicated.

Heresy has many results, one of which is excommunication reserved in a special manner to the Apostolic See.

Heresy comes with the following penalties:
  1. Excommunication (Canon 2314, paragraph 1)

  2. If they have joined a non-Catholic sect (and the Vatican II Church fits the definition), they are infamous by law. (Canon 2314, paragraph 2). Infamy may only be removed by the Apostolic See.

  3. ipso facto resignation from all offices in the Church, if they have publicly abandoned the faith. (Canon 188, paragraph 4)

  4. They are irregular (Canon 984). Irregularity forbids the reception of Orders and the exercise of Orders already received. Dispensation from public irregularities is reserved absolutely to the Apostolic See (Canons 990 and 991)

  5. Cannot administer any Sacrament, because of the excommunication. (Canon 2260 and 2261)

  6. If they have joined a non-Catholic sect they may not be a sponsor at Baptism. (Canon 765, paragraph 2) Nor at Confirmation, (Canon 795, paragraph 2)

  7. May not receive Holy Communion. (Canon 855)

  8. May not be a witness in an ecclesiastical trial. (Canon 1757, paragraph 2)

  9. May not vote in an ecclesiastical election. (Canon 167, paragraph 3. If they have joined an heretical or schismatical sect, or fallen away from the Faith, they also may not vote. (Canon 167, paragraph 4)
The question arises, how does one return to the Church?

Most of those who are members of the Resistance, at some time or the other, took part in the rites of the New Church, which we now recognize as unlawful, schismatic and heretical sect. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. (Matthew 24:24) Basically Juridical Absolution removes the penalty of heresy, but this is unavailable without a Pope.

In view of the primacy of the Roman Pontiff, any member of the faithful in the whole world may appeal his case to the Holy See - whether the case be civil or criminal and at any stage whatsoever of the procedure - or may take it there in the first place. However, the recourse to the Holy See does not suspend, except in case of appeal, the exercise of jurisdiction by the judge who has already begun the trial of the case. He may continue the case and pronounce final sentence unless it is known that the Apostolic See has reserved the case to itself. Canon 1569. Because of this situation we have a right to elect a Pope, because to deny this right is to deny an infallible teaching of the Church and return to the state of heresy.

Vatican Council (DZ 1825): If anyone then says that it is not from the institution of Christ the Lord Himself, or by divine right that the blessed Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church, or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of the blessed Peter in the same primacy, let him be anathema.

Oath Against the Errors of Modernism (DZ 2145) Thirdly, likewise, with a firm faith I believe that the Church, guardian and mistress of the revealed word, was instituted proximately and directly by the true and historical Christ Himself, while he sojourned among us, and that the same was built upon Peter, the chief of the apostolic hierarchy, and his successors until the end of time.

Basically an analogy to the Perfect Act of Contrition, recommended by the Catechism and to the recommendations of the Summa is in order. (Supplement, Q8, A2): Just as Baptism is a necessary sacrament, so is Penance. And Baptism, through being a necessary sacrament has a twofold minister: one whose duty it is to baptize, in virtue of his office, viz. the priest, and another, to whom the conferring of Baptism is committed, in a case of necessity. In like manner the minister of Penance, to whom, in virtue of his office, confession should be made, is a priest; but in a case of necessity even a layman may take the place of a priest, and hear a person’s confession. In the first Reply we read: But when there is reason for urgency, the penitent should fulfill his own part, by being contrite and confessing to whom he can; and although this person cannot perfect the sacrament, so as to fulfill the part of the priest by giving absolution, yet his defect is supplied by the High Priest.

In like manner, we do our part, by making the Profession of Faith in the presence of Catholic witnesses, and by renouncing our previous heresies in as public manner as we once adhered to them.

Canon 2295: Infamy of law ceases only on dispensation granted by the Apostolic See. Infamy of fact ceases when the Ordinary, after considering all the circumstances and especially the prolonged amendment of the guilty party, shall prudently judge that the person has regained good repute with righteous and serious Catholics.

Woywod comments: The prolonged amendment very likely means laudable conduct for three years, as in the case spoken of in Canon 672.

Now this procedure returns us to the Church, but does not make us fit for the reception of the Sacraments, nor does it remove the irregularities, forbidding the reception and exercise of Holy Orders.
What is Sedevacantism?

Prakash Mascarenhas's Reconciliation'

Canon 2261, paragraph 2 permits a person to approach an excommunicate for the Sacraments under certain circumstances, however the Church has decreed that heretics may never be approached in this manner. A decision from the Holy Office, June 30, 1864: Whether it is permitted to demand absolution of a schismatic priest in danger of death if no Catholic priest is at hand. Yes, provided no scandal is given to the faithful, no danger of perversion threatens the sick person and finally, provided that it may be reasonably be presumed that the schismatic minister will absolve according to the rite of the Church. We must also keep in mind Canon 2316: A person who of his own accord and knowingly helps in any manner to propagate heresy, or who communicates in sacred rites with heretics in violation of the prohibition of Canon 1258, incurs suspicion of heresy. So we cannot invoke Canon 2261, paragraph 2 in regard to heretics. Pope Innocent XI condemned the following error: It is not illicit in conferring sacraments to follow a probable opinion regarding the value of the sacrament, the safer opinion being abandoned, unless the law forbids it, convention or the danger of incurring grave harm. Therefore, one should not make use of probable opinions only in conferring baptism, sacerdotal or episcopal orders. (DZ 1151)

As I see it there are several possible solutions. However, before proceeding I would like to note that the only reason these questions are being asked is that the prophecy of our Lord Jesus Christ has been fulfilled: Matthew 24:21 For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be.

Solution 1: Valid and licit Bishop(s) exist in Russia and/or China, who have not defected and have transmitted Holy Orders with the permission of Rome, but without her specific consent due to special faculties. There is circumstantial evidence to support this possibility.

Solution 2: A pope is elected, who can reconcile a Bishop or Bishops, etc. This Pope can also absolve from the excommunications EVEN IF HE HAS NOT BEEN ORDAINED, because he has universal jurisdiction. If he has not been ordained, then he cannot absolve from sins, but can reconcile a priest, who can then absolve. The Pope can also remove the irregularities, etc., since they are reserved to him.

They shall not partake of holy things, until a high priest shall arise for evidence and truth. (Offertory for the Mass for the Election of a Pope.) Pope Pius IX also states: He who abandons this See cannot hope to remain within the Church; he who eats the Lamb outside it has no part with God. Some have compared called this a time of Divine Interdict. Indeed, if one looks at Canon Law, we appear to be in the same boat as those who are under an interdict.

There was a rumor that Bishop Thuc consecrated Bishops to preserve the Apostolic Succession, until a Papal Election could be held. A look at the reference to his Declaration, especially Cum ex and Unam Sanctam, which infallibly states: Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff. One must reason then that a Pope is necessary, since it is necessary for every man, woman and child to submit to the Pope. This the 1870 Vatican Council has infallibly decreed, as quoted above. I was recently e-mailed something that states that the Thuc Bishops are documenting their actions for submission to a Pope, when one appears. Of course, they should have done more than wait, they should be doing something, and someone observed in another e-mail that their failure can be considered schismatic.

What Bishop Thuc should have done was hold a Papal Election, and the Pope thus elected could have appointed men to be consecrated Bishop and set everything straight, including absolving Bishop Thuc from the irregularities and excommunication he incurred for his part in Vatican II.
The Mass or the Faith?

All I can say is that the conclusion reached there is true, the Faith is more important, as guardian of the Mass. If the Mass were more important, then we would be permitted to go to any valid Mass, as the Vatican II Church teaches, which is forbidden by the Catholic Church, as noted above in Canons 1258 and 2316.

So the solution is to elect a Pope, as we did on July 16, 1990.

My Website: Pope Michael & Where Is The Catholic Church

Some doubt the validity of Our election as Pope, but let Us ask one simple question: Where were you in 1990? We attempted to contact all Sedevacantists in the world and encourage them to hold the election, and when they failed, we proceeded. All our reasoning is outlined in Our book, Will the Catholic Church Survive the Twentieth Century? which We will make available to anyone for the cost of postage. ($4 in the US and $10 international)

David Bawden, known in religion as Pope Michael
Likewise, all other things I accept and profess, which the Holy Roman Church accepts and professes, and I likewise condemn, reject, and anathematize, at the same time all contrary things, both schisms and heresies, which have been condemned by the same Church. DZ 1473