
Our Parr Family

There are many spellings of the Parr name, and in our research we must be careful not to overlook the spellings of Pair, Pare, Pear, etc. There is still much to be learned about our Parr ancestors, but
Phil Wheeler, who shared much of this information with us has helped us on our way.

The History of Union County, South Carolina contains two articles on the Parr family (#479 & 480). The first article gives us information on three brothers, Thomas, Allen and Claiborn (Clayburn) Parr who came to Union County from Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The second article gives us more information on Claiborn Parr's family. It is believed that these brothers are the children of Thomas Parr who was born about 1730 in Virginia and died about 1797 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Visit the
Parr Deeds to learn more about the Parr family's land transactions. Thomas married Mary ?? and their children are thought to be:
diamond Claiborn, b. Bet 1766/1770 - wp 21 Aug 1830 - m. Martha Ivey
diamond Bridges, b. Bet 1761/1770 - d. 1839 - m. Penelope Howze
diamond John, b. Bet 1766/1774 - wp Nov 1827 - m. Elizabeth ??
diamond Thomas, Jr., b. Bet 1770/1773 - d. 30 May 1845 - m. Dorcas ??
diamond Allen, b. Bet 1780/1783 - wp 13 Mar 1849 - m. Unknown
diamond female, b. aft 1790 - d. by 1850 - m. David Nicholas


Claiborn Parr, the son of Thomas and Mary Parr, was born between 1766 and 1770. He married Martha Ivey, about 1793, probably in South Carolina. Claiborn wrote his last will and testament 25 April 1818 in Union County, South Carolina. He left the plantation to his wife Martha during her life or widowhood, with the exception that his son James was to have a horse. Each of the (unnamed) children were to receive a part of the estate as they reached legal age. Thomas Pair and Martha Pair were named as executors. Witnesses were Sherwood nance, Willis Walker and Christopher Brandon. The will was signed Claybourn (X) Pair (His mark). The will was proved 21 August 1830. (Union County, South Carolina Will Abstracts 1787- 1849, Brent Holcomb) The children of Claiborn and Martha Ivey Parr are:
diamond John, b. abt 1794 - d. aft 1860 - m.1st Malinda; 2nd Mary
diamond James, b. abt 1796 - d. ?? - m. Nancy
diamond Elizabeth b.15 Mar 1797 - d. abt 1849 - m. Thomas Nance
diamond Rebecca, b. abt 1799 - d. abt 1850 - m. Isham/Isom Vaughn
diamond Jesse, b. abt 1802 - d. ?? - m. Nancy Scales
diamond Allen, b. abt 1804 - d. ?? - m. ?? Scales
diamond Thomas, b. abt 1806 - d. ?? - m. ??
diamond Mary, b. abt 1809 - d. abt 1892 - m. Joel Ivey Adams
diamond Sally, b. abt 1812 - d. ?? - m. William Motte
diamond Charlotte, b. abt 1814 - d. ?? - m. William Scales

Bridges Parr, the son of Thomas and Mary Parr, was born between 1761 and 1770 and died about 1839 in Butts County, Georgia. Bridges married about 1800, Penelope Howze, born about 1775 in Lancaster County, South Carolina, the daughter of James and Mildred Morris Howze. The children of Bridges and Penelope are:
diamond Littleton
diamond Jenny, b. abt 1803
diamond Bridges, Jr., b. abt 1805 - d. 16 Oct 1853 - m. Penny ??
These are also thought to be children of Bridges and Penelope
diamond Penelope
diamond Lucy, b. ?? - d. ?? - m. James Baird
diamond Louisa

John Parr, the son of Thomas and Mary Parr, was born between 1766 and 1774. He died in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina before November 1827 when his will was probated. John married Elizabeth Hobbs, the daughter of Robert Hobbs, their children are:
diamond Elizabeth, b. ?? - d. ?? - m. ?? Mitchell
diamond Wina, b. ?? - d. ?? - m. ?? Ivy
diamond Polly, b. ?? - d. ?? - m. ?? Spray

Thomas Parr, the son of Thomas and Mary Parr, was born between 1770 and 1773 and died 30 May 1845 in Union County, South Carolina. He married Dorcas ?? , who died 6 September 1848 in Union County. Their children are:
diamond Sarah, b. ?? - d. bef 1847 - m. John Haney
diamond Rebecca, b. ?? - d. ?? - m. William Sherland
diamond Henry, b. abt 1787 - d. abt 1856 - m. Mary Smarr
diamond Margaret, b. abt 1787 - d. 9 Jul 1878 - m. Absolem Ivy
diamond Richard, b. abt 1793 - d. abt 1853 - m. Judith Smarr
diamond Tabitha, b. abt 1799 - d. ?? - m. John Harris

Allen Parr, the son of Thomas and Mary Parr, was born between 1780 and 1783 and died between 14 February 1849 when he wrote his will and 13 March 1849 when his will was proved in Union County, South Carolina. The name of his wife is unknown but have these children for him:
diamond Andrew, b. bet 1811-1820, d. ?? m. ??
diamond Roland, b. abt 1820 - d. ?? m. - Letha A. ??
diamond John
diamond Betsy, b. ?? - d. ?? - m. David Mitchell
diamond Viney
diamond Mary A., b. abt 1829 - d. Oct 1885 - m. Robert Ivey


Parr Family Researchers

Phil Wheeler
Neil Wheeler
Nonie Kenney
Malcolm Mitchell Davis
Audrey Parr Rogers

Parr Family Web Pages

Proud to Be Parr
The Wulf's Den
Audrey's Home Page

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copyright 1999 by Sherry Osburn