In Loving Memory of Amber Leigh Thompson
May 16, 1981 - December 14, 2001

As Amber grew and started attending middle school, her musical talent excelled. She soon moved to other guitars. She took over Tommy's guitar he had gotten for Christmas. As she got further into high school, she began to choose new friends.
A lot of her old friends had drifted apart.

High School came, and Amber had made "new friends. Somewhere along the way, as she was trying to befriend certain kids, whom had family problems, she chose to go a different path, a path of bad choices. Amber experimented with drugs and alcohol with her "new friends." A class-mate, Kari, whose mom had kicked her out, was staying with Amber. The school counselor advised me to ask her to leave.
Cody, who had family problems also, stayed with us for a while.

Anna Jo was one of Amber's best friends. They were hilarious together.

This is another picture of Anna Jo. She & Amber were a perfect pair
for "Blues Sisters."

Then one day, Jill introduced Amber to the unthinkable, heroin. There were many others who were involved with drugs, and soon they became a part of their lifestyle. Josh went to bootcamp for heroin. Joyce, their dealer, was on a first-name basis. I learned she has been dealing drugs in Atlanta since 1984, when Amber would have only been three years old. A young man, Tony, overdosed on a $10 pack of heroin he purchased from Joyce. Jill was to pick Joyce up to take to his funeral.
How bizarre is that?

This story can go an and on, except that on Dec. 14, 2001, Amber overdosed on heroin. The nightmare did not actually begin here. It began when Amber started changing "friends," and began experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Also, we do believe the beginning was smoking marijuana. Do not be deceived and think it is harmless. It is not. Please go to Ginger Katz's website: Courage To Speak Foundation, and you will find another heartbroken mother who lost her son, Ian, to a heroin overdose. She started "The Courage to Speak Foundation," in honor of him. This organization is truly wonderful, and teaches children the reality of drug-use.
Remember cigarettes and alcohol are also drugs.

Amber & her brother, Tommy.

Amber had a bright future. She was so talented. She had begun She could play the guitar so beautifully. She was a beautiful person inside and out. She told me she was always there for her friends, but where were they when she needed them?
I ask that too, where were they when someone offered heroin? They were not friends.

I did not mention Amber had absolutely wonderful christian friends also, who were there for her. Chris was her greatest prayer warrior. Cody turned out to be one also. Chris spoke at Amber's funeral, and was there with our family through everything.

Amber loved to draw and write. She wrote what she hoped to be in ten years was a musician. She loved music, and it meant more to her than anything. She loved watching movies, eating doritos, ketchup, worstershire sauce, and loved steak. She laughed and would light up the room. She was humerous and sweet and understanding. Sometimes
I feel she was too caring, and carried burdens for others.

Once I asked her what good drugs did, she replied: "none, they just give you
a false sense of happiness." She always said she did not have a problem.

This picture below was taken at a friend's wedding, in Amber's memory.
It was Amber's favorite "DJ" and spinning. She was very good at it.

Amber had a special pet, Daffy. Daffy was with Amber every minute of the day.
She slept with her, and slept while Amber practiced her guitar.
Sometimes the music was pretty loud, but Daffy did not mind.

We miss Amber so very much, but trust she is at peace now. She is away from all the disgust of drugs, and the very ones who always made sure she used them. She wrote of Heaven, a place where she longed to be, and because of God's Promises to Amber, she is in Eternity with Him now. She no longer has a battle to fight, because she has won. Her reward is great, because God promised, and God does not lie: :For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. Amber's future is Heaven, and we have hope because we will see her again. That will truly be
a "Glad Reunion Day," a song which was sang at Amber's funeral.

Many nights I would go into Amber's room to talk to her and tell her good-night. Often she would be reading, "God's Promises." She told someone she could find anything she wanted to in that book to help any situation.She would have her Bible open, and tell me she wanted to get her life straightened out and get close to God. She knew God, and loved Him. Some things were too hard for her, and so God took her home
so she would not have to suffer anymore.

One night in December, 2001, I gave Amber the diary I began two days before she was born. That night she wrote me the following note:

Dear Mom,
I got home and felt bad, and then I saw the wonderful diary and note, and it made me cry. I felt so horrible to be mad at you, especially when you left me such a great gift. I love you more than anything. Know that. I am just very confused about my life, but it has nothing to do with you. I am trying to understand myself. It's a hard time right now with me, but no matter what, I love you with all my heart. Don't ever forget that, because I mean it.
Love, Amber"

You know I never dreamed twenty-two years ago when I started writing Amber's diary
that the "great gift" would be left to me.

Amber also wrote:

For some reason all my thoughts and confessions come out when I'm lying under a blanket of bright beautiful stars. And somewhere behind the dark mysterious sky
lies the Heaven that I long to be in.

Now, Amber is in Heaven. She is a "real Angel."

Our family greatfully appreciates your reading Amber's story.
We ask that you please sign her guest book below.

We greatly appreciate the ones who are still here for us, and the ones who genuinely cared for Amber. A friend writes "Blossomed on earth to bloom in Heaven,"
and we believe that because of God's Promises.

...but you know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
John 14:17

The Broken Chain

We little knew that morning
that God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
you did not go alone;
for part of us went with you,
the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories,
your love is still our guide;
and though we cannot see you,
you are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken
and nothing seems the same,
but as God calls us one by one,
the Chain will link again...
~ Author unknown


Thank you to my dear friend Rosemary for the animations and the Bloomed in Heaven tags for Amber's pages. And thank you also to my wonderful friends Sheri and Joyce for such hard work with all of the other tags on Amber's pages.

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created

In Loving Memory of Amber Leigh Thompson
on May 1, 2003
Last updated: May 13, 2008
© 2000 - 2008

Maria's Tribute to Christopher

A special thank you to Maria Faller, who so faithfully worked on Amber's website many hours in order to have it ready for Amber's birthday. She was working on four others as well. A special thanks to her husband, and her precious children, Rachel and Mark for sharing their mommy with us. This was certainly a sacrifice for this dear family.

Maria and I have mutual losses, our precious children, Maria lost Christopher, and I lost Amber. Now we pray they are together, and Amber is taking good care of Christoher. She holds his hand, and they laugh. They play beautiful music for Jesus. Amber plays the guitar, and Christopher plays the saxophone ever so beautifully.

I would like to thank Kaye Des'Ormeaux for writing "God's Promises to Amber." Thank you Kaye, for letting us share this beautiful poem though it is copyrighted.

Thank you, Erik, for scanning the many pictures,
and getting them to Maria.

Lastly, thank you, God, for the opportunity to have been Amber's Mother. Thank you for entrusting me for only twenty years. The time seemed so short, and my heart is filled with so many memories. I treasure each and every one of them. Only a God in Heaven could create someone so wonderful as Amber. Please keep her close to you, and please give her a big hug for me. Thank you for the everlasting promise
that one day I will see her again.

A special thank you to The Compassionate Friends, where I met Maria and Kaye. Without them, this website would not have been created.

Sylvia S. Thompson

Please be so kind to visit Christopher's website:
Maria's Tribute to Christopher

"For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you
in all your ways." Psalm 91:11

It is just so important to me to think of angels, because I just have to believe Amber is one, or I could not go on living.