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We would like to thank everyone who made a contribution to the family information contained on this site.  Without your help there wouldn't be very much here.  The names are listed alphabetical, if we have forgotten anyone please let us know and your name will be added as soon as possible.


Stacy Bosworth, Sharon Brant, Wendy Brant, Melanie Gray, Beryl Herman, Carol Herman, Larry Herman, Lori Herman, Cora Illman, Glenda Keith, Barb Kellen, Gail Maracle, Connie Neufield, Nancy Peets Knox, Rick Phillips, Vicki Poffley, Laura Rowley, Deb Sikora, Dan Smith, Frank Smith, Fred Smith, Jenny Smith, Kevin Smith, Pauline Smith, Stephen Smith, Tammy Smith, Brain Todd, Deb Todd.


Leslie Barnes, David Carnrike, Gary Dickey, Fran Duffer, Ed Gartland, Jim & Bobby Kay.