About Us!

Hello and Welcome to Rob & Leigh Ann's Web Page.

We thought it would be fun to put together a page for our
friends & families to be updated (besides email)
on what's new here with us in The Netherlands.

First, let me tell you a bit about ourselves.
Rob and I first met on October 8th, 1997.
I am originally from Minnesota and
Rob is from The Netherlands.
We met, became friends and
continued our relationship online until
it developed into something more than
just friends. Our bond continued to grow stronger
and our relationship flourished. Rob came to Minnesota
several times until we finally decided we
needed to be together, because having to say
those good-byes were becoming harder and harder.
So in March of 1999 I took the brave step
and moved to The Netherlands to be with Rob.
What an adventure, but a fun and exciting one.
Experiencing a whole new culture, learning a
new language, meeting new people
and starting out our lives together. Yes,
there have been challenges, but those challenges
only make you stronger and when your with
the person you love, working together,
you can handle just about any challenge
that rears it's ugly head!

So now you know a little something about
us and by viewing the rest of our site,
we hope you'll get to know a little
bit more about The Netherlands.

Where Are We?

The Netherlands!

Dutch Life!

What's New?

Dutch American Couples Pages!

Just For Fun!

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