Trout Fishing FAQ

Q) When are the best times for trout fishing on the Outer Banks?

A) In the fall it would definitely be the middle of October--That's part of the southward migration coming out of the Chesapeake Bay; that's a consistent time--about the second week in October. In the spring, it can be about anytime! The very large specks spawn in the surf in the early spring, and that is one reason they come to the Outer Banks every spring. We are near the end of the northern range. They show up between March and July. In '90, we had a 10-day run in mid-July on the beaches next to each pier. We've also had good runs in May at Oregon Inlet. The so-called "pond" on the north side of Oregon Inlet is a real good place in the spring. In the fall, the best place by far is the stretch of beach north of Kitty Hawk Pier. They come back there every year, and every year we see them spawning in that place

Q) What is the key to catching these big trout?

A) It's a matter of putting in the time and experimenting with different lures. Trout are very finicky fish like largemouth bass. Most trout fisherman end up neurotic!

Q) What are some of your favorite lures for these trout? What about bait?

A) For the most part, lures have dominated the catches of speckled trout. The fisherman who come down from the north are used to catching weakfish, the northern variety of grey trout. Actually, the feeding habits of grey trout and speckled trout are different. The speckled trout feeds more like a bluefish; it feeds more by sight rather than scent, so it's looking for something in motion and prefers clear water. Grey trout are often taken most effectively on bait, such as peeler crabs or blood worms. Over the years, the top trout lures have been a red lead-head with a white shrimp tail. What did well last summer was red lead-heads with green twister tails. Another top lure has been a red and white microlure that looks like a little speckled trout with spots. Fishing from an elevated position, such as a pier, double bucktails are great.

As early as late March, we've had great runs of 2-4# trout at Kitty Hawk Pier with the water temperature at only 48 degrees! These are finicky fish, so get the right lures, check the local reports and most of all, be persistant. You'll probably get some nice trout.

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