Frequently Asked Questions
Or are they?

1. Whats the point of this site? There isn't one..

2. Can't find what you're looking for? Go look somewhere else..

3. Why are things orange? Good question..

4. Who am I? The question is who are YOU?!

5. Why did I waste my time on the making of this site? Because I had time to waste..

6. Why is it all about monkeys? No reason.. o_O Why do you ask?

7. Am I trying to make you laugh? Perhaps..

8. Do I think I'm making you laugh? I'd like to think that, but I'm not getting my hopes up..

9. Am I running out of "Frequently Asked Questions"? Yes.

10. Are these really the frequently asked questions? No.

Can't wait for your response.. o_o..
woo-hoo.. yey..