Pete's Kingston Labour Page
FTAA Quebec City 2001 Photo Page
The 2ND Peoples Summit Of The Americas

I am a Steelworker from Kingston Ontario who was in Quebec with my union at the
Second Peoples Summit Of The Americas. The photo directory was updated daily from
Monday April 16th to Saturday April 21nd. Pleasde send a link to this page to your friends.

peter boyle

Pete's Kingston Labour Page

straightgoods.com - News From Quebec

Environment Canada weather for Quebec City

Monday Photos

Wall Of Shame

Photos From Monday April 16.

Photos From Tuesday April 17.

Photos From Wednesday April 18.

Photos From Thursday April 19.

34 Photos From Friday April 20.
The Unions marched From The Big Tent
The Students Marched From Laval University
Both Met On Rue Charest East and Headed Up To The Wall

36 Photos From Saturday April 21.
The 2nd Summit Peoples March During The Day
and At The Wall Of Shame - Red Zone In The Evening

What Is The People's Summit?

The 2nd People's Summit (Quebec city, April 16th to 21st) marks the culmination
of many years of popular organizing throughout the Americas.It will consolidate
the expanding movement confronting corporate led globalization that has emerged
since the 1st People's Summit (Santiago, Chile 1998).

The 2nd People's Summit will create a space and an opportunity for progressive civil
society from north and south, to come together as equals. During the Summit we will
debate, define new strategies for the Americas and create new alliances. The Summit
will be another crucial step in the process of developing Alternatives. The Summit
programme will include sectoral and thematic forums, cultural and political events,
workshops, a teach-in and a March of the Americas.

This Hemispheric Social Alliance will serve as a counterwieght to corporate-led
globalization and give leadership in creating another Americas.

Photos By Peter Boyle

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