Jamboree On The Air
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The Webelo I's joined amateur radio operators from Somerset County in Berlin to operate amateur radios for JOTA.

We had one really good contact and it was with a Troop up in Canada. 
Click here to see their pictures and the email from Brian, one of the Troop's leaders
Kevin Custer (W3KKC) assists Nicki and Sam make a radio contact.
Click here to go to the Somerset County Amateur Radio Club's Website.

Click here to go to the Allegheny Highlands Repeater Association's Website.
Roy Bucher (K3YVS) in the red hat and Ralph Geiyer (KD3NO) show Matt and Jared how to operate a HF radio.
Kevin helps Tammy speak with the Troop Leader from Canada, Jeff.
Webelos I Den:  Tammy, Sam, Nicki, Matt & Jared
Scott Zimmerman (N3XCC) tries to find another contact for the boys.
Kevin demontrates a 2 meter handheld radio for the boys.  He linked a repeater just over the hill in Hays Mills PA to one in Washington DC and spoke with a couple of hams down there.
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