United States Coast Guard

Click here to go to the PACTACLET Ombudsman home page    Click here to visit the TRICARE website!

What's New on the TRICARE Website - Highlights:

TRICARE FAQ (Frequently Updated)

DoD Examines Anthrax Court Decision, Calls Vaccine Safe

An important message about TRICARE and Medicare

Fact Sheet: Where Should Your Outpatient Medical Records Be Stored? (01/16/04)

Requirement Expires for Tricare Standard Nonavailability Statements (01/27/04)

Certificate of Creditable Coverage Automatically
Issued For Persons No Longer Eligible For TRICARE


Fact Sheet Subscription Service


Make sure you take time to visit other pages on our site:


TACLET homepage | Ombudsman homepage



The content of all U.S. Coast Guard PACAREA TACLET Newsletters & Links in world wide web pages are unofficial and not authority for action. The webpages using the oocities.com server under the user name of "pactaclet_ombud", and the ombudsman newsletter have been created and maintained by and for military families currently living in or moving to our community.

The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the USDOHS or the USCG. Links are provided for the convenience of our visitors and do not, in any way, constitute an endorsement of the linked pages or any commercial or private issues or products presented therein. Information may be reprinted for personal use from web pages within my control, but may not be reproduced or published without written permission on any other webserver. This is a personal and non-commercial website containing resources for Coast Guard families. Commercial use of Coast Guard emblems, logos, or other graphics must be approved by the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard.

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