PACAREA TACLET Ombudsman Website

Email Scams!

Below are some scams and fraudulent emails currently making the
rounds on the internet. I've gotten these emails myself - you could, too.

FDIC/Homeland Security Email

The email informs the recipient that Department of Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge has advised the FDIC to suspend all deposit insurance on the recipient’s bank account due to suspected violations of the USA PATRIOT Act. The email further indicates that deposit insurance will be suspended until personal identity, including bank account information, can be verified. Click here for details and what to do if you get one of these emails.

Citibank Fraud Alert Email

Various email subjects like "Important Fraud Alert" and "Please verify your account" that appear to be from Citibank but ask the recipient to click on a link that takes them to a spoof of the Citibank site.

Click here for details and how to report it if you get one of these.

eBay Account Blocked - Spoof Email

Email subject (at least the one I received) is "Your Account at is Blocked." The email then states that the recipient's account has been flagged due to "credit card verification problems." The recipient is asked to click on a link to enter correct credit card and eBay account information to remove the block. The link does NOT go to, but rather to, a known spammer.

Click here for details and how to report it if you get one of these. DON'T click on any of the links!!!!





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