Bexley Parent Advocates for Gifted Education

I. About Us

II. Scope of Organization

III. By-Laws




About Us


Bexley Parent Advocates for Gifted Education formed in August, 2004 as a broad-based parent membership group that serves to support and advocate for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program of the Bexley City School District. Our approach is to create a comprehensive gifted program that includes communication between the parent community, the gifted education teachers, the administration, and the Board of Education as recommended in the Gifted Education Review Committee Report to the Bexley City School District Board of Education, May 2004.


Our Mission:


The mission of the Bexley Parent Advocates for Gifted Education (PAGE) organization shall be to advocate for and support academic excellence and gifted services in Bexley.


Our Vision:


The vision of PAGE is to intentionally support gifted services in the Bexley City School District (grades K-12) by developing advocacy, communication, information, and resource supports for all Bexley children and their parents.


Our Goals:

  • To work with the schools to ensure that ALL children are challenged.
  • To maximize understanding, communication, and involvement between families and teachers.
  • To support Bexley’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program as well as promote staff development on gifted issues.
  • To research and provide resources for enrichment, activities, and parent support.
  • To raise funds to support enrichment needs that are not funded by the school district due to budget restrictions.
  • To build a broad-based membership for ALL Bexley children and their parents.

Our Scope:

PAGE’s organizational scope is the guiding force for the support and advocacy work of building a collaborative and effective relationship between PAGE and the GATE program.


Bexley Parent Advocates for Gifted Education

Scope of Organization



Definition of PAGE from the Gifted Education Review Committee Report, May 2004.

“Recommendation #9: Form a Gifted and Talented Parent Advisory Group. The group would serve in a liaison capacity between various constituencies in the community. They would provide parent support, offer educational programming for parents, and serve in an advisory capacity to the gifted education teachers, district leadership, and the Board of Education. Along with the professional staff they would be responsible for periodic, though frequent, review of research and student needs so that the program can systematically evolve, remaining responsive to needs and interests in an ongoing manner.”

Based on the Gifted Education Review Committee’s report and recommendation, it is the goal of PAGE to fulfill the advisory and liaison capacities through open communication with parents, gifted education teachers, the administration, and the Board of Education. Therefore, it is PAGE’s role to serve as a constructive and open communication channel so that the needs of ALL children are met in the Bexley City School District.

Advisory Capacity

The Executive Board members all served, officio and ex-officio, on the Gifted Education Review Committee during the 2003-2004 school year. While serving on the Committee, the Executive Board members were thoroughly involved with teachers and administrators in reviewing the former gifted program, delineating programming directives based on research about gifted education, and advising the direction of the final recommendations outlined in the report. PAGE is also an affiliate of the Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC). This affiliation provides PAGE with state- level and national-level knowledge and research to allow PAGE the capacity to support and guide the educational programming of the GATE program.

            Therefore, it is PAGE’s role to continue to serve in an advisory capacity to the GATE program, participating in the development and review of the program as it evolves to meet the needs of allstudents.

Liaison Capacity

A constant theme that developed during the Review Committee’s work was the need for an open two-way communication channel between the gifted program and the parent community in order to create a supportive and educated environment and a comprehensive gifted program. PAGE’s formation is based on this premise that PAGE can serve in a collaborative liaison capacity to meet these needs.

PAGE can also serve as a filter for which parents can come for guidance and express needs and concerns about their own individual child/ren. PAGE can then respond with the appropriate steps to ensure that a collaborative environment exists for both parents and the program leadership.

Therefore, it is PAGE’s role to serve as an open communication channel that filters concerns and offers solutions so that leadership between the program and parent community can effectively meet the needs of all students.



Bexley Parent Advocates for Gifted Education



Article I: Name

The name of this organization is Bexley Parent Advocates for Gifted Education (PAGE).


Article II:Mission, Vision, and Goals

Section 1:  The mission of this organization shall be to advocate for and support academic excellence and gifted services in the Bexley City School District.


Section 2:  The vision of this organization is to intentionally support gifted services in the Bexley City School District (grades K-12) by developing advocacy, communication, information, and resource supports for all Bexley children and their parents.


Section 3:  PAGE’s goals include:

  • Work with the schools to ensure that ALL children are challenged.
  • Maximize understanding, communication, and involvement between families and teachers.
  • Support Bexley’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program as well as promote staff development on gifted issues.
  • Research and provide resources for enrichment, activities, and parent support.
  • Raise funds to support enrichment needs that are not funded by the school district due to budget restrictions.
  • Build a broad-based membership for ALL Bexley children and their parents.


Article III: Membership

Section 1: Membership shall be open to anyone interested in the education and general welfare of gifted children.


Section 2: There shall be the following classes of membership:

·   Active: An active member is one who supports all functions of the organization paying dues, attending meetings, voting, and serving on committees, etc.

·   Charter: A charter member is someone who is especially recognized for his part in initiating the organization. A charter member has the same responsibilities and privileges of an active member.

·   Honorary:  An honorary member is one who is recognized as having reached a level of expertise in the field of gifted children.  Honorary members shall be entitled to all privilege of active members, except voting and holding office.  They shall not be required to pay dues.  The Executive Board shall present the names of the prospective honorary members at a regular meeting.  (Honorary members may include teachers and administrators, for example.)



Article IV: Meetings


Section 1: There will a minimum of three general membership meetings during the school year. The meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month.


Section 2: The May meeting is designated as the Annual Meeting. At this meeting, new officers are elected.


Section 3: Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of five members on a week’s notice.


Section 4: At least five members, including the Executive Board, present at a general membership meeting, shall be designated as a quorum, and shall be entitled to take action on behalf of the organization. 

Article V: Officers

Section 1: The officers of this organization shall be one President, one Vice-President, one Information Officer, one Treasurer, and one GATE Liaison.


Section 2: The duties of the President shall be:

·   Preside at all meetings of the organization, the Executive Board, and the Executive Committee;

·   Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating and Audit committees;

·   Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the organization;

·   Appoint committee chairpersons with the approval of the majority of the officers;

·   Perform other duties applicable in the office as prescribed by these by-laws, the standing rules, and the parliamentary authority of the organization.


Section 3: The duties of the Vice-President shall be:

·   Act as an aide to the President;

·   Perform duties of the President in his or her absence or inability to serve;

·   Perform other duties applicable in the office as prescribed by these by-laws, the standing rules, and the parliamentary authority of the organization.


Section 4: The duties of the Information Officer shall be:

·   Attend all meetings of the organization and record the official minutes;

·   Distribute copies of the minutes to members of the Executive Board and other members upon request;

·   Keep a current copy of the membership list;

·   Keep a current copy of the by-laws and standing rules;

·   Perform other duties applicable in the office as prescribed by these by-laws, the standing rules, and the parliamentary authority of the organization.


Section 5: The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

·   Have custody of the funds and maintain a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements of the organization;

·   Make disbursements as authorized by the Bexley PAGE in accordance with the budget adopted yearly;

·   Have checks signed by one of the properly authorized signatories – signatories will be the Treasurer and another officer approved by the Executive Board;

·   Provide a financial statement at each meeting;

·   Submit the books as requested by officers for an audit by an auditor or an auditing committee of no fewer than three members, who shall sign and present a report of accuracy;

·   Perform other duties applicable in the office as prescribed by these by-laws, the standing rules, and the parliamentary authority of the organization.

Secton 6:  The duties of the GATE Liaison shall be to act as the main liaison with the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program of the Bexley City School Distict.

Article VI: Nominations and Elections

Section 1:  The Nominating Committee shall be composed of 3-5 active members.  The out-going President serves as the Chair.  The Chair shall recruit 2-4 active members to serve on the committee.  The Nominating Committee is responsible for compiling a slate of officers for the following two-year term.  Officer nominees will be contacted for nomination acceptance prior to presentation of the slate.


Section 2: The election of officers shall take place during the May general membership meeting.  The Nominating Committee will present for vote a slate of officers.  Nominations may also be received from the floor.


Section 3: A majority of votes cast by a quorum of active members and in attendance at that meeting shall be necessary for election. Voting by proxy or absentee ballot shall not be permitted.


Section 4: Officers shall assume their official duties at the end of the school year. Exception: the Treasurer will assume duties on July 1 and continue service through June 30, the end of the fiscal year.


Section 5: Officers shall serve for a term of two consecutive years.


Section 6: Any vacancy in office because of death, resignation, or inability to serve shall be filled by election at the next general meeting. Exception: Should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall immediately assume the office and the Vice-President position shall be filled by election at the next general meeting, consistent with the procedures established here-in.


Section 7: Officers may be removed from office with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of those present, assuming a general membership quorum. Any member of the Executive Board may motion the dismissal from office for reasons including, but not limited to, failure to attend 3 consecutive meetings, continued failure to fill responsibilities, being convicted of a crime, improper actions towards another member of the organization, etc. Notice of intent to remove a person from office must be given two days prior to the meeting.


Article VII: Executive Board

Section 1: The Executive Board shall be composed of the elected officers (President, Vice-President, Information Officer, Treasurer, and GATE Liaison) and the recent Past-President.  The recent Past-President shall serve in an advisory capacity only to the Board.


Section 2: The Executive Board shall manage the affairs, activities, and operation of the organization. The Executive Board shall:

·   Create standing rules and policies;

·   Create standing and temporary committees;

·   Prepare and submit a budget to the membership;

·   Prepare reports and recommendations to the membership;

·   Transact necessary business during the intervals between the meetings of the general membership.


Article VIII: Executive Committee

Section 1: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Executive Board and all standing Committee Chairs. The Executive Committee shall hold regular monthly meetings and a majority shall constitute a quorum.


Section 2: Executive Committee members must attend all Executive Committee and general membership meetings unless excused by the President. Attendance is vital to the organization.


Article IX: Committees


Section 1: Appointments. The President shall appoint the chairpersons of the standing Committees and special committees with the approval of the Executive Board.


Section 2: Committees. PAGE shall support gifted services in the Bexley City School District by forming Committees to accomplish the goals set forth in the Mission, Vision, and Goals of the organization. Each Committee Chair shall have one vote on the Executive Committee.  These Committees are:

·   Advocacy & Curriculum: to advocate for the long-term plan of the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program, to educate and provide information about the GATE curriculum and gifted programs in other communities, and to monitor state legislation and regulations.

·   Fundraising & Corporate Sponsorship: to recruit a broad parent membership base and to develop fundraising and corporate sponsorship that will assist in the financial support for resources and activities of the organization.

·   Public Relations & Communications: to foster communication between the organization, teachers, administration, and the Board of Education and provide information and networking vehicles for the organization.

·   Resources: to research and provide resources for enrichment, activities, and parent support.

·   Teacher Support & Liaison: to provide resources and assistance to the teachers, as requested.


Section 3:  Duties of Committee Chairs

·   The Chairs shall fulfill the duties as stated in the Committee descriptions.

·   The Chairs shall present an annual general plan of work to the Executive Committee for approval by October 1. Additional plans may be approved as they arise.

·   The Chairs shall submit an annual report in writing in duplicate at the Executive Committee meeting prior to the annual meeting. One copy is to be filed with the succeeding chair and the other copy to the President.

·   The Chairs shall assume official duties at the time of appointment and shall serve for a term of two consecutive years.

·   Any vacancy of a Chair because of death, resignation, or inability to serve shall be filled by appointment by the President with approval by the Executive Board, consistent with the procedures established here-in.



Article X: Finance and Dues


Section 1: The fiscal year of the organization shall commence on July 1 and end on the following June 30.


Section 2: The organization’s finances shall be audited once a year, or as deemed necessary, by a team of three people consisting of the President and two other members of the organization.


Section 3: The Executive Board will develop an annual budget. It will be presented to the membership at the general membership meeting at the November meeting of each year.


Section 4: Dues shall be determined by the Executive Board and presented at the September meeting of each year. Membership dues shall be paid by November 30.


Section 5: The dues shall entitle a member to the privileges of active membership.


Article XI: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern Bexley PAGE in all cases in which they are applicable and are not in conflict with the organization’s By-Laws.


Article XII: Amendments

Section 1: A Review Committee shall be appointed by the President to propose amendments to the Constitution or the By-Laws.


Section 2: The Constitution is designated in the Mission, Vision, and Goals of the organization. The Constitution may be amended at the Annual Meeting of the organization by a 2/3 vote of active members. One-month written notice of the proposed change must be given to all members prior to that meeting. 


Section 3:  The By-Laws may be amended at the Annual Meeting of the organization by a 2/3 vote of active members. One-month written notice of the proposed change must be given to all members prior to that meeting. 


Article XIII:  Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of Bexley PAGE, all remaining assets shall be distributed to the GATE program or other gifted services in the Bexley City School District.




Adopted December 1, 2004

Revised December 7, 2005