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...To Pam Ehli's page...and thoughts on life and beyond.
Oh, did you want a bio? Here is someone who wants to get real with you. I live, breathe, work in the middle of nowhere. So this may be universal but it's tinted upper-MidWest. I'm in my early thirties, & I think I'll stay there. Besides writing the stuff you're about to read, I'm an abstract/surrealistic artist, which isn't always easy in a climate where if its not a deer, duck, or barn, forget it! I aspire to have a link for my paintings soon.  I possess an average amount of worldly goods & emotional baggage, a home, a day job, a couple kids, & a morbid sense of humor. Am I typical or what? Well, Have fun. Hope you like it, & that it even inspires you to think about what you want out of life. Pass the word. And for God's sakes, think! 
Authors I like:
George R.R. Martin
I call it Ex's, Kids, God, Art, & Other Misc. Small Miracles...
      My Email:
Just click on the topic you want to read about to get a list of written words (poetry) on the subject. Keep in mind, my wonderful host changed my URL with no notification; I'm relinking as fast as possible. Be patient. If it's broken, come back in a couple days.
I could play you music like whispering water,
Paint you the stars in the sky,
Cook for you the food of paradise
& lead you into the most meaningful conversation of your life.
I am love itself and I hold it for you.
I am the meaning of life,
and so are you.
From "Is & Isn't"
Motto: Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger...
My favorite band in the world:
Days of the New
Last updated 02/02/04
Warning: If you're easily offended, do us both a favor and back out of here right now. I pull no punches.
Terry Goodkind
L.E.Modesitt, Jr.
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Some of my Favorite Links:
Search Engine: Microsoft (no kidding)
Interesting Stuff:
The Farm - Hippie Commune in TN lives on
First Run/Icarus Films - Documentaries galore
Humor:  Sometimes better than music for survival
Brave New Workshop - The best in Twin Cities sketch & improv
Doug's List of Links - Go here when you've time to spare, full of essays, interestingness, homepages, and links, links, links
The Brunching Shuttlecocks - Daily updated interactive humor. Discover your CYBORG acronym,  try the Alanis Morissette lyric generator, or watch your roommate sing Indigo Girls (badly), lol 
The Computer Stupidities Page - For anyone who's been even marginally in a tech support/customer service job. You will howl.
Poetry Pages - A forum I belong to as "ehli'schild"
The views expressed on this page are the sole opinions of the author. All material expect for links information is the intellectual property of the author. If I know you, sign the guestbook. Show your support. If I don't know you, sign anyway! I wanna know who you are, where you are, what you thought, & why...& thx in advance.
www.Writing.com - Another page I post on; stories, not poetry. I use a fake name here so don't try to find me!
hits since inception, 11-10-01
Director/Writer/Celeb: Kevin Smith
Big News!!  UPDATE!! Poetry Pages Book:

It's out, hot off the presses...Eighteen other poets and I have put together a book of our poetry. I have 15 pieces included. Though they are here too, it's very exciting to be a published author! Yea!!
Here's the link:
...And J.R.R. Tolkein of course, but so is everyone. You'll have to seek it out on you own.