Pam Clayton

April House







Tel/Fax: 01933 653339




The environment has become more polluted with toxic waste than ever before. It is in our tooth fillings and can cause anxiety, stress and depresion, which 60-80% of the people who visit their Doctors are suffering. The mercury from when we brush our teeth etc and swill our mouths out at the Dentist goes into our sewers polluting our water supply and rivers and contaminating the fish that we then eat. (Re:Amalgam Listserve).It also affects people from Crematorium’s when bodies are burnt.(Nene University College, Northampton)


A lot of us are gradually losing our ability to think straight anymore with confusion at the slightest bit of stress and short term memory loss which we blame on our age. (Some people at the age of 25) It is not us getting older but our tooth fillings, which started off shiny silver colour in our teeth corroding in the acid in our saliva, going black and leaking into our brains and other organs of our bodies. It has been doing this for 150 years but most Dentists were still extracting teeth in those days as either that was what they were used to or their Patients could not afford fillings and so most people were not getting Toxic Waste in their teeth until a later age. Therefore they fell ill with Alzheimer’s etc later in life. People are now having fillings put in at school age and so consequently fall ill now at an earlier age. Sometimes as young as 7 as they have mercury in their body from their Father on concievement and their Mother for the 9 months that she is pregnant. People are telling me that they cannot think straight when driving a car anymore as they have fuzzy unclear heads and short term memory loss and so could not avoid an accident.




The people that were sent in the mercury mines to work fell ill and most of them died within 3 years. Most of them went mad (hence the saying: MAD AS A HATTER in Alice and Wonderland as people used to work with it making Hats). They had depresion, confusion, and allergies, breathing difficulties (sometimes-skin rashes like some people get when wearing metal jewellery). Then eventually it attacks your Immune system and Central Nervous system causing any illness, according to which organ in your body it has damaged.

 First signs of mercury poisoning can be such things as Tiredness, depression, over reaction to things, moodswings, anger, violence, ulcers in mouth, throat problems, headaches, allergies, breathing difficulties, dizzy spells, rashes and sometimes blurred vision or slurred speech and perhaps now and then a leg giving way or pains in arms and legs. Tingling and numbness can sometimes start later on in the body and in the end your legs can collapse on you and you can become totally fatigued and some end up in wheelchairs. (I myself had all these symptoms and more). Also Addictions and thoughts of suicide can occur. Children normally get lack of concentration at school, Asthma, Allergies, fatigue and headaches but there are many symptoms.


                                                     GRADUAL BAN OF USE


Gradually mercury is being banned from use in thermometers and blood pressure devices. It has also been banned in fillings in children under 7 and Pregnant Mothers. (They didn’t mind banning this as it is cutting costs down for them as fillings at one time were given free during Pregnancy).

Sweden are banning mercury from use in the environment and have offered half payment for people affected to get the mercury out of their mouth. (Re: Alternative Health Worldwide) Japan is not teaching the use of it in Dental schools anymore (Re: Amalgam Listserve) and some other countries are starting to follow suit. For 14 years they have been trying to find a replacement, which is just as cheap to use, and the Swedish Mercury Helpline has just last week informed me that they are at this moment trying a new material out? Some Dentists themselves are falling ill from inhaling the mercury vapours as they work with it and Dental nurses should not work with it whilst Pregnant.


                                                           BRIEF HISTORY


The first Amalgam filling was introduced in England by Bell in 1819.Later it was used in France but some Physicians said that it could cause mercury poisoning in people. In 1845 there was a pledge in America not to use Amalgams as a filling material but some members refused to sign it. In 1880 Dr Talbot proved that Amalgams send off mercury vapours and it was proved by chemical tests that it destroyed vegetable and animal life. (Re: Ohio state journal of Dental Science in 1982) and honours went to Dr.Talbot for being the first Modern Scientist to document the dangers of Amalgam. (Ransom and Randolph were the Amalgam manufacturers and if they had believed Dr.Talbots work they would have had to stop production and lose a lot of money). 15 years later Dr.Black tried to make it into a safer material and in 1899 Dr. Tuthill listed recoveries from people having the mercury removed from their teeth. For years there has been what they call the Amalgam War as to whether it is safe or not. The materials were changed about trying to find out what quantity of metals was safe in the mouth but these scientists gradually died and so were not about to find out an answer. Up until 1983 the American Dental Association denied that mercury vapours were released from the fillings 1990 they realised that the fillings could be leaking. In the BDA Newsletter it now states that mercury can be released from fillings and affect certain people. (Since running my Helpline I have had aprox 3,500 very ill people contact me who have since been for tests and it has been their mercury amalgam fillings leaking. Some have also reported Fluoride poisoning).

The argument is that this TOXIC WASTE has been used in our fillings for 150 years and No Scientist wants to spend the next 50 years of their life trying to find the answer as by the time they find an answer they would be dead and get no thanks for it. I also understand that mercury is used in certain vaccines. Is there no way of getting free of this TOXIC WASTE? Asbestos was at one time classed as safe but caused many illnesses and deaths.




If you think this could be your problem don’t have your fillings removed until you’ve had a mercury reading, which shows high mercury leakage. (A normal blood or urine test will not show a true reading as the mercury is stuck in your tissues and not going through you). You need to go on a special diet so as your digestive system is working properly so as to let the mercury out whilst detoxifying your body. Then you need to visit a specialist Dentist in this field so as he can test which fillings have the Highest Electrical charge as these will need to be removed first and with no cross sectioning. These Dentists also use special safety devices so as no more mercury vapours will go into your body or up your sinuses to your brain. Most of these Dentists wear Gas Masks to protect themselves. Within 6 months a third of the mercury had gone from my body. It took me 3 years to remove it and I am still left with some metal in the left side of my brain, my sinuses and the right side of my lung and a lot of damage that may never put itself right. My Immune system was so weak at one time that I had become sensitive to the environment and so could not go to shops or visit people as I would pick up chemicals from their clothing etc. (some of these people fall ill because where they have had teeth extracted in the past it was not cleaned out properly and bacteria has formed and as each tooth is connected to the meridians of the body the organ that it is connected to would be affected from such bacteria or poisons). A new carpet would have me in bed for 3 weeks as it had pesticides in it. New Rubber car mats made me ill for a month with confusion, legs giving way etc until I realised and threw them out as rubber has cadmium in it. I have people as ill as this contact me all the time. They cannot have their heating on in their homes as the Gas and Electric affects them and they phone me up to talk to me and I can hear them shivering. In America some people are living in what they call Safe Houses and no cars etc are allowed there. They estimate that by the year 2010 60% of the population will be sensative to the environment if we do not do something about it now. (Report by Elle Magazine) Most people do not realise yet that it is the environment making them so ill. In 1989 the Queen advised Princess Di ! to have her Mercury Amalgam Fillings out for her Health. (Today Newspaper 1989 and Woman’s Realm 1990). In California Dentists were being informed to call an Amalgam filling what it really is so as people are aware that it is a mixture of metals, half of which is mercury. (Californian Newspaper. Associated Press.Dec 1999). Most people are not aware that it is mercury and other metals that they use in our tooth fillings and nickel behind a white crown and that the mixed metals act like a conductor to electricity. People are also not aware that if they have fatigue it is made worse by using electrical appliances. My fatigue was so bad that I used to collapse on the floor after driving my car as it was made up of metal and electric and the same thing happened with escalators. (Although I didn’t realise why this was happening at the time and when I came out of Departmental stores Mum and Dad used to have to hold me up)

Believe me it is hard work recovering from this illness and so why allow such a TOXIC WASTE to be put in our teeth in the first place?


                                                    SAYINGS AND REFERENCES


Mercury can turn every meal into an Immune challenge instead of the Nutritional Boost it is supposed to be. (Re: Hal Huggins and Thomas Levy. Uninformed concent).




We would all be more loving, peaceful and intelligent without metal in our brains.


Study of Alzheimer patients that have died mercury was 4 times higher than a normal person.


Our brains should function properly until the age of 120.






There has never been a study or trial to prove the safety of mercury amalgams. They are unproven and unsafe. There is no safe amount that the body can handle. Mercury is a Poison.


Unless you are among the very few people who have never had an Amalgam Dental filling you have got mercury in your body. The results can be devastating. (Re: Alternative Health Worldwide.)