We, motivated by the common goal of informing the world of the Chinese culture, decided on act upon our intentions through the means of making a website.  On this website, you will find comprehensive information on just about everything there needs to be known to be an expert.

Recent Updates:

The Ching Dynasty - The Ascension and The Decline - December 5
The Ching Dynasty - The Establishment - November 29
Periods of Unity and Division - by Andy November 28
Dynastic Timeline  - November 28
History (Section Divided into Parts) - November 28
History Overview - November 27
Periods of Unity and Division (to be continued) - November 27
The Disintegration of Qing Dynasty - by Luke S. a) Article Abstract b) Article Body c) Bibliography
Extraneous Topics Removed - Mid-November
Mozist Philosophy - by Yiyang, November 19>
Philosophy (Section Divided into Parts) - Mid-November
Language (Section Divided into Parts) - Mid-November
Richard Wilhelm's life and contributions - by Andy November 13
Mencius Philosophy - by Andy November 13
Sages and Hundred Schools of Thought excerpt from (www.taiwaninfo.org)
The Book of Changes Interpretation (Ongoing Project)
The Book of Changes
Confucius and His Thoughts
The Book of Changes Translation http://www.clas.ufl.edu/ - by R. Wilhelm, November 13
China: Dawn of a Golden Age, 200¡V750 AD - http://www.metmuseum.org/ , Noveember 3
The Analects - November 3 (http://eawc.evansville.edu/)
I Ching Foreword - by C. G. Jung, October 23 (www.iging.com)
Oriental Philosophy vs. Occidental Philosophy - by Andy, October 20
Introduction to the Basics of Chinese Poetry - by Andrew, September 28
The Book of Changes - September 14
From Boxer to the Cat  - by Ivan, September 12
The Three Kingdoms (to be continued...) - by Stanley, September 11