Julie Richman Abstract Artist All About Artist Julie Richman

Abstract Art Of Julie Richman


Most painters, whether realist or abstract, are concerned with formal decisions about composition, color and content.

Esthetic beauty and spiritual exploration are my specific goals.  
and the visual representation of inner consciousness is my aim.


I have been an artist for more than thirty years.
I am optimistic enough to
believe that my art has
the power to enrich
the lives of
those who view it

 I have lived most of my life
in the Midwest where
I and my husband, Phil Richman, who recently passed away, raised three daughters,
all of whom are married
and working in careers in the arts.
 If you would like to see
more of my work ,Click
visit my web design address

I have an MFA in painting
and graphic art from the University of Illinois.

my work is exhibited in
Europe and in the United States.

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