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Hello everyone my name is Samantha Stephens. Hehe, no I am not a witch. I am 31 years of age and I have three children. They are Brandon 5, Stephen 4 and Julie 3.

I live in the state of Alabama which is in the Southeastern part of the U.S.

I work in the Business Office of one of the local hospitals here in Birmingham. I enjoy my job which consists of researching all hospital accounts over 90 days. 

Being a mother of three takes up a lot of my time, but when I get a chance I enjoy working on my web page and cruising the net.

I have been online since October of 1997 and only recently became interested in working with web pages. I recently moved to Paris/Parc about two monthes ago from the Athens/Aegean neighborhood. While browsing through Geocities I became interested in the Community Leader program and signed up. I currently am a Paris/Parc Community leader. I really enjoy helping others and love to work with html so I am having lots of fun. If you need any help with your web page please feel free to email me

My web page is located at: http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Parc/2108

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