Suburb Site of the Month

Please note that the Suburb Site of the Month has been discontinued for the time being.

Upon their dutiful strolls through the neighbourhood, the community leaders do not only have their eyes open for scum, but also for beautiful, innovative, creative sites.

In giving this award, we want to express our appreciation for the work of our neighbours who make this neighbourhood such a beautiful place to live, indepentently from the strict rules overworked Geocities editors have set for featured pages.

Whenever a community leader comes across a site they think is great, it is nominated and later rated by all leaders on a scale of 1-10. The site that gets the best rates within its suburb is then featured on the Community Pages' index page for a whole month.

The criteria for the Suburb Site of the Month are completely subjective, so it is impossible to tell what a site must be like to be eligible. One thing, hovever, is for sure: It must stand out among the crowd!

There's no application process: Either you are "discovered" by chance, or you attract a CL's attention somehow.


This page was prepared by Yoshiwara

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