Would YOU like to be a Community Leader?


If you are sure that the satisfaction derived from helping others, whether they thank you or not, is enough reward to take on the amount of work the CL job means, please go to the application form linked below.

Before you can fill in the form you will be cautioned as to how much work the CL job means, and I won't repeat the warnings here - I'd like to stress the positive sides for once. You'll get to know people, excercise your social muscle, work with a great team, and get the chance of making the virtual world a better place.

Your application will be added to a voting list and voted on by all active CLs within two weeks. Your replies to the form questions as well as your page will be scrutinized during that time.

Team work and team spirit are important to us, so apart from your technical skills and your abilitiy to make homesteaders feel at home and cared for in Paris, we will try to find out whether we could get along with you well. But no need to be afraid, we don't bite! *LOL*

Are you still determined? Great. Please go on.


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