Pete's Notepad of

Interesting WWW Photography Links

"Interesting" is the key word here. Photography links are plentiful and easy to find. What I will list on this page are those which are particularly interesting. Ones which have special merit, broaden our thinking and appreciation of photography and its applications, or are otherwise unique.

Ciliated Protozoan

This is a great site for the science-minded person, with emphasis on microbiology and medicine. The site is not only well designed and pretty to surf, there are stunning images from techniques such as scanning electron microscopy and polarized microscopy. You will find animated GIFs, like the one at left, as well as downloadable videos and animations. The Feature of the Month (February 97) "How Lymphocytes Produce Antibody," which includes some great still images and motion images. Other topics included such subjects as:
  • HIV Infection - how the virus travels through a lymphocyte
  • Penicillin - how this antibiotic bursts bacteria
  • Helicobacter pylori - the bacteria that cause ulcers
  • Comparitive sizes of viruses, bacteria and human cells
  • Parasites - Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and Entamoeba


A Cute Pose!

Emmanuel Nicaise's homepage is dedicated to domestic photography. It is a work in progress, but his excellent application of HTML and interesting photography make this page well worth a visit and bookmarking. He tells us, "Why the title 'A Piece of Life?' Just because, for me, that's what I feel about pictures. A good picture must be a piece of time in someone's life that we capture on photographic paper."


The first Soviet nuclear powered aircraft carrier is imaged while still under construction--from 500 miles above the earth.

Is your curiosity peaked by the technology involved in taking high resolution pictures from satellites? "The Federation of American Scientists" has a great page which provides information on Public Imaging Intelligence. The site is rich in details of satellite imaging technology, among other forms of formerly classified image intelligence resources. The site is also packed with links to parallel and related sites.


I have always found galaxies incredibly mysterious and beautiful in their form and hue. This NASA site is a source of wonderful images from the Hubble telescope and other 'big eyes.' The thumbnail of the gaseous pillars in galaxy M16 is a great example of the simply breathtaking images coming from the Hubble Telescope. The NASA site provides public releases which explain their featured images.

Also on things galactic, there's a very interesting galaxy photography site of an amateur astronomer and photographer. I found the quality of the images from his ground-based telescopes very impressive and definitely worth a visit.


The site of the University of Arizona, Center for Creative Photography is worth surfing. The "Center" is a museum and research organization devoted to photography as an art form. Very notable is that Ansel Adams was instrumental in its foundation in 1975.


The field of medical photography is very broad and presents interesting challenges. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department Of Ophthalmology site provides an excellent example of the application of photography to opthalmology.

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This page last updated: August 24, 1999