[ Entrance | References | EBOLA | LEON | Poetry | The Worst ]


You want to vote, you can !!!

You think that, in the category
, the page number or with the name is truely the worst of all !!! On you're maybe right !!

Optionnal information :

  • Your commentary

  • Your first and last name :

  • Your e-mail :


    You've your stock of pages against which you want a revenge. So don't hesitate !!! Give us their names.
    After a visit from us, we will be happy to include them in our permanent competition.

    What we need : the address of the page

    Optionnal information :
  • Category :

  • Level of disgrace (0=tolerable, 99=help !!!)

  • Your commentary

  • Your first and last name :

  • Your email :

  • Thank you to help us in our dirty job of making an inventory of all of those pages which could not exist !!!!

    Explanations Selection


    This Web Page was made by Cédric Gérot and Patrick Mevzek.
    ( URL of this page = http://www.oocities.org/Paris/4206/feedback.htm )