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Is LEON violent ????

When will we finish to say about movies only this : 'this movie is violent' (or in the same idea, this movie is American, French, etc...) ??? I recommend those saying such things to open their windows, or to switch on their TV set (thing that I recommend only in particular conditions) : I think they'll see many 'violent' things.

Reality IS violent, it's a fact.
Read Nietzsche :
"Living is essentially to appropriate, to hurt, to captivate the stranger and the weak, to oppress him, to be hard, to impose on him our very forms, to incorporate him and at least to exploit him."
Nietzsche in Beyond good and evil

or, more contemporary, Bernard Lentéric :
"I deeply, sincerely, definitively think about the natural cruelty of human being. I think that sympathy, friendship, affection, love are only reactions of defense, which are making us desesperately searching for a support, a protection against ourself and against the other."
Bernard Lentéric in Night of king kids

As conclusion, a movie that want to be realistic MUST be violent.
That leads to a problem : what is violence ???
Variable in time and in space, violence is far from being easy to discern.
We can give it any definition, but it will always be too limited and especially far too much subjective.

As summary, if LEON is a violent movie, it is by the feelings it shows and it creates. So much so that the version which went out doesn't show all scenes (which i won't talk about, to leave the effect of surprise total), which scenes will be surely judged as even more violent or shocking, and which have been eliminated from the final cut after a sneak preview in the USA. But, fortunately, a long version went out the 26th june 1996. (only in France and Japan i think)
I think we'll have another plague of critics, but it doesn't care as long as it offers other people to feast on a so beautiful movie that it scares. (fear equally created by the perfection of the script of Usual Suspect - Oscar of Best Script - or the out-of-the-bound but so real aspect of 12 Monkeys)

If you're convinced and you want now to discover a little more of this fantastic film, you can !!!!


This Web page was made by Cédric Gérot and Patrick Mevzek
( URL of this page = http://www.oocities.org/Paris/4206/leon/english/letter.htm )