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Porcavacca's Guests

Name: Topoldo Hard
Comments: Sborro!
Name: Morfeus
Homepage: Morfeus Home Page
Comments: Your brain is full of grease,Mexican!!!
'Tony Liberatore
Name: Manghino
Homepage: Universal Church of Scrocco
Comments: Smetti, smetti...........
Name: Francky La Mouche
Comments: CRAZYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !
I LOve That !!!
Francky Was Here... Continue with the good job Kids....
Just pass on me... You'll like it...
Name: Gerry
Homepage: Versus
Comments: Well... I spend my time passively working, Porcavacca (tm) has changed my life: i feel smarter, more aggressive, i feel like I could.... like I could ... TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!
Name: bOSIo
Homepage: Apazziè
Comments: a huge GREAT for you an'an enormous 9 for the guy above who calls himself Manghino
Name: ....boh
Name: Simone Zinanni
Comments: It is a beautiful site!
Name: VforVendetta
Comments: Questo dimostra che Al Fumetto non ci sono solo CRETINI ma anche CEREBROLESI!!!
continua cosi!!!!!!!
sei grandeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Name: IacovskI
Homepage: IacovskI Egomaniac Homepage
Comments: ecchedovreimaidire ? UHHHH...va bene cosė ?
Name: Antani
Comments: supercazzolacomefosseANTANIcondoppioscappellamentotapiocodecalibratoamandolinoprebasculanteplurimannaggialostico
(compliment for prcd.html ...enjoy doGod brigate soon on the web)
Name: Comitato censura internet
Comments: Ah ah... siete fregati, belli! Sono del comitato censura internet!
.....VI SBATTO TUTTI IN GALERA!!!!!! Ahr ahr ahr ahr ahr!!!!!
Name: Cozzi Gino
Comments: Le stronzate che ho trovato qua non le ho mai trovate altrove, continuate cosė e mettete più foto estreme, tipo la culona nella Naked Woman Page!
COZZI GINO!    See ya
Name: Paolo Argenton
Comments: Mia moglie mi ha lasciato
E sono scornacchiato

E per di piu'
Qualcun altro se la sbatte orsu'
Name: Dono
Comments: Ragazzi, sentiti ringraziamenti per le varianti dell'ormai esausto "porcoddio"
Name: giggino
Comments: GRANDIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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