It's finally here!!! Now you can ask me anything you want about love right here with my new form! I am really happy that I finally learned how to do this. I know we are all lazy to email, I know I am. Well, now I made it easy for you, now you don't have to email me with your problems, you can ask me right here, right now!
So don't be affraid, ask me anything and I'll email you in a flash!

I've had people with serious problems and I can't help them because I don't have their email address. If you don't provide your email address, then I can't send you my advice. So please be sure to provide it in the space indicated below.

Please tell me your name:

What is your email address
(so I can answer you):

Do you have a web page?:
(include http://)

How old are you?

Under 18
Between 19 and 24
Between 25 and 34
Between 35 and 44
More than 45

Write anything you want me to help you with. Don't be shy, remember it could be about love, sex, relationships, anything you want.