
Some inutiles sentences...

3th edition

  1. "A camel is a horse planned by commitee."

  2. "A man must learn to gently dominate."

  3. "4 of 5 Sysop prefer donuts; one prefers women... but she's strange..."

  4. "Buy the new Mickeysoft program: DisneyWorld for Windows!"

  5. "Birth is the begining of death."

  6. "If an experiment works, you must be using wrong equipment."

  7. "A little ignorance can go a long way."

  8. "I wish life had a scroll-back buffer"

  9. "Smith & Wesson: the original point-and-click interface."

  10. "When talking nonsense try not to be serious."

  11. "After all is said and done, a lot more has been said than done."

  12. "Make love, not war; be prepared for both."

  13. "Elvis isn't dead, he's just shelled to DOS."

  14. "Everyone has his day, and some days last longer than others."

  15. "When your computer has a virus, DON'T use chicken soup!."

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